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Money Market


Submitted By smilevis
Words 1557
Pages 7
Money Market Report





Role as Price Maker For Consumers For Bank to Bank (Corporate) Products and Services Operational Costs Source of Funds



Money market is like a place for large institutions and government to manage their short-term cash needs. However, individual investors have access to the market through a variety of different securities.

Money market securities are essentially IOUs issued by governments, financial institutions and large corporations. These instruments are very liquid and considered extraordinarily safe. Because they are extremely conservative, money market securities offer significantly lower returns than most other securities. Eg. Treasury Bills.


SIBOR stands for Singapore Interbank Offered Rate and is a daily reference rate based on the interest rates at which banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks in the Singapore money market (interbank market).

The chart below shows 3 month SIBOR for the past 3 years. [pic]

(6 Month and 12 month SIBOR chart can be found in appendix page)

3 month SIBOR is a common benchmark rate used by the banks to adjust their deposit rates. By monitoring it, you can get an indication of where banks are headed next with their fixed deposit and savings account rates.

As shown, overall interest rate (SIBOR) has been declining since the year 2006.

When SIBOR goes down, consumers will benefit from a loan offering a rate pegged to SIBOR as they will be paying a lower interest rate. But if it heads up, their mortgage installments go up.

Reasons for the spiraling down of SIBOR include flushed liquidity, which keep the rates low, the effect of Singapore currency appreciating, mild inflation level and flat yield percentage.

Firstly, as the demand for Singapore

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