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An analysis of generic conventions with specific reference to the movie trailers
Snatch and RockNRolla

The aim of this analysis is to explore the different types of generic conventions with specific reference to “Snatch” and “RocknRolla”. Within this assignment I will look at the generic conventions of crime thrillers. I will focus on aspects such as typical situations, stock characters, style, iconography and setting.

One of the most popular genres is crime, according to Stankic (2004) and
Neale (2000) crime genre can have 3 other categories which have similar characteristics but different stories. These are called subgenres (insert quote) these are; detective, thriller and gangster genre. Crime genre (insert quote)

The first trailer I will analyse is the crime thriller ‘Snatch’ released in 2000, which has a very gritty, de-saturated and dull look, it has a low-key lighting and numerous use of the chiascuros effect connoting this idea of a double identity or a dark side which is common in British gangster movies. It contains dark humour and historic references suggesting that it is targeted at a more mature audience aged 16-24.

The non-diegetic music playing in the background is very high paced which adds momentum, the electric guitar pinches which is found in action movies connotes the idea that our stock characters might part-take on a mission, which is a typical situation that you find in heist movies.

The beatboxing and drums are common elements that associate with the Hip Hop culture, which gives the trailer an urban atmosphere, the music then transits into “Jump on It” by the Sugar Hill Gang who are from Englewood, New Jersey which is known for its high rates in crime.

The movie is set in London specifically to reveal the secret world of crime, this idea of the big city, London being the capital allowing the protagonist to achieve the American dream even in a British setting.

In the opening scene we spot 4 armed men in what we assume to be costumes/disguise, this is typical of British crime drama as it illustrates elements of ‘heist’ straight away.

We perceive iconography associated with crime drama for instance the guns and the bullet proof vest. The guns are a phallic symbol of masculine power connoting male domination, which are also common in gangster’s genre.

Additionally, in terms of technical codes the camera is always at a low angle, supporting this idea of men being dominant, taking in consideration that the cast has only males, connoting this idea of Britain being patriarchal.

In terms of Propps we can establish that the 4 armed men could be represented as the villains, from this straight away the audience knows what they are about to watch will involve violence and guns.

A common theme in crime thrillers is the quest for wealth/power and this theme is illustrated in the next shot as we get introduced to ‘Franky Four Fingers’ who owns an ’86 carrots diamond’ we then see him gambling which is a typical situation that tend to be in crime thrillers.

Another typical situation within crime thrillers that takes place in the trailer is the participation in illegal activities such as; ‘bare knuckle boxing’ which takes us to Turkish who is the next stock character to be introduced to us.

Turkish (Protagonist) is the typical gangster; he is stylish, handsome and smart he has a very strong regional accent and a skin head which could be seen as cultural codes, which give Britain an identity, he is also very capable on the streets as a “boxing promoter” the buttons of his shirt are always undone connoting this stereotype of a macho man. He’s shirts are always blue again connoting masculinity.

Blue can also connote the symbol of freedom which can be seen as an enigma code considering this movie contains elements of heist. Drawing the audience to think wherever he will be free and successful in the end?

You could argue that he is hypermasculine because he is well shaved and has a radiant and smooth skin, you could argue men look at him narcissistically, he could act as an Elite leader pushing down on masses, specifically to working class men in their late 20’s to their early 30’s to aspire to be more like him physically.

Additionally, Jason Statham is named “Turkish” this idea of Alvado’s theory that minoric ethnicities are deviant, supporting the stereotypes that claim minoric ethnicities especially working class men tend to be more suspect to crime.

Moreover, Turkish has an assistant, Tommy, is the clumsy associate that always does something wrong, involuntarily but he offers loyalty and protection. In terms of Propps he would be seen as the helper.

A list of other stock characters we are shown in the following shot are Avi, Sol, Vinny, Bullet Tooth Tony, Boris The Blade, Doug The Head and Brick Top. They are all gangsters that got their nicknames by their style or the things that they did, which again is common in crime thrillers, the idea of status and merit.

Another stock character to be introduced to us is Pikey which means gypsy in British slang terms. He is very important because he adds British values and norms to the movie. Gypsies are known for fighting and being gory he could be seen as a symbolic code of Britain.

In British crime thrillers the mention of race or origins are often quite heavy, the use of multinational mafias that are competing to gain power and money connote themes of glory and respect.

At first sight of Pikey he seems like an over-exaggerated stereotyped gypsy, with no sense of fashion. He is dressed in a big brown fur coat, with a beige blouse underneath accompanied by an unbuttoned green shirt, a white vest and a chain.

In terms of Propps I would say Pikey would be the false hero, as we think he comes to save the day he actually makes things harder for Turkish. However, the ring sets an enigma code for the audience.

A ring is an enclosed area connoting this idea of being represented as isolated this idea of a “lone hero” as we later find out is probably the smartest character in the movie.

The second trailer I will analyse is RockNRolla released in 2008 and distributed by Warner Bros one of the big 6 major studios which form part of the oligopoly of global conglomerates which dominate the film industry.

Unlike Snatch, RockNRolla has high key lighting creating an expensive look, it has high contrast and bright colours which make the film look more vibrant and eye catching, and the use of the bright colours encourages a cheerful and young audience aged 13-18.

The non-diegetic music playing in the background again would appeal to a young audience, its high pace and modern, it is rock music, which is mostly listened to by teenagers.

In terms of diegetic sounds we get a narrative voice over from One Two (Gerald Butler) explaining what a RockNRolla is, this creates a relationship between the audience and the protagonist which makes us feel part of the story.
Like Snatch, it is also set in London which again connotes this idea of a wide range of opportunities; populated cities tend to have high economies therefore perfect for crime.

In the opening scene of the trailer we perceive a topless man, bouncing up and down with a gun (phallic weapon) in his boxers rather than in his pants, which can connote homosexual references; this idea of the rock and roll life being misunderstood.

“People ask a question what is a Rock and Rolla? And I tell them, we all like a bit of the good life, some the money or the fame but a real Rock and Rolla wants it all”

Which can then be interpreted as a typical situation, criminals/gangsters always have a hidden side or a fetish. This is common in crime thrillers. Lenny Cole (Tom Wilkinson) reflects that; he has a sense of humour which is also common for criminals to have in crime genres.

Lenny Cole is a crime boss, he is the first stock character that we are shown in depth, and he is surrounded by bodyguards which connote this symbolism of power and magnitude. In terms of Propp’s he would be seen as the villain.

He is well-presented, wealthy and demanding. However, he is always positioned on the right when filmed in a two-person shot or shot from above connoting his inferiority.
In terms of iconography, we can perceive common iconographic content in crime thrillers such as the hostages strapped to the chairs with cloths in their mouths. In terms of typical situation you could say that hostages are always kept in an abandoned underground basement.

Another typical situation which takes place in crime thrillers is money being the narrative’s driver; we can establish themes of quest for wealth, power and respect.

Moreover, as the trailer goes on we meet Stella the accountant, in terms of Propp’s she would be seen as the dispatcher but also as a femme fatale, she plays a big role in this movie which is not common for a female in crime thrillers.

You could argue that she is presented in an erotic manner wearing tight clothes that shows off her attributes for the male gaze. However, she does not reveal skin and she is always dressed in black or grey connoting; power, elegance and mystery.

We then meet One Two (Protagonist) who is placed on the left side of the screen and shot from a low-angle to show dominance and authority. He is well-presented, shaved and charismatic. He is mostly seen in black again connoting; power, sexuality and sophistication. Chiascuros effect applied on his face connoting a double personality/identity, binary opposition between good v bad.
In terms of seven story types there are elements of Circe; looking for the rock star, Achilles; Lenny Cole being the crime boss having major power, Faust; Mickey selling out to Lenny Cole.

Lastly, the use of the graphic designs and text give the movie a futuristic feel and adds value to it, makes the audience feel like its money well-spent.

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