We all want to be remembered and believe that we have contributed something to the world or those who we love most. When you ask individuals how they define the word legacy the answers vary. For some the word legacy conveys important personal stories, values, principles and beliefs. For others, legacy means leaving valuables, or wealth. And for others legacy means influences that impacts and endows causes. How one may decided to leave a legacy for others to know what was important to them to remember, honor or appreciate about one’s life is truly up to each individual. For Momma in the short story "Everyday Use", her legacy came in the form of an heirloom, quilts that were left behind by her mother. When you leave behind your most prized possession…show more content… It must be passed to the child that would value it and continue to tell the story of the family from generation to generation. It seems as though Mamma was faced with this same challenge. Which daughter would hold the legacy in her heart care for it and pass it down. Which daughter valued her name and her legacy.
The significance of the title “Everyday Use” possibly comes from the sisters’ differing intended use for the quilts. The quilts are most valuable to Mama and Maggie, not as something valuable to sell, but as useful household items that reminded them of their history. Mama risks Maggie possibly destroying the quilts, in exchange for the peace of mind that comes from knowing that they have been passed on to the right daughter. While Maggie is supposedly mentally inferior to her sister,she has a skill that Dee does not she can quilt. While Maggie may subject the quilts to the wear and tear of everyday use, she can replace them and contribute a scrap of family history to the next generation. Dee wants the quilts but she shows no true understanding of their worth as a family heirloom. Dee has no real understanding of or respect for her mother’s ancestors, and it's