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Submitted By smoothx3
Words 338
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Project Name: Pastry Shop
Project Description Summary: The Pastry Mart is pastry store and restaurant. What our company does is bring the enjoyable taste of pastry cakes to you while providing a top notch service in a quick and efficient manner.
Project Manager: George Long
Date: April 6, 2013 Revision Number 1 A. Risk Identification
In this section please identify the 10 or more risk that you believe could affect your project. For each risk, please write a sentence or two why this is a risk.

Place your risk scoring template here

B. Risk Assessment
The following is an assessment of these risks in terms of the probability of project occurrence and the negative cost impact of project outcomes. Risk analysis attempts to quantify the severity of the impact of an identified risk event, sometimes its probability, and its sensitivity to change.

Place your Priority Matrix Here

Then place the Risk Management Analysis Template for you project here

C. Risk Response For each risk we have determined the action to be taken if the risk should occur: accept, shape, reduce, or transfer the risk. The following risk response table identifies a brief contingency plan for these risks. That is followed by a detailed delineation of the two risks with the highest expected values.

Then provide a Contingency Plan for your Two Highest Risks

Over-Indebtedness would be one of the highest risks that the company could be at risk for. We would make sure that we are having our finances taken care of by an accountant. We would also make sure that our accounting books on our business computer are in order and ready to be audited anytime.
Macroeconomic conditions would be the other risk to our business. Having the ability to order different products to make our pastries without sacrificing the quality and taste the we are known for. This would help us to be able to adjust our

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