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Module 1 Progress Test


Submitted By Amylkalys
Words 384
Pages 2
Module 1 Progress Test[->0]

Module 1 Progress Test[->1]

Allied American University

Author Note This paper was prepared for English 160: English Composition I, Module 1 Progress Test[->2] taught by Kristina Leonard.

Essay Writing: Part 1
Each word group in the student paragraph below is numbered. In the space provided, write C if a word group is a complete sentence; write F if it is a fragment. You will find ten fragments in the paragraph.

Calling In Sick

1It takes skill to call in sick to work with a phony excuse. 2And not sound like a faker. 3First of all, you must be sure to speak directly to your boss. 4Not to a co-worker or secretary. 5If you talk to a person who doesn’t like you. 6The individual may “forget” to give the boss the message. 7Making you look totally irresponsible. 8Or the person may tell the boss, in a sarcastic tone, “Terry is sick again.” 9Transmitting the message that you are definitely faking. 10Second, being careful not to ruin your excuse by overacting or exaggerating. 11For example, coughing on the phone like a tuberculosis victim or sneezing after every word. 12Also, don’t tell the boss that you have a complicated disease. 13Such as bronchitis combined with pneumonia. 14A simple excuse sounds more truthful, so stick with the flu or a stomach virus. 15The most important technique involved in calling in sick is making sure you don’t get caught. 16You must, for instance, be willing to stay home all day. 17So that a co-worker can’t say, “I tried to reach him, but he doesn’t answer.” 18And never return to work after sick leave with a suntan or a leg you broke while skiing. 19If you follow these tips when you call in sick. 20No one can accuse you of “faking it.”

1.F 6. C 11. C 16. C
2.F 7. F 12. C 17. F
3.C 8. C 13. F 18. C
4.F 9. F 14. C 19. F
5.F 10.C| 15. C 20. F

[->0] -
[->1] -
[->2] -

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