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Mr. Elijah Goodman Analysis

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In our town of Dolver, South Carolina everyone new everyone. There were no secrets even though the old southern belief that it was rude to inquire about someone's private business. However people's private business was Mr. Elijah Goodmans job. The editor, writer, owner, reporter, and janitor of The Dolver Times newspaper was a plain man who inherited the Dolver Times from his father and his father before; news was the Goodman's legacy. Mr. Elijah was a plain man, with nothing standing out as odd. He removed his simple hat for the passers by to reveal a head of simple brown hair, starting to grey at the temples; his eyes had the resemblance to river stones, flat and cool, nothing that you would take to long to look at.
Whenever anything happened Mr. Goodman was there; never taking notes and never immediately asking questions he could remember everything and he could flawlessly repeat anything he had heard. The town remembers the first story Mr. Goodman ever wrote. 18 years ago when Mr. Goodman was a younger man whose grey …show more content…
Nellie and Elijah were still not engaged, then people started to talk. Then people started to voice their concerns, they began to berate Miss. Nellie and Elijah the entire town seemed to turn against the couple. People stopped buying from the Apothecary shop, then people openly stopped reading the paper. The Judge and his wife were the most vocal about their concerns. It got so bad that Elijah and Miss. Nellie made plans to move to North Carolina. She went ahead and Elijah stayed behind to tie up loose ends. He left about a month later to meet Nellie and then we didn’t hear from them for 2 years. That was until out of nowhere Elijah came back into the city of Dolver after his father had died, Miss. Nellie was with him but looked sickly her light hair looked thin and sparse, and she looked pale. No one spoke about the barrage as there was a wedding band on Mrs. Nellie Burke Goodman’s ring

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