Negrete C. Silver
PROJ – 586
WBS – Outline
1. Benvenue Road Water Improvements Project 1. Permits 1. Send water permits to the State’s (NC) Water Division for approval for permitting to construct new water lines within the City 2. Have to obtain permits from the North Carolina Department (NCDOT) of Transportation to construct water lines because most water lines are constructed in the right of way area of the property boundaries from the highway to the property owner’s yards 3. Send easements, encroachment agreements or right of way acquisitions to property owners for the right to use or obtain ownership certain areas of the property due to construction 1. To be sent (Reges Property Owner, State Employees Credit Union) 2. The project manager meets with property owners to explain what the project consists of and to negotiate a cost for exchange for the property to be obtained or owned by the City – (appraisers propose a costs for initial start of negotiations)
2. Advertisement of Bids 1. Document Books for the Project Manual, Bid Manual and Plans are Prepared by Owner, Project Manager and Purchasing Department 2. Bids Advertised for Bidding 3. Contractors Obtain Bids (specification books and plans) for $100 nonrefundable fee to place bids 4. Bids are due by 2:00 two weeks from initial advertisement for bid 5. Pre-Bid Meeting held for Engineers, the Owner and all contractors to answer any questions or go over plans for construction details 6. Bids are received and reviewed for all State requirements for placing bids within the State and City of Rocky Mount
3. Bid & Award of Contract 1. After receiving law abiding documentation from lowest bidding contractor - the project is awarded and a notice to proceed with start date is put into place (pending all funding