...classification essay www.slideshare.net/gulerek/classification-essay11 May 2011 – CLASSIFICATION ESSAY UNIT-2. ... The History of Human Expression; Music & Dance; 0748970 Music&Dance; Top 10 benefits of music to ... Classification/Division:genres of music(group essay) - charissacomp sites.google.com/site/charissacomp/alternatice-music-group-essayMusic is something we hear everyday. Whether it be from our own ipods, in our cars, or background music to our lives. A song exists for almost every emotion ... Classification Essay on Music Fans - Essays - Jdzzz13 www.studymode.com › Essays › EntertainmentMusic has been around for hundreds of years, and along with it have always come music lovers. Throughout the years the world has seen music evolve from a ... Classification Essay Music Genre Free Essays 1 - 20 www.studymode.com/.../classification-essay-music-genre-page1.html20+ items – Free Essays on Classification Essay Music Genre for students. Classification Of Music Division/Classification Essay Essentially, a comic ... Classification Essay Trish Classification Essay Mrs. Wilson ENGL 1114 2 ... Music Classification - College Essay - Hyadams79 www.termpaperwarehouse.com/essay-on/Music-Classification/6521528 Mar 2012 – Music Classification. Music Composition Music can set the atmosphere for any situation. The key however, is the type of music and its ... What do you think of my classification essay so far? - Yahoo! Answers answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080917224512AAkJmnA ...
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... Music 468 Spring, 2015 Short Essays You will write three essays in all. The essays should be typed with double-spaces. For the 10-point essays, think of a paragraph or two, and for the 20-point essays aim for three or more paragraphs. Since this is an exam, I am limited in the answers that I can give if you have questions. All of these points are covered in the book and addressed during lecture. 1) Describe the three basic types of music heard in original scores during the silent film era and cites specific examples from The Birth of a Nation. (10 points) The three basic types of music heard in original scores during the silent film era were Adaptations of classical works, arrangements of well-known melodies, and newly composed music. Adaptions of classical works borrow a substantial portion of an existing composition for use in a film. In the Birth of a Nation, classical music is in dramatic and action scenes. Classical works are played during Lincoln's assassination, and also during violent and action scenes in the movie. Arrangements of well-known melodies borrow melodies to create emotions, disposition, and set the mood. An example of an arrangement from The Birth of a Nation would be works such as tunes such as “Maryland, My Maryland” and “Dixie.” Newly composed music uses new music to create themes that stand for the aspect of the story. 2) What is the role of source music in Casablanca? (10 points) The role of source music in Casablanca...
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...Discuss. Clinical Psychology is a combination of science, knowledge and theories which together formulate a scientific approach which enables a clinical psychologist to ask questions about the human experience and life and how these experiences affect people in order to treat them (Plante, 2010). The services of clinical psychologists and therapists are required when individuals are suffering with anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship and marital issues and deeper mental health issues which alter and have a negative effect on psychological well-being (Hunsley & Lee, 2010). Mental health statistics show that one in four people will experience a mental health problem at some course in a year with anxiety and depression being the most common in the UK so it is therefore no wonder that waiting lists for therapists and clinical psychologists are very long (Foundation, 2011). There are many debates as to whether clinical psychologists are simply expensive therapists because it has been argued that therapists and clinical psychologists offer very similar treatments, both of which are successful but with the only different being the price. This essay will investigate and aim to answer the question as to whether clinical psychologists are simply expensive therapists. This essay will look at what clinical psychologists do and who they work with and also what therapists do. It will focus on key differences between the two and the reasons why clinical psychology...
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...copyright laws protect artists from having their works stolen or copied and sold for lower costs, and therefore guarantee them certain revenue. The monetary incentive increases the creation of music, movies and literature. However, those same laws limit the accessibility to these works. People who don’t have means to pay for entertainment and cultural works are deprived from it. In the field of education, author copyrights may sometimes get in the way of the learning process. It comes back to the question: should access to cultural works be free for all to access or should it be a consumer good? B. We want to interview a range of different people with different views about the subject. We will ask questions to one university professor and one Cegep literature teacher, to one young musician, to four university students, to four people from 25 to 40 years old and to four people from 40 years old and up. The questions we will ask them: 1. Describe what you think Copyright Law is? 2. Do you think it is normal to pay for a) music, b) movies and c) literature works? Why do you think so? 3. Do you think artists should get paid for what they actually do (create cultural works) without considering their other possible sources of income (advertisement, etc)? Why so? 4. Do you buy music, movies or books (online or hardcopy)? How many a year approximately? 5. Do you use technology to get free access to items you should normally pay for? Why do you do so? 6. Do you think everyone...
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...example of thesis statement, the emphasis of the study is to find a correlation, either positive or negative, between Mozart’s music and short term memory. This is an example of a research paper with data observation and analysis. The observations were recorded by running ANOVA and Post Hoc tests to compute values for the variables. The goal was to find a positive correlation between the two variables. For that a hypothesis was tested that was proven to be negative. Alternatively, this proved the scientific validation of the null hypothesis i.e. “positive correlation exists between short term memory and listening to Mozart’s music.” The actual thesis statement is both precise and straight to the point yet some explanation has been given to elaborate the details of the study. Thesis Subject: The Effect of Mozart’s Music on Short Term Memory Sample Thesis Statement: The thesis statement is created from the essential question i.e. “is there any presence of a positive cause and effect relationship on the memory status of the students who listen to Mozart’s music, as it is propagated in the theory of Mozart’s effect”. The hypothesis tested for this study is, “Listening to Mozart’s music has no effect on human memory”. Thesis Statement Example 2 This is an example of a research essay thesis statement. While writing a thesis statement for a research essay you have to strictly take a for or against approach and then justify your argument. For such type of thesis statements, it’s best...
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...Assignment (25 points) Objective: To better understand how music reflects personal and social identities of an individual or group. Requirements: Write a 700–1000 word essay (roughly three pages) discussing a particular song or composition that you feel best expresses your personal and social identity. Include a tape or CD (label it with your name) of the example along with your essay. DUE DATE: To be announced _______________________________________________________________________ Music is a manifestation of the personal and social identities of an individual or group. The function of the music, the structure of it, the context in which it is performed, etc., all reflect the cultural environment that surrounds a musical performance and indicate significant values of the people who create it. Recognizing and understanding how music reflects the identity of a community is an important means of “getting to know” other people and how music expresses “who they are.” I want to “get to know you” and discover what music says about “who you are.” As music majors, I assume that you consider music an important element of your life. Undoubtedly, most of you listen to many kinds of music, i.e., classical, rock, rap, gamelan(?). Your task is to choose ONE example of music that you feel best expresses the many facets of YOU, i.e., your identity. This will prove more difficult than you think if you put some thought into it. Don't tell me what music means to you, explain how the example you have chosen...
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...Drugs] 423 words (1.2 pages) Unrated Essays [preview] Effects of Drugs - Controversies over drugs and the effects they have physically, mentally, and emotionally have been around for centuries. Some argue the fact that smoking marijuana has no health effects on the body. Some also say that other drugs have no long term mental consequences to suffer. Now, thanks to technology and hours of studies, answers have came to show the true long term hea... [tags: Drugs] :: 5 Works Cited 1157 words (3.3 pages) Better Essays [preview] The War On Drugs - The “War on Drugs” is the name given to the battle of prohibition that the United States has been fighting for over forty years. And it has been America’s longest war. The “war” was officially declared by President Richard Nixon in the 1970’s due to the abuse of illegitimate drugs. Nixon claimed it as “public enemy number one” and enacted laws to fight the importation of narco... [tags: Drugs] 576 words (1.6 pages) Better Essays [preview] Drugs and Music - Throughout the evolution of popular music in American culture, many factors have been instrumental in the inspiration musical artists. The wide range of sources reflects the variety and creativity of music in the modern day that musicians claim as their muses, ranging from religious beliefs to love interests. However, the primary driving force behind the creative minds in music... [tags: Drugs] 700 words (2 pages) Better Essays [preview] Drugs and Abuse - Drugs and...
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...Assignment 2: Essay In Brief: This assignment is worth 25% of your mark for this unit. Please refer to the calendar in your Unit Outline for the due date. Instructions: Essay Question: Choose one Web 2.0 platform discussed during module two and analyse the extent to which this platform has changed the way people communicate and collaborate. The Web 2.0 platforms specifically discussed in module two are Delicious, blogs, wikis (in general), The Wikipedia, Twitter, Flickr and YouTube. However, if you have discussed other Web 2.0 platforms during the unit in tutorials or on the discussion board, you may select this platform if it is approved by your tutor at least one week before the essay is due. The word limit for this essay, excluding the reference list, is to be confirmed by David Cake (between 1000-1500 words). This essay asks you to analyse one of the Web 2.0 platforms that you’ve been examining in the unit, looking in particular at how that particular platform has changed the way in which users/participants both communicate and collaborate. Given the context in which you’re examining these technologies, it is a good idea to think about how Web 2.0 in general is thought to indicate a general shift in the character of online interactions and use these changes to help think about your chosen platform. You will be expected to use some of the readings/viewings provided in the unit, but you will also need to seek out appropriate secondary material...
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...Essay August 6, 2011 Written by Joseph Prabagar There Is No Hope of Doing Perfect Research (Griffiths, 1998, P97) Do You Agree? When I was asked to write an essay on the statement above, I went to Google to get an idea. What I found amazed and belittled me all the same. Hundreds of essays were already available on this very statement! And I, having read countless books, had not encountered this declaration made by Morwenna Griffiths on page 97 in her book entitled, Educational Research for Social Justice: Getting off the Fence… until now. Majority of the uploaded essays on the web began by quoting the definition of the word ‘research’ and then elaborated on the definitions before proceeding to agree with the ‘no perfect research’ doctrine proclaimed by Griffiths. One particular essay that was published in TermPaper Warehouse – The Term Paper Factory, caught my attention. It was simple, direct and made absolute sense. The opening paragraph of this essay summarized Morwenna Griffiths’ statement as a realization that, as humans we have the capacity do our best research but we must also accept that it cannot be perfect (Asymphonical termpaperwarehouse.com). Do I agree? Yes absolutely. I recollect the term paper that I did for a Sociology course in college some years ago. The subject matter was on Heavy Metal and the misunderstood fans. My research for the term paper was primarily based on questionnaires, interviews, introspection and observations. As there was a...
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...Music Therapy Essay Eliza B. Johnson Box Elder High School Abstract This essay outlines my current understanding of music therapy and different ways that music affects the brain, including research from Oliver Sacks, Jodi Picoult, and Laurence O’Donnell. It also includes my personal experiences relating to music therapy, including experience with special needs populations that I have worked with, experience with instrumental/ensemble work, and any other qualifications I may have that make me an adequate prospect for the music therapy program at Utah State University. It covers my motivations and driving factors for being interested in the career and major of music therapy. Music Therapy Essay Music therapy:...
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...Harvard Referencing © Learning Services, Edge Hill University, 2010 Inclusive Provision It is Edge Hill’s aim to make our services and provision accessible to all users. If you need us to present our training/resources/information in a different format (e.g. electronic copy, large print), or need any other modifications, please contact Inclusive Services: University Library, 1st floor, or Student Information Centre (SIC) ground floor, Ormskirk Tel: 01695 584372 / 584190 E-mail: inclusiveservices@edgehill.ac.uk We will do our best to accommodate your requirements. 2 Contents Section 1: General Questions Harvard Referencing Citing Bibliography Reference list Bibliographic details More than one book by the same author in the bibliography More than one report from the same author, written in one year Appendix Plagiarism Avoiding plagiarism Quoting Referencing a long quote Quoting parts from a long paragraph Paraphrasing Ibid Op.cit. Et al. Edition Author who cites another author (secondary citation) Summarising several authors Bibliographic management tools Page 5 5 5-6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7-8 8 9 9-10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13-14 14 14 14-15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 3 Section 2: Hard copy texts: books, journals, reports, etc. Conventions for titles Book with one author Book with two authors Book with three or more authors Chapter in an edited book Fictitious author Book review Translated book Foreign language book Diary or book...
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...Question 2 Religions often have an effect on humanities and the world around us. Specifically, Christianity has influenced humanities in various ways. This essay will focus on the impact that art, architecture, music and literature associated with Christianity has on humanities. Art along with architecture in churches is a big aspect of Christianity. It all began when the early Christians incorporated Roman art and architecture ideas into their churches. Later, people had discovered that early Christian art was found in a small town called Ravenna. Many churches located in the town incorporated different architectural aspects from the Romans. These include the intricate "columns, arches, mosaic decoration and the rectangular basilica plan." Mosaics were and still continue to be popular in churches today demonstrating the evolution of Christian art. The inner walls of the sanctuaries were lavishly decorated. Different art pieces of "scenes and stories from the life of Christ, the lives of saints and martyrs, and Hebrew tails were often depicted in churches." Today, many popular decorations in churches include painted pictures of The Last Supper, different scenes...
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...painter that took me by surprise. Whenever I though about Picasso and cubism, I had always assumed the style had been his own invention; an original, new way of painting that had come to him from some divine form of inspiration. It was revealed, in that dark room surrounded by other artists and victims of inspiration, that Picasso’s square, blocky, misshapen figures were created from the likeness of African art, or more specifically, African masks (“Picasso”). Admittedly, it is certainly not the most shocking thing I’v ever heard, and I wasn’t in any state of disbelief, but a familiar, uneasy feeling did come over me. I have a strong affinity toward many different forms of rock music, installed into me by my parents and the Beatles at an early age. And soon after I began to learn about the history of the music I loved, I learned how it all came from the African American community, and soon after that, I learned why almost all of the rock musicians I had ever heard of were all white, despite knowing where and from whom it had actually originated from. It’s a strange thing for an 8 year old to hear from her father that Buddy Holly, the Beatles, and Elvis Presley had taken a form...
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...RYERSON UNIVERSITY Department of Philosophy and Music CMUS 501, Winter 2015 Traditional Musics of the World Class Times: Wed: 6:30-9:30 pm Room: POD368 Instructor: Gerry McGoldrick E-mail: gerrymcg@ryerson.ca Office Hrs: Wednesdays before or after class COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course examines musical cultures around the world, focusing on traditional genres. Course content covers conceptual, structural, rhythmic and modal systems. The functions and meanings of music in diverse cultures will be examined. Music from various regions, including East and South East Asia, Africa, and North America, will be discussed. GOALS OF THE COURSE: To survey specific musical cultures from around the world. To develop an understanding of how these cultures are reflected in their musics by examining their creation, uses, elements, transmission, and value. To improve your ability to discuss and understand musical concepts and pieces through analysis of basic musical parameters. COURSE EVALUATION: Listening Quiz 1 10% Week 6 Test 1 25% Week 6 Essay 30% Week 10 Listening Quiz 2 10% Week 13 Final Test (In-class) 25% Week 13 Please notify the professor, in writing, of any accommodations requested during the term for religious observances or disability, by the second class as per university policy. Any alterations in assignments, tests or deadlines will be discussed in class prior to implementation. This course is lecture-based...
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...English 123 II – 2.2 Final Project Milestone One: Annotation Bibliography By Vincent Berry WHAT IS YOUR RESEARCH QUESTION? Are record labels racism and political in the music industry? What impact does racism and politics have on the artist and fan base? SUMMORIZE SOURCE INFORMATION FOR EACH ANNOTATION Suisman, David. "Co Workers in the Kingdom of Culture: Black Swan Records and the Political Economy of African American Music." Teaching the Journal of American History Vol. 90, No. 4.March 2004 (2004): 1295-1324. Web. 1 Mar. 2004. African American owned Record Company, which produced records for African American consumers, was faced with attempts by a large record corporation to force them into bankruptcy. Why would a large company do this for such a small African American owned company? How would it merit attention from African American people in this medium when you have more important subjects like voting rights and lynching? Moreover, why would it merit any attention at all, not to mention, selling records to black consumers. This article answers these questions and investigates the rise and fall of the small record company and explores the political economy in which it operated. Black Swan Records created by Henry H. Pace, who saw a way to respond to a hostile environment that African American people faced with, both in the entertainment industry and in American society. The protégé of W.E.B Du Bois, also saw that African Americans were not equally even when they...
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