I am going to tell you why I should pass this English 3000.01 class for that I have learned a lot in writing essays. I have learned to use subordination and coordinating conjunctions in my essays when I never thought of using them before and I have become more proficient in preventing fragment and run-ons sentences and I have learned to write a great complete argumentative essay. I have learned to use subordination and coordinating conjunctions in my essays when I never thought of using them before. I have learned to use subordinating conjunctions that introduces a dependent clause by joining it to a main clause. Words like because, when, if and more that help build a sentence better. I even learned that coordinating conjunctions are joining two similarly constructed words or phrases within a sentence. Words like for, or, yet, and more that help in a sentence. I have uses both coordinating and subordination conjunctions in my papers. One sentence that I used a subordinating conjunction “People need to understand that there are people out in our world who do not care about their privacy, when they post everything online” (Gallego) and I used a coordinating conjunction in this paragraph “Think about the idea that everyone achieved a college degree, for all people would be equal in…show more content… I learned that when writing an argumentative essay, I have to write an introduction, then my position, then someone else opposition and lastly a conclusion. I learned writing skills that I never has before with these essays Knowing that in writing an argumentative essay we need to write an opposition view. Then I would have to respond to the opposing view by either refuting it (counter-arguing) or conceding (agreeing) to the essay and this is how I made great argumentative essays. When writing my essays, I got a couple of great responses from the online tutors that grated my paper. (tutor’s