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My Learning Style Assessment

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Everyone thinks and learns differently. Some people learn best by doing things, others learn best by reading. The learning style assessment that I was given told me the type of learner I am and I couldn’t agree more with the results. This assessment has given me a better understanding of what types of studying would benefit me best to achieve my goals.
By doing my online learning style assessment, the results have concluded that my learning styles are reflective, sensing, verbal, and sequential. I have learned that just because someone falls into a certain category of learning, they are not doomed to fail at the category they are not strong in. My results tell me that I am reflective which means I prefer to think about things quietly …show more content…
(Keiser University. (2017). Week 1: Chapter 1 learning module: Armchair psychology. Introduction to Psychology. Retrieved on January 23, 2017 from
Primary Style1 My primary styles that I scored very high on are reflective, sensing, and verbal. Reflective learners carefully think about what they are reading or learning and relate it to their own lives. Reflective learning has its advantage such as being aware of internal thinking method and retaining information better. (, Reflective Learning: Definition, Style & Theory, Paragraph 2, retrieved on April 3, 2017) I have always had trouble with the thought or idea of “what if” and I am a very strong-minded person who feels most comfortable with solid facts and knowing how and why, so it was to no surprise to me that I am a sensing learner. Sensing learners lean more towards learning facts and dislike complications and surprises. (Felder, R. M., & Soloman, B. A., paragraph 4, retrieved on April 3, 2017) Sensing learners also tend to be more practical and careful, which is entirely …show more content…
I have learned that I can better retain the information that I study by reading my textbook in sections and writing short summaries at the end of each section. (College Nannies + Tutors | McLean.2013, paragraph 8, retrieved on April 3, 2017) I do this when studying and have found it to be the best way for me to remember the information that I read. It also helps me when there are quizzes at the end of each chapter. These quizzes help me confidently go on to the next chapter without being hesitant that I do not know or understand the previous

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