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My Experience Being Stereotypes Analysis

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My Experience Being Stereotyped
Immigrating to a new country was a life-changing experience, with one of my most difficult battles to date coming in my attempts to overcome the language barrier. Coming to America with little to no experience with speaking English was very challenging. Especially when Middle Easterners are frowned upon constantly because of terrorism. Being a Middle Easterner is always a battle within daily life and school. I developed into American culture, but my beginning was difficult.
When I first came to America, I never learned about American culture and history. In Lebanon, they mainly taught us about Lebanese history, so I had no knowledge about American customs. As I first started my first year in middle school, it was very tough because I didn’t know how to speak English and couldn’t talk to other kids in my class. People didn’t feel comfortable to be around me because of my race. I was forced to keep my feelings inside and deal …show more content…
With my aunt's help, I created a PowerPoint showing how life was for me back in Lebanon. I spent a lot of time practicing how to say everything properly and it never felt so good that I might do something to my school. I asked my English teacher if I could present this to my class and without a question she let me.
Near the end of my presentation, “The reason why I showed you this presentation about my life was because when I came to this school I was made fun of because I was from the middle east and somehow I contributed to nine eleven. I was very hurt when I understood why I got laughed at therefore I wanted to explain that people who commit these bad actions; do not relate to the hard-working families like mine, that live in the same country or religion.”The whole class started to clap. I was amazed how people reacted and especially when the kids that bullied me came and apologized to

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