...Why has Dell been able to outperform its competition consistently over the past decade? Strategy, certainly. Operational discipline, without a doubt. Talented people, of course.But when asked in an interview with Harvard Business Review what best explains the company’sspectacular success over the years, Dell founder Michael Dell and CEO Kevin Rollins focused on something else.“While Dell does have a superior business model,” said Rollins, “the key to our success is years and years of DNA development that is not replicable outside the company.” Added Michael Dell, “Culture plays a huge role.” They’re hardly alone in their belief that culture is at the heart of competitive advantage, particularly when it comes to sustaining high performance. Bain & Company research found that nearly 70% of business leaders agree: Culture provides the greatest source of competitive advantage. In fact, more than 80% believe an organization that lacks a high-performance culture is doomed to mediocrity. At a time when enterprises can stretch around the globe, culture is the glue that holds a complex organization together. It inspires loyalty in employees and makes them want to be a part of a team. It motivates people to do the right thing, not just the easy thing. At companies with winning cultures, people not only know what they should do, they know why they should do it. Yet, while business leaders recognize culture’s crucial role, research also indicates that fewer than 10% of companies succeed...
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...___________________________________________________________________________ Interviewer: Saikat Roy Roll No: 1401117 Interviewee: S Company: Garden Reach Shipbuilders &Engineers (Ministry of Defence) Work Designation: Project Manager Years of Experience: >=25 years ___________________________________________________________________________ Interviewer: Good Evening, Sir. Interviewee: Yes. Interviewer: Can you give us a brief background about yourself; where you have worked; the work culture at that place and the designation which you hold? Interviewee: I am a project manager in Central Design Unit of Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers. I am the project manager of a naval base project and I have been assigned a group of 3 engineers and 6 supervisors. When a new project comes, we sit together with our boss and the subordinates; discuss various aspects of the project, try to incorporate every one’s opinion and try to make the project a success. Interviewer: Can you elicit one occasion where you felt the trust in the relationship which you had with your peers or subordinates was developed over time. How did it happen? Interviewee: As I have told you, we are always trying to develop a cordial relationship by sitting together discussing various aspects of the project, taking the views of subordinates and boss, then my boss and I sit together and chalk out the program and then as a project manager I assign the job to everyone. Normally I work hard and I...
Words: 2024 - Pages: 9