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My Friends and I on Vacation


Submitted By KNR081
Words 425
Pages 2
Betty, Alan’s wife, suffers from working memory, also known as short-term memory. Betty misplacing her checkbook and not remembering where she put it, is definitely short-term memory because she held the information for a limited period of time. The concepts of Alan is work-related stress, low self-esteem, anxiety issues, and his ego. The general perspective that work-related stress falls under is cognitive and development because they both help change the abilities in the job and the way you function when performing the job. Alan’s self-esteem level is the reason for him lying about him being sick to avoid the presentation and him feeling that he is a chronic underachiever. Alan’s anxiety issues is associated with Freudian theory, which describes his feelings of tension and his concern about other individuals opinions. Alan’s ego, which is afraid of upsetting his superego is also associated with Freud’s theory because his personality, which is representing the conscience. It also takes the reality of sexual and aggressive urges. All of Alan’s concepts are related because his development during adolescence maybe the affect of his work-related stress, low self-esteem, anxiety issue and his ego. They have some relation to psychology and cognitive process. Denise concepts are dreams (a cognitive view), hindsight bias, and decision making. The nightmares that Denise were experiencing, certainly falls under cognitive and humanistic, which is the theory that has a lot to do with her growth. After the incident on the freeway, Denise nightmares could have developed from the hippocampus, which caused her dreams from a cognitive view. The recent break up between her and Tom affected her limbic system because once her emotional reactions started arriving, her behavior started changing. Then her parents started to hindsight bias a cancelled date in the past

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