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Pages 15
Harvard Referencing Guide

This guide is divided into four sections that represent four different types of publications:
1. Periodicals: Journal and newspaper articles: pp. 2-3
2. Electronic publications: pp. 3-6
3. Books: pp. 6-7
4. Miscellaneous publications and materials: pp. 7-8
Within each section, we have organised the information into three columns:

Column 1 lists the different types of source materials that you will need to reference when you are doing an assignment. •

Column 2 shows you how to do ‘in-text referencing’ or ‘in-text citation’ – this is where you refer to your sources of information WITHIN your assignment when you paraphrase, summarise or quote.

Column 3 shows you how to cite each type of reference in the ‘Reference List’ at the END of your assignment. This list of references provides your reader with all the information about each source you have referred to in your assignment, so they can find each source you have referred to if they wish.

Here are some useful terms with which you need to be familiar:
A paraphrase means saying something in another way without changing its meaning, for example, using your own words to express the ideas of an author. A paraphrase may/may not be shorter than the original.
A summary is similar to a paraphrase except it is shorter than the original. Summarising involves
‘compressing’ large amounts of information into a few sentences. So it involves picking out the main ideas, leaving out the details, and putting the main ideas into your own words.
A quotation involves reproducing the EXACT words from a source. Quotations must be carefully selected and copied from the original source material, and should be sparingly used to support your arguments or the key points you wish to make. If you wish to use a short quotation, you must put single quotation marks (‘ ’) around the words of the original author and integrate the quotation into your sentence. For long quotations, that is, quotations which are over 30 words, you must indent them from the left margin (do not use single quotation marks). Use double quotation marks (“ ") only when citing a quotation within a quotation. NB Make sure you include the author’s surname and year of publication every time you paraphrase, summarise or quote. When using a quotation, you must also include the page number(s) from which the quotation was taken.
On the following page you will find a sample paraphrase, a sample of a short and long quotation, and a sample summary. Each sample includes BOTH correct in-text referencing and Reference List entry. To help you successfully reference in each assignment, we have provided you with a simple checklist on the last page of this
Harvard Referencing Guide. Please consult it before you submit each assignment.

This guide was compiled by Maree Stenglin, Maxim Soyref and Richard Swain, Learning and Teaching in
Learning and Teaching in Business
(Revised 07.03.2011)

Page 1

Harvard Referencing Guide
A. Sample paraphrase and Reference List
The Allen Consulting Group (2006) presented a convincing argument that skills matter to employers.
Reference List
Allen Consulting Group. 2006, World class skills for world class industries: employers’ perspectives on skilling in Australia, Sydney.
B. Sample short quotation and Reference List
Many questions have been raised about issues concerning ‘skills and skill development’ (Fenwick and
Hall 2006, p.571).
Reference List
Fenwick, T. and Hall, R. 2006, 'Skills in the knowledge economy: changing meanings in changing conditions', Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 575-592.
C. Sample long quotation and Reference List
There has been some debate within the academic community in recent decades about how to best define the term globalisation. Given how contested this term has become, the following definition of globalisation will be used in this assignment:
Globalisation involves the creation of linkages or interconnections between nations. It is usually understood as a process in which barriers (physical, political, economic, cultural) separating different regions of the world as reduced or removed, thereby stimulating exchanges in goods, services, money, and people (Hamilton & Webster 2009, p.5).
Reference List
Hamilton, L. and Webster, P. 2009, The international businesses environment, Oxford University Press,
D. Sample reading summary and Reference List
Lane (2008) does not agree with the critics of state-led capitalism in Russia. Instead he thinks that the
Putin model, while not perfect, is a realistic way to develop Russia’s resources for the following three reasons. First, it is based on the strong and accepted influence of the state in the private sector. Second, he believes that this form of state-led capitalism is a great improvement on the ‘chaotic’ capitalism that characterised the early period of transition. Finally, he concludes that there will not be any great renationalisation of industry.
Reference List
Lane, D. 2008, ‘From chaotic to state-led capitalism’, New Political Economy, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 177-184.
This sample reading summary has been adapted from a longer text written by James Mugambi in 2009.

Learning and Teaching in Business

Page 2

Harvard Referencing Guide


Type of Source

In-text reference

Reference List entry

Journal article with a single author According to Carlin (2007) .

Surname, Initial(s). Year, 'Title of article', Title of Journal, volume number, issue number, page numbers.
Carlin, T. 2007, 'Some reflections on research', Compliance &
Regulatory Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 9-13.

More than one journal article by the same author(s) in the same year

The analytical work done by
Marshak and Grant (2008a;
2008b) has shown that organisational discourse is . .

Surname, Initial(s). Year[letter], 'Title of article', Title of
Journal, volume number, issue number, page numbers.
Marshak, R. J. and Grant, D. 2008a, 'Organizational discourse and new organization development practices',
British Journal of Management, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 7-19.
Marshak, R. J. and Grant, D. 2008b, 'Transforming talk: the interplay of discourse, power, and change', Organization
Development Journal, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 33-40.

Journal article with two or three authors Journal article with more than three authors

Many questions have been raised about issues concerning ‘skills and skill development’ (Fenwick and
Hall 2006, p.571).

Authors. Year, 'Title of article', Title of Journal, volume number, issue number, page numbers.

According to Pocock et al.
(2008) Work Choices are . . .

Authors. Year, 'Title of article', Title of Journal, volume number, issue number, page numbers.

Fenwick, T. and Hall, R. 2006, 'Skills in the knowledge economy: changing meanings in changing conditions',
Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 575-592.

Pocock, B., Elton, J., Preston, A., Charlesworth, S.,
MacDonald, F., Baird, M., Cooper, R. and Ellem, B. 2008,
'The impact of “Work Choices” on women in low paid employment in Australia: a qualitative analysis', Journal of
Industrial Relations, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 477-88.

Journal article with no author

Newspaper article Newspaper

The problems facing baby boomers have been carefully investigated (‘Cancer generation: baby boomers facing a perfect storm’

‘Title of article’, Year, Title of Journal, volume number, issue number, page numbers.

Different methods of retaining nurses have been challenged by Brown (1987)

Author(s). Year, ‘Title of article’, Title of Newspaper, Day
Month, page no(s).

The problem has been

‘Title of article’, Year, Title of Newspaper, Day Month, page

Learning and Teaching in Business

‘Cancer generation: baby boomers facing a perfect storm’,
2009, Oncology Nursing, vol. 36, p. 596.

Brown, D. 1987, ‘Hospitals try tea, raises, status to refill thinning ranks of nurses’, Los Angeles Times, 6 August, p.1.

Page 3

Harvard Referencing Guide article, no author

highlighted in the Sydney
Morning Herald (11 January,

‘One dead in multiple beach rescue’, 2011, Sydney Morning
Herald, 11 January, p.10.


Type of Source

In-text reference

Reference List entry

Electronic Book

Jarsulic (2010) suggests that… Author(s). Year, Title of book, (edition number if applicable),
Publisher, Place, viewed Day Month Year,
Jarsulic, M. 2010, Anatomy of a financial crisis: a real estate bubble, runaway credit markets and regulatory failure,
Palgrave Macmillan, New York, viewed 11 January 2011,

Chapter in an edited electronic

Kepes and Delery (2007) have outlined ...

Author(s). Year, ‘Title of chapter’ in Editor(s) (ed./eds)*, Year,
Title of book, (edition number if applicable), Publisher, Place, viewed Day Month Year,
*ed. for one editor; eds. for multiple editors
Kepes, S. and Delery, J. 2007, ‘HRM systems and the problem of the internal fit’ in P. Boxall, J. Purcell, and P.
Wright (eds.), The Oxford handbook of human resource management, Oxford University Press, Oxford, viewed 24
February 2008,

Journal article from an electronic

Journal article from an electronic database A new method of pricing specific options has been recently developed (Buchen and Konstandatos 2009) and it …

Author(s). Year, ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal, volume number, issue number, page numbers, viewed Day Month

The question of what will happen to banks is introduced by Bossone

Author(s). Year, ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal, volume number, issue number, page numbers, viewed Day Month
Year, Database Name.

Buchen, P. and Konstandatos, O. 2009, ‘A new approach to pricing double-barrier options with arbitrary payoffs and exponential boundaries’, Applied Mathematical Finance, vol.16, no. 6, pp. 497-515, viewed 17 January 2011,

Bossone, B. 2001, ‘Do banks have a future? A study on banking and finance as we move into the third millennium’,

Learning and Teaching in Business

Page 4

Harvard Referencing Guide
Journal of Banking & Finance, vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 2239-2276, viewed 16 January 2005, ScienceDirect.
article viewed on the WWW

Martin (2011) asserts that …

Author(s). Year, ‘Title of Article’, Title of Newspaper, Day
Month, page no(s) (if applicable), viewed Day Month Year,

Martin, P. 2011, ‘Fraud is a cinch – just ask your bank’,
Sydney Morning Herald, 11 January, viewed 11 January

Newspaper article viewed from an electronic database The problems faced by Wall
Street in the past have been denied by Kindleberger
(1999) who maintains that ...

Author(s). Year, ‘Title of Article’, Title of Newspaper, Day
Month, page no(s) (if applicable), viewed Day Month Year, name of database provider, item number (if applicable).
Kindleberger, C. 1999, ‘Fools and their money – what’s left of it’, Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition), 19 August, viewed
28 September 2004, ProQuest, ISSN 00999660.

Web document

Cagliarini and McKibbin
(2009) discuss …

Author(s). Year, Title of document, Name of Organisation,
Place of Organisation, viewed Day Month Year,
Cagliarini, A. and McKibbin, W. 2009, Global relative price shocks: the role of macroeconomic policies, Reserve Bank of
Australia, Sydney, viewed 24 October 2010,

Web document with no author

Web document with no publication date

The level of fiscal stimulus is summarised in the
Department of Treasury
Annual Report 2009-2010

Title of document, Year, Name of Organisation, Place of
Organisation, viewed Day Month Year,

The effect of price shocks is questioned by Cagliarini and
McKibbin (n.d.) …

Author(s). n.d., Title of document, Name of Organisation,
Place of Organisation, viewed Day Month Year,

Department of Treasury Annual Report 2009-2010, 2010,
Department of Treasury, Canberra, viewed 28 October 2010,

Cagliarini, A. and McKibbin, W. n.d., Global relative price shocks: the role of macroeconomic policies, Reserve Bank of
Australia, Sydney, viewed 24 October 2010,

Web site

The Reserve Bank of
Australia website (2007) contains information on …

Author(s), Year [of last update] (if available), Title of web site,
Name of Organisation (if applicable), Place of Organisation, viewed Day Month Year,
Reserve Bank of Australia, 2007, Reserve Bank of Australia,
Sydney, viewed 23 March 2007,

Images accessed from a Web

Past productivity cycles are clearly shown in Productivity

Learning and Teaching in Business

Author(s), Year [of last update], Title of Image, Name of
Organisation, Place of Organisation, viewed Day Month Year,
Page 5

Harvard Referencing Guide site/document Growth Cycles (2009) …

Department of Treasury, 2009, Productivity Growth Cycles,
Department of Treasury, Canberra, viewed 2 August 2010,

Electronic Thesis

Online Lecture

The role of distance in retail gasoline market competition is analysed by Brewer (2007) who concludes that …

Author. Year, ‘Title of thesis’, Type of Thesis, Department,
University, viewed Day Month Year,

As explained by Piggott
(2011) business refers to …

Author(s) Year, Title of lecture (Unit Code), at Teaching
Organisation, Place of Publication, Date, viewed Day Month

Brewer, J. 2007, ‘Competition in the retail gasoline industry’,
PhD Thesis, Department of Economics, University of Arizona, viewed 29 October 2008,

Piggott, L. 2011, Introduction to Business (ECOF1003), at
The University of Sydney, Sydney, 10 March, viewed 14
March 2011,
Online Course

Fisher (2004) demonstrates the important role that self reflection plays in the development of critical thinking. Author(s). Year, ‘Title of reading’ in Editor(s) (ed.), Title of
Course (Unit Code), Teaching Organisation, Place of
Publication, viewed Day Month Year,
Fisher, K. 2004, ‘Critical self-reflection: what is it and how do you do it?’ in L. Piggott (ed.), ECOF1004 Reader, University of Sydney, Sydney, viewed 14 January 2011,

Web blogs

In his blog, Quiggin (2011) criticises… Author. Year of Posting, Title of site, web blog, viewed Day
Month Year,
Quiggin, J. 2011, John Quiggin: commentary on Australian & world events from a social-democratic perspective, web blog, viewed 14 January 2011, <>

Web blog posts

Following the crisis, Quiggin
(2011) speculated that …

Author. Year of Posting, ‘Title of post’, Title of site, web blog post, Day Month, viewed Day Month Year,
Quiggin, J. 2011, ‘Total core meltdown’, John Quiggin: commentary on Australian & world events from a socialdemocratic perspective, web blog, 20 December, viewed 31
December 2011


Parched: The Politics of

Learning and Teaching in Business

Title of podcast, Year, podcast, Name of Organisation, Place

Page 6

Harvard Referencing Guide
Water (2008) identifies …

of Organisation, Day Month of Publication, viewed Day Month
Parched: the politics of water, 2008, podcast, ABC Radio
National, 21 November, viewed 28 September 2009,


Type of Source

In-text reference

Reference List entry

Book with a single Author

Shields (2007) proposes that

Surname, Initial(s). Year, Title of book, Publisher, Place of
Shields, J. 2007, Managing employee performance and reward, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne.

Book with two or three Authors

It has been indicated by
Frino and Segara (2008) that

List of Authors. Year, Title of book, Publisher, Place of
Frino, A. and Segara, R. 2008, Trade execution, arbitrage and dealing in Australia, Pearson Prentice Hall, Sydney.

Book with more than three

Some critics have argued that corporate finance …
(Brealey et al. 2000).

List of Authors. Year, Title of book, Publisher, Place of
Brealey, R., Myers, S., Partington, G. and Robinson, D. 2000,
Principles of corporate finance, McGraw Hill, Sydney.

Book with no author Book with no date

It was affirmed in Bomber
Command: The Air Ministry
Account of Bomber
Command’s Offensive against the Axis Sept 1939July 1941 (1941) that . . .

Title of book. Year, Publisher, Place of Publication.

The famous ancient scholar
Aurelius (n.d.) has claimed that . . .

Surname, Initial(s). n.d., Title of book, Publisher, Place of

Bomber Command: the Air Ministry account of Bomber
Command’s offensive against the Axis Sept 1939-July 1941.
1941, HMSO, London.

Aurelius, M. n.d., Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, Library of
Classics, London.

Book with multiple editions

Some characterise the discipline of finance (Frino,
Hill and Chen 2009) as ...

Learning and Teaching in Business

Author(s). Year, Title of book, number of edition, Publisher,
Place of Publication.
Frino, A., Hill, A. and Chen, Z. 2009, Introduction to corporate th finance, 4 ed., Pearson Education Australia, Sydney.

Page 7

Harvard Referencing Guide
Edited Book

The foundations of industrial justice are examined by
Patmore (2003) through ...

Editor. (ed.) Year, Title of book, Publisher, Place of
Patmore, G. (ed.) 2003, Laying the foundations of industrial justice: the presidents of the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW 1902-1998, The Federation Press, Sydney.

Edited book with two or more editors Some critics deny the fact that … (Jones and Hensher

Editors (eds.) Year, Title of book, Publisher, Place of
Jones, S. and Hensher, D. (eds.) 2008, Advances in credit risk modelling and bankruptcy prediction, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.

Chapter in an
Edited Book

One perspective on women and work is offered by Baird
(2010) in her discussion of …

Author(s). Year, ‘Title of chapter’ in Editor(s), Title of book,
Publisher, Place of Publication, page numbers.
Baird, M. 2010, ‘Women and work in Australia: a theoretical and historical overview’ in P. A. Murray, R. Kramar and P.
McGraw (eds.), Women at work: research, policy and practice, Tilde University Press, Melbourne, pp. 1-23.

Translated Book

The question of memories is considered in …
(Krzhizhanovsky 2006).

Author(s). Year, Title of book, trans [translator], Publisher,
Place of Publication.
Krzhizhanovsky, S. 2006, Memories of the future, trans.
[Turnbull, J.], New York Review of Books, New York.

Learning and Teaching in Business

Page 8

Harvard Referencing Guide


Type of

In-text reference

Reference List entry


The Allen Consulting Group
(2006) presented a convincing argument that skills matter to employers. Author(s). Year, Title of report, Place of Publication.

Figure 1 (adapted from
Australian Bureau of Statistics
2010) identifies an important trend in …

Author. Year, Title of document, Location, viewed Day Month

Unemployment increased substantially following the financial crisis (Australian
Bureau of Statistics 2010).

Government Department. Year, Title of document,
Government Department, Location, Catalogue No. (if applicable). Figure, graph, table or image


Allen Consulting Group. 2006, World class skills for world class industries: employers’ perspectives on skilling in Australia,

Australian Bureau of Statistics. 2010, 6202.0 - Labour force,
Australia, Jan 2011, Canberra, viewed 14 February 2011,

Australian Bureau of Statistics. 2010, Labour statistics
Australia, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, Catalogue
No. 6101.0.



The requirements are clearly set out in the industry standard
(Standards Association of
Australia 2004)…

Author, Year, Title of standard, Standard No. (if applicable),
Publisher, Place of Publication.

Ballsun-Stanton and Bunker
(2009) express the view that…

Author(s). Year, ‘Title of conference paper’ Title of conference proceedings, Conference Organiser (if relevant e.g. the Royal
Australian College of Physicians), Location, page numbers or

Standards Association of Australia, 2004, Environmental management systems – requirements with guidance for use
(AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004), Standards Australia, Sydney.

Ballsun-Stanton, B. and Bunker, D. 2009, ‘Philosophy of data
(PoD) and its importance to the Discipline of Information
Systems’, Proceedings of the fifteenth Americas conference on information systems, San Francisco, California

Mitchell and McKenzie (2004) express the view that…

Author(s). Year, ‘Title of conference paper’ presented at the conference name/Conference Organiser, Location, Day Month
Mitchell, H. and McKenzie, M. 2004, ‘The use of forecasting accuracy as an ARCH model selection tool’, paper presented at the conference on modelling and analysis of safety and risk

Learning and Teaching in Business

Page 9

Harvard Referencing Guide in complex systems, St. Petersburg, Russia (Russian
Federation), 25 June 2004.
Material from

Critical self-reflection is defined as ‘. . .’ (Fisher 2004).

Author(s). Year, ‘Title of document’ in Editor(s) (ed.), Title of course readings, Year, Teaching Organisation, Place of
Fisher, K. 2004, ‘Critical self-reflection: what is it and how do you do it?’ in L. Piggott (ed.), ECOF1004 Reader, University of
Sydney, Sydney.

Lecture Notes

Piggott (2011) defines...

Author(s). Year, Lecture Title (Unit Code), at Teaching
Organisation, Place of Publication, Date.
Piggott, L. 2011, Introduction to Business (ECOF1003), at The
University of Sydney, Sydney, 10 March.


It was confirmed by Hodgson
(2004, email 27 October) that

No entry is required in the reference list

Some improvements were suggested by Reynolds (2006,
Pers. Comm. 15 April) following… Patent

A patent was taken out
(Pettigrew 2007) following…

Author(s). Year, Title of patent, Country Patent No.
Pettigrew, J. 2007, New system of teaching accounting,
Australia Patent 2007101217.

Pamphlet or brochure Further information is described in Austudy (2010)…

Title of brochure. Year, Publisher, Location of Publication.
Austudy. 2010, Centrelink, Canberra, ACT.

Learning and Teaching in Business

Page 10

Harvard Referencing Guide




Did you include the following information near each quotation:
• author’s last name?
• the year of publication?
• the page number(s) on which you found the quotation?
Did you put single inverted commas ‘ ’ around the author’s original words in each short quotation?
Did you integrate each short quotation into a sentence?
If you used a long quotation (more than 30 words), did you indent the quotation from the left margin (without using single inverted commas)? Paraphrases and summaries
Did you put the original author’s words into your own?
Did you include the author’s last name and year of publication for every paraphrase or summary?

Have you included the heading ‘Reference List’ on the last page of your assignment?
Have you arranged all your sources alphabetically in your reference list according to the author’s last name?
If one author has more than two publications, did you arrange them chronologically (For example: Lee 2010, Lee 2009)?
If one author has more than one publication in the same year, have you used a, b, c to distinguish them? (For example: Smith 2010a . . .
Smith 2010b . . . Smith 2010c).
Did you check each comma, full stop, bracket and use of italics?

Learning and Teaching in Business

Page 11

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Missed Appt

...Article 86 of the Uniform Code Of Military Justice. This Article covers Point and Place of Duty. That means from PT formation to COB that is where you will be. What a lot of Soldiers do not understand that includes appointments made by them or someone else. We have appointment times, SP times, formation times and many other start times that dictate we will be there. If a Convoy has an SP time of fifteen hundred hours and the Soldiers decide to show up late because they did not feel like getting ready on time people could die. If they rolled out on time, they may have avoided the ambush or avoided the Vbid that hit them in the bottleneck. It sounds extreme but time management plays a critical role in the Army. When you make an appointment that spot has been reserved for you. That means if you have been given the last slot someone else is going to have to wait for another one to open up. This could be one day or one month. And because you missed it someone else is still going to have to wait when they could have had that spot and been there. If you are going to miss the appointment or cannot make it due to mission they do allow us to cancel the appointment with in twenty four hours. The Army allows us to make appointments for whatever we need. Be it for a medical appointment, house goods, CIF, Smoking Sensation or whatever we need these recourses are available to us. But when Soldiers start missing appointments theses systems start to become inefficient. What a lot of Soldiers do...

Words: 354 - Pages: 2

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The Virgin

...THE VIRGIN by Kerima Polotan Tuvera 1) He went to where Miss Mijares sat, a tall, big man, walking with an economy of movement, graceful and light, a man who knew his body and used it well. He sat in the low chair worn decrepit by countless other interviewers and laid all ten fingerprints carefully on the edge of her desk. She pushed a sheet towards him, rolling a pencil along with it. While he read the question and wrote down his answers, she glanced at her watch and saw that it was ten. "I shall be coming back quickly," she said, speaking distinctly in the dialect (you were never sure about these people on their first visit, if they could speak English, or even write at all, the poor were always proud and to use the dialect with them was an act of charity), "you will wait for me." As she walked to the cafeteria, Miss Mijares thought how she could easily have said, Please wait for me, or will you wait for me? But years of working for the placement section had dulled the edges of her instinct for courtesy. She spoke now peremtorily, with an abruptness she knew annoyed the people about her. When she talked with the jobless across her desk, asking them the damning questions that completed their humiliation, watching pale tongues run over dry lips, dirt crusted handkerchiefs flutter in trembling hands, she was filled with an impatience she could not understand. Sign here, she had said thousands of times, pushing the familiar form across, her finger held to a line, feeling...

Words: 2588 - Pages: 11

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Angelina Jolie

...was a member of the “Kissy girls”, whose job was to hunt boys down and kiss them till they screamed. Another hobby was to collect snakes and lizards. She even had a favourite lizard, called Vladimir. Later she was a student at Beverly Hills High School far from being beautiful. She wore braces, glasses and was painfully skinny. So the students teased her but they didn’t know that she had an impressive collection of knives. Her movie career At the age of seven she appeared in her first movie but her breakthrough came with Girl, Interrupted. It followed her big hit: her role in Tomb Raider, where she had to master a British accent. She had to become familiar with kick-boxing, street-fighting, yoga and ballet. In 2005 she released Mr. and Mrs. Smith, where she and Brad Pitt starred as a bored couple. Now she is married with Brad Pitt and although she is committed to motherhood she does charitable work...

Words: 269 - Pages: 2

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Angelina Jolie

...When most people see the name Angelina Jolie they only think of the talented actress, the significant other of Brad Pitt or the celebrity with the very diverse children but she is so much more than that. Since 2001 Jolie has been working alongside the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to bring awareness to the unfortunate situations of refugees from around the world. She has traveled to and volunteered in many third world countries such as; Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Iraq and North Caucasus. In addition to this, she along with Brad Pitt founded the Jolie-Pitt foundation which is dedicated to eradicating extreme rural poverty, protecting natural resources and conserving wildlife. This foundation also donates to many other humanitarian groups, one being Doctors without Borders. In 2009 Angelina Jolie gave the opening speech for a World Refugee Day event being held at the National Geographic Society headquarters in Washington D.C. Throughout this speech Jolie concentrates not on the horrible conditions that refugees endure but on the spirit that they have from being in these situations. When speaking to millions of Americans she doesn’t rely on facts or statistics but instead she uses anecdotal evidence, visualization and pathos to get her point across. The purpose of this speech is not to persuade but to inform the people of America about the amazing people she has met while traveling to third world countries. Furthermore, she is trying to show people that...

Words: 268 - Pages: 2

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Pearls Paper

...When most people see the name Angelina Jolie they only think of the talented actress, the significant other of Brad Pitt or the celebrity with the very diverse children but she is so much more than that. Since 2001 Jolie has been working alongside the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to bring awareness to the unfortunate situations of refugees from around the world. She has traveled to and volunteered in many third world countries such as; Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Iraq and North Caucasus. In addition to this, she along with Brad Pitt founded the Jolie-Pitt foundation which is dedicated to eradicating extreme rural poverty, protecting natural resources and conserving wildlife. This foundation also donates to many other humanitarian groups, one being Doctors without Borders. In 2009 Angelina Jolie gave the opening speech for a World Refugee Day event being held at the National Geographic Society headquarters in Washington D.C. Throughout this speech Jolie concentrates not on the horrible conditions that refugees endure but on the spirit that they have from being in these situations. When speaking to millions of Americans she doesn’t rely on facts or statistics but instead she uses anecdotal evidence, visualization and pathos to get her point across. The purpose of this speech is not to persuade but to inform the people of America about the amazing people she has met while traveling to third world countries. Furthermore, she is trying to show people that...

Words: 317 - Pages: 2

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A Gabe of Sky

...A Gap of Sky A) In the short story “A Gap of Sky” we follow a young woman on her quest for the essence of life. Throughout the story, which stretches across an afternoon, she digs deeper into herself, through sleepiness, drugs, university and a general indifference towards life, until she sees herself, on a grey afternoon in the centre of London, “filled with something fizzing and alive and beautiful”. Ellie wakes up around 4 pm after a rough night with alcohol and various drugs that ended on a rooftop somewhere in London. She remembers that she felt happy that early morning, affected by the drugs and the surreal surroundings, but as she wakes up in her wretched little apartment, the joy of last night seems far away. She needs to hand in an essay on Virginia Wolf the next morning, so she rushes of to get some printer ink, cigarettes and possibly also some more coke. Ellie seems tired, worn out from last night and you understand that she has a hard time getting out of bed. You might get the impression that her life is a bit shallow, for instance when she tells that last night she was surrounded by people who laughed and had a good time, but now she is alone, coping with the harsh realities of a Monday morning. She seems tough, or wanting to seem tough, but she changes towards the end of the short story to a more real toughness of calm confidence. The core of Ellie's life isn't exactly to fulfil society's or her parent's wishes for a bright young woman. She has already had...

Words: 875 - Pages: 4

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Mr Arnolds Bio

...and bodybuilding, going on to compete in several minor contests in Europe. However, it was when he emigrated to the United States in 1968 at the tender age of 21 that his star began to rise. Up until the early 1970's, bodybuilding had been viewed as a rather oddball sport, or even a mis-understood "freak show" by the general public, however two entrepreneurial Canadian brothers Ben Weider and Joe Weider set about broadening the appeal of "pumping iron" and getting the sport respect, and what better poster boy could they have to lead the charge, then the incredible "Austrian Oak", Arnold Schwarzenegger. Over roughly the next decade, beginning in 1970, Schwarzenegger dominated the sport of competitive bodybuilding winning five Mr. Universe titles and seven Mr. Olympia titles and, with it, he made himself a major sports icon, he generated a new international audience for bodybuilding, gym memberships worldwide swelled by the tens of thousands and the Weider sports business empire flourished beyond belief and reached out to all corners of the globe. However, Schwarzenegger's horizons were bigger than just the landscape of bodybuilding and he debuted on screen as "Arnold Strong" in the low budget Hercules in New York (1969),...

Words: 441 - Pages: 2

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Health Regulations

...Running head: Health Laws Health Law and Regulations Clay Hyde University of Phoenix HCS-545 Cheryl Bly April 16, 2012 Health Law and Regulations Paper Federal regulatory agencies have been created over the life of the United States to deal with specific issues that affect citizens of all states or industries that engage in business across state boundaries. Federal regulatory agencies generate and enforce rules (eHow Money, 2012). The law dictates their work. Regulatory agencies enforce federal laws and generate rules. These rules are necessary for effective enforcement. There has been a challenge of rapidly rising costs in relation to qualify of outcomes. We have an insurance system that is costly and inadequate for those who really need it. We are faced with the high cost of new technology along with artificial restrictions on the supply of drugs. We also have uninformed or unnecessary needy consumers. These are some of the issues faced. The government is involved but there involvement is with controlling the drugs and insurance and medical industry advertising. This form of spending would bring costs down. The purpose of this paper is to take a closer look at the health care regulatory agency, The Center for Disease Control. The Center for Disease Control creates tools to protect the health of people. They educate on prevention of disease, injury and disability. They work on preparing the public for new health threats. They detect and investigate health problems;...

Words: 1437 - Pages: 6

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Premier Foods

...Introduction Premier Foods is a renowned name in UK food manufacturing industry that has several market leading brands under its umbrella producing Items of Bakery, Desserts, Instant Meals, Sauces and variety of other categories. Over the period of time, they acquired several brands in order to expand their customer base and revenue. For the sake of operating effectiveness, the business is categorized in two layers “Groceries” and “Hovis”. Groceries division handle the entire groceries market and thus responsible for nearly a market share of 6.8%. Hovis handles the bakery division with its strong influence in the Bread market. Premier foods is in a downward projectile growth with excessive debt and started to lose its position as a market leader, reasons behind that shall be discussed by showing the financial history for Premier Foods and suggest strategies that Premier Foods need to implement in order to enhance its revenues and position in market. Premier Foods Background The company was founded in 1981 when Hillsdown Holdings purchased Lockwood’s Foods. Then named as Hillsdown Ltd. The company dealt with canning fruit and vegetables and carbonated drinks. In 1983 Hillsdown Ltd. acquired TKM Foods including Smedley’s canned and frozen fruit and vegetables. In 1985 they acquired meat canning of Robert Wilson. In 1986 they acquired John Morell & Co Ltd. who was into the fruit and vegetable canning as well and also had pet food business at Bardney, Lincs. This factory...

Words: 3820 - Pages: 16