Student Information edit title
Student Strengths
Morgan is a 15-year-old ninth grader with mild intellectual disabilities. She is happy, cooperative, and affectionate. Morgan enjoys volunteer work at the local food pantry and stocking shelves. She works independently on task to completion with great accuracy. Morgan is currently able to write simple sentences and paragraphs on a given topic with moderate assistance. She is able to complete journaling activities that describe her day with minimal assistance or prompts. Morgan has mastered telling time within five minute intervals and reading a calendar. Morgan has mastered home-living activities such as laundry and simple mean preparation in the Life Skills Lap at school.
Student Interests
Morgan states she would enjoy working in a grocery store or restaurant after high school. Teachers and family members have noted that she exhibits superior skills for her grade level in the kitchen and grocery store. In the kitchen and grocery store, Morgan displays great independence, requiring little prompting or direction to complete her task.
Morgan states she would enjoy living in an apartment with a roommate after high school. When asked what she wanted to be doing when she is 25, Morgan states she would like to attend a cooking school and work in a restaurant as a cook. She states working in a grocery store while she is in school would be good to pay the bills until she finished cooking school. Assessments Enderle-Severson Transition Rating Scales Morgan and her parents will complete the Enderle-Severson Transition Rating Scales (ESTR-J); designed for mild disabilities of any age. The rating scales can be completed jointly or separately; however, Morgan will complete the rating scales at school with minimal assistance since her parents have not been supportive of her completing tasks at home and