MT 140: introduction to management
Prof: William Whitle
Unit 2: Macro environment
Name: KAlsayed
Date: 09-08-2012
THE MACROENVIRONMENT The general environment; includes governments, economic conditions, and other fundamental factors that generally affect all organizations (Brady, 2009).
The changes in the macro-environment are not affecting firm’s day-to-day operations, but they are important for the continuous of the business and for being healthy. The main factors making up these macro-environmental forces fall into the below groups.
1. Political and legal factors:
Whatever industry the firm is involved in, changes in the political and legal environments at both the domestic and international levels can affect the company and therefore needs to be fully understood
2. Economic factors:
Economic factors are of highly importance for any firm because they are likely to influence the demands, costs, prices and profits. These economic factors are out of control of the individual firm but it highly affects and directly affects any firm.
3. Social and cultural factors:
Societal trends regarding how people think and behave have major implications for management of the labor force, corporate social actions, and strategic decisions about products and markets (Brady, 2009).
4. Technological factors:
Technology is a major macro-environmental variable which has influenced the development of many of the products we take for granted today. Marketing firms themselves play a part in technological progress. New technologies also provide new production techniques.
5. Demographical factors:
Demographics: Measures of various characteristics of the people who make up groups or other social units (Brady, 2009). Managers must consider workforce demographics in formulating their human resources strategies. Population growth influences the size and composition of the labor force.