Premium Essay

Missed Appointments


Submitted By cal2495
Words 340
Pages 2
t is extremely important to be at your appointed place of duty in the United States Army. Article 86 Of The Uniform Code Of Military Justice states that any member of the armed forces who, without authority fails to go to his/her appointed place of duty at the time prescribed, to leave one's place of duty, or to be absent from one's unit without authority will be punishable. In the army the importance of accountability is very important. Accountability is defined by Webster's dictionary as the quality or state of being accountable; an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions. Being at the right place at the right time for any member of the military is essential to the defense of this country. Showing up and being on time is and will always be a vital aspect of the United States Army. Failure to not show up or be on time can diminish the efficiency of which a task is completed. Being at your appointed place of duty on time is important because your leadership is held accountable for you and your absence. It is important for me to be where I am suppose to because it not only shows that I'm dependable but it allows my leader to keep track of his soldiers. Promptness shows that a solider is dependable.
I am writing this essay because I managed to miss a physical therapy scheduled appointment. Making an appointment is the same as guaranteeing you will be somewhere at the agreed time. It seemed rather minor until I did some research. What I found out was that he recent rate of no-show appointments in military treatment facilities (MTFs) are at an average of 5.78 percent, and they have reached as high as 9.01 percent. When a patient misses an appointment without canceling, that patient also keeps another patient from using that appointment slot. No shows affect soldiers readiness. Medical appointments allows providers to

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