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Submitted By kayla0529
Words 259
Pages 2
ATSS-DCD 21 November 2012

MEMORANDUM FOR All section members

SUBJECT: Preparing for the Promotion Board

1. This memorandum will provide you with information that will help you better prepare for the local promotion board.

2. Soldiers attending this promotion board will be evaluated on nine subjects: a. personnel appearance b. military bearing c. self-confidence d. oral expression e. conversational skills f. knowledge of world affairs g. awareness of military programs h. knowledge of basic soldiering I. attitude

3. Three actions that will better prepare all soldiers attending the promotion board are:

a. STUDYING. Get a copy of the memorandum that tells when the board is, who the board members are, and what subjects will be asked. Study the questions and answers in the study guide in these nine subjects, but also be prepared to answer other questions. Read the newspaper, watch the news, and be prepared to express your opinions on any local, national, and world events. Know your chain of command and unit history.

b. PREPARING YOUR UNIFORM. Reference AR 670-1 for wear and appearance of the uniform. Before board takes place turn your uniform in for alteration’s and cleaning. I will check the proper fit of the uniform of every soldier appearing before the board.

c. REHEARSING. Practice reporting to the president of the board and practice answering questions to build self-esteem. Do not lose your military bearing if you do not know the answer to a question. Tell the board members why you feel you should be promoted.


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