Premium Essay

Mu123 Tma1


Submitted By vicki32
Words 914
Pages 4

Question 1
a) In table 1 the box marked A. represents the number of employees over 45 that used a car to travel to work. The table shows that the total number of employees that uses a car to travel to work is 36. The table also shows that 11 of these employees are under the age of 45. Therefore to calculate box A = Total employees – Number of under 45 that use a car Shaded Box marked A = 36 – 11 =25 The number that box A. represents is 25, showing there are 25 employees over the age of 45 that use a car as there mode of transport to work.

b) From Table 1, the number of employees that used a bus to travel to work is 18 out of 90 employees. So the percentage that travelled by bus So 20% percent of employees came to work by bus.


The number of employees that used a carbon neutral mode of transport was

Employee s that used carbon natural methods

The statement that only one-third of these employees are under the age of 45 is true. Out of these 36 employees that used carbon neutral mode of transport the table shows that 12 employees were under the age of 45.

Employees under the age of 45 walked or cycled.

1 4

12 3
So this verifies that only one third of employee that used carbon neutral mode of transport were under the age of 45 years old.

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Question 2
(a) The price of a one litre carton of smoothie under the first offer of 25% off the usual price would be

So the price of a one litre carton of smoohtie under offer 1 is £0.90

(b) (i) The volume of a carton under offer 2 which is giving an extra 25% would be 1 litre of smoothie = 1000ml

So the volume of a one litre carton of smoothie under offer 2 would be

(ii) The price per litre under offer 2, under offer 2 the amount of smoothie is 1.25l for £1.20

So under Offer 2 the price per litre would be £0.96

(c) The price per litre under offer 3,

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