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Submitted By naduni
Words 306
Pages 2

A nanocomputer is a computer whose physical dimensions are microscopic. The field of nanocomputing is part of the emerging field of nanotechnology. Several types of nanocomputers have been suggested or proposed by and futurists. BIO TECH | INFO TECH | NANO TECH | PharmacyTools industrial | Hardware Softwarecommunication | Structural Biomedical electrical |
Electronic nanocomputers would operate in a manner similar to the way present- day microcomputers work. The main difference is one of physical scale. More and more transistors are squeezed into silicon chips with each passing year; witness the evaluation of integrated circuits (IC s) capable of ever increasing storage capacity and nanocomputing is part of the emerging field of nanotechnology. Several types of nanocomputers have been suggested or proposed by and futurists. processing power. The ultimate limit to the number of transistors per unit volume is imposed by the atomic structure of dimension are microscopy.

Until the mid-1990s, the term "nanoscale" generally denoted circuit features smaller than 100 nm. As the IC industry started to build commercial devices at such size scales since the beginning of the 2000s, the term “nanocomputing” has been reserved for device features well below 50 nm to even the size of individual molecules, which are only a few nm. Scientists and engineers are only beginning to conceive new ways to approach computing using extremely small devices and individual molecules.
Nanocomputing technology has the potential for revolutionizing the way that computers are used. However, in order to achieve this goal, major progress in device technology, computer architectures, and IC processing must first be accomplished. It may take decades before revolutionary nanocomputing technology becomes commercially feasible.
As the size of computer chips gets smaller and

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