Premium Essay

My Long Term and Short Term Goals


Submitted By jpcalixte
Words 1403
Pages 6
Professional and Personal Goals December 12, 2011

Someone famous once wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” That’s deep! But, in a way, it’s obvious and should go without saying. However, so many people try to just jump the whole thousand miles at once and seem to forget that careful steps and rest stops must be made along the way to successfully (the main word is successfully ) complete that journey. I’ve had my goals and aspirations for a long time but I’m not sure that I ever started out in the most organized fashion. My professional goals remain the same but I now realize that effective time management is the main way to achieve my goals in a less stressful manner. I understand that setting goals is very important so that one can determine what is important and what is not. It helps one concentrate on the big picture and gives one the freedom to spend less time on the not so important things. The goals that are set should be attainable, specific, measurable, realistic, and timely.
My professional short term goal is to acquire a staff or per diem position at one of the few hospitals in the area which are willing to hire nurses with associate degrees. I was, until I started school, a traveling nurse, but, due to the course of study I am undergoing, I’ve had to stop traveling.
My professional long term goal is to ultimately receive a master’s degree so that I can become a nurse practitioner or a clinical instructor. I know this is not something that can happen overnight so I have been planning milestones to assist me with achieving my goal. Truly, there are built in milestones to this type of pursuit. For example, I will have to first have small milestones, such as completing this course, and other courses which will lead to a bigger milestone of attaining my bachelor’s degree.
My personal short term goal is

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