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Mr. O Brien's Predisposing Risk Essay

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10. Identify Mr. O’Brien’s predisposing risk factors for a fall.

There are many risk factors that increase the likelihood of a fall that nurses should be aware of to take precaution. Every patient in the hospital are at risk for falls if they have a IV pole, or medications such as pain medication can make you fall. However, there are patients who are at a higher risk of falls in the hospital including if the patient has to ambulate with an assistive device, frequent toileting, and if the patient has had a history of falling (Ganz, 2013). Mr. O’Brien has many of these risks factors including pain medication, using an assistive device to ambulate, history of falling, and frequent toileting. These factors increase the risk of Mr. O’Brien getting out of bed to use the restroom tripping over his walker or cane and the medications can cause lightheadedness and dizziness predisposing him to fall. This factors are important when considering care for this patient so the nursing staff can take precaution.
11. The use of a vest could be considered for Mr. O’Brien to prevent another fall. Define a “restraint” and provide examples of physical and chemical restraints. What actions must be taken before restraints can be used? What alternatives must be considered first? …show more content…
Some restraints are used in hospitals such as ICU to prevent a patient from removing their endotracheal tube and there are some restraints that are used in long term care facilities that prevents a patient from falling out of a wheelchair. Even though restraints are used to prevent injury, there are many debates about efficacy and benefits of using restraints in healthcare facilities (Agens,

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