My Refletion on Leadership and Communication Trainings
Submitted By warichikukwa Words 1820 Pages 8
My reflection on leadership and communication trainings.
As a development practitioner it is increasingly inevitable to work with others in teams. While people in every workplace talk about building teams and working as a team, it is not always easy developing an effective team. Through reflection on the communication and leadership trainings which we have had, I have become aware of useful strategies to deal with issues and to gain commitment to the goals of the team. These strategies include effective communication skills, learning my qualities and weaknesses so that I can work on them and developing team building skills. All these are important for my learning and for my development as a professional. The following reflection forms are a summary of the trainings and how they have influenced me both as an individual and as a professional.
Reflective journal - Day 1 1. What happened today, what topics are dealt with, what exercises did we do? | Today we discussed communication. First we had the exercise of speed dating. Through this exercise we shared among ourselves aware of our strengths and weaknesses as communicators. We then analysed how the exercise went, how it made us feel and the difficulties we might have faced in the process.During this training day we also discussed the qualities that make one a good communicator, as well as the attributes of leaders and managers.To illustrate the importance of some of the skills we had discussed we had an observation exercise where one would go out and observe any changes that could have taken place and also a listening exercise where a message would be passed on from one person to the next to see if the message remained the same. | 2. What are eye-openers, what made you enthusiastic, what did you not agree upon? | I was intrigued by the fact that I did not see much of the changes that had taken place when