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Modern Day Lynching In America

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What is lynching? Lynching is the act of killing an individual, mostly by hanging, by a group of persons. During slavery in America, lynching was a common practice for White Americans and slave owners. Lynching continued in the segregation period in the United States of America as well. The arousal of the tragedies caught much attention and action. Abel Meeropol, a song-writer and poet, wrote a protestant poem named “Strange Fruit”. The poem “Strange Fruit” was later sung and recorded by famous African American singer Billie Holiday. The song/poem refers to lynching when it states “black bodies swingin’ in the southern breeze, strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees…”. The black bodies represent African American victims being lynched. The poet refers to “southern breeze” particularly because there was a massive amount of lynching in the southern region of the United States than the northern region.
Moreover, the results of the lynching’s were events like Red Summer of 1919 and the migrations to the North, West and Midwest. Many African-Americans avoided the …show more content…
Initially, White American mobs and gangs exercised lynching, like the Ku Klux Klan. However, modern-day lynching is transformed into lynching by authority figures, like policemen. There are police killing many unarmed African-Americans. This form has caught such attentional as well. Famous rapper, Kanye West created a spinoff to Billie Holiday’s version of Strange Fruit. West expresses lynching in a different way by discussing his past relationship and connecting it to lynching. Many metaphors were used to represent his failed relationship with lynching. For example, in West’s “blood on the leaves” it says “we could’ve been somebody, thought you’d be different about it, now I know you not it , so let’s get on with it.”. In this line, two situations are being addressed: Kanye’s past relationship and modern day

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