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Myriam Gurba's 'Painting Their Portraits In Winter'

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Pages 3
1. According to what I understand from the power point, some of the key ways in which Chicanos and people of color re-use the style of the gothic is through the use of tattoos, graffiti, music, literature and some stories passed down from generation to generation, like the story of La Llorona. The gothic literature focused on ruin, decay, death, terror, chaos, privileged irrationality and passion over rationality and reason. Myriam Gurba’s book Painting Their Portraits in Winter is full of stories with gothic style. For example, there is a scene where Maria Guadalupe, is telling to Faith that she and others girl planned to escape out of the orphanage. Maria explained to Faith that they are meeting in the courtyard with the white roses. Maria …show more content…
She leaned towards one of the Marias (almost everybody in the orphanage was named Maria Guadalupe) to ask her about that last night. Maria explained to Faith that everything was going according to the plan but then she got scared. Then a different Maria Guadalupe chimed in that she got scared of the ghost who killed her babies! They explained the distinct versions of the ghost’s story to Faith. The the two Marias explained to Faith that, that was not the only reason why they could not get out of the orphanage. A Maria replied, “Big Lupe (the other girl that was planning to escape) took off running in the direction of the ghost. We looked up, and there was an owl watching to us. The owl craned its neck to look closer at us, and it started to look like a man, so we ran back to the dormitory.” Another scene where one can see the use of gothic style is in when Don Patricio is warning the author about the culde-sac´s dangers. And then he tells her to look, pointing its rubber tip at Trans-Am peeling rubber. Then, Don Patricio tells her, that kids live there and he exclaimed that he had told them to stop driving so fast but then he replied that they do not listen to

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