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Most Influential Person

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Everyone has at least one person who has made a difference in their lives.Sometimes in life, we meet people that could change our lives around. For some people, it may be a family member, a teacher, a pastor or a friend. There are many people in my life who have had an influence on me rather it was good or bad. I must say that the most influential person in my life was a complete stranger.
Life is full of positive and negative things. Sometimes I would wake up feelings like nothing in my life was going right. I've felt this way since I was about 15 years old. At that age, I packed my things and attempted to run away from home. Along with feeling somewhat neglected by my mother. My life was full of negative things. I dropped out of school at …show more content…
For some people, it may be a family member, a teacher, a pastor or a friend. There are many people in my life who have had an influence on me rather it was good or bad. I must say that the most influential person in my life was a complete …show more content…
Sometimes I would wake up feelings like nothing in my life was going right. I've felt this way since I was about 15 years old. At that age, I packed my things and attempted to run away from home. Along with feeling somewhat neglected by my mother. My life was full of negative things. I dropped out of school at the age of 18. Started hanging out with the wrong crowds, drinking, smoking and having sex. By the time, I was 19 I was having my first child. That year went by fast and before I knew it I was about 7-8 months pregnant with my second child by the time my first had turned a year old.
In August 2013 while in labor with my 5th child I met a nurse ( April) . The first thing I said to myself after my encounter with this nurse was " She's just doing her job, it's not like she really cares". Turns out this exact nurse ended up naming my daughter because I hadn't come up with anything and was desperate for any suggestions. " Faith" was the name that she gave me. I thought about all thatI have been through since the birth of my first child, my struggles, single parenting, being homeless, my suicide attempt, and I began to cry. With all that I have been through, I never lost

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