When you are accomplishing a task, there is always a purpose behind it based on what you chose to accomplish. Whether it be as simple as getting homework done on time, or for instance as difficult as passing a board exam. I’m Melinda Jagdeo, and I will be a financial accounting who will work for big companies. I will make smart, informed business decisions based on the financial health of a company, to grow a business in a measured and predicted way. A personal goal that I have set is to try to reduce my stress and anxiety levels. A career goal that I have, is to always learn and grow every day to enhance my work experience, to further enhance my working experience into a promotion. My last goal is my academic goal and for that goal, I’m more…show more content… To me this goal is important to me because stress can do so many negative things to the body that are not healthy. This relates to my personal purpose statement, because while making knowledgeable decisions, I need to have a clear mind and not feel stressed during this state, because I have the life of a company in my hands. I believe that life is way too short for myself and others to have anxiety over diminutive things. For example, stress can make someone feel so frustrated or nervous in such a small amount of time and if I would have to make a complex decision that day, I would not be in my right stay of mind, because I would be so worried about “what if?” A possible obstacle for this goal would be not getting enough rest for my body, because that can easily influence stress levels. A resolution for overcoming my stress and anxiety levels would be to keep a clear mind throughout the day and keep moving because that helps the body ease stress levels. I think a big solution would be to always stay positive because you never know what the outcome of a situation will be until it actually comes to the…show more content… This goal is important to me because it shows the skills that I will need to address when I’m in the real life environment and the skills will be used. It also relates to my personal purpose statement, because it shows that working in a conclusion like environment, that you will need to solve problems that might come up during a discussion, for example whether to risk the company’s money or to maybe settle into an agreement amongst others. This goal relates to my assessment results because it shows how my personalities really connects to the views and goals. One possible obstacle would be finding a certain way to approach these different problems in different ways and challenges. A solution for overcoming that obstacle would be figuring out which way works the best and keep using that technique throughout my career. Also, just trying out new things just to see if they fit the approach that we might want to take would be another solution to this