The doctor urged Naruto and Kakashi to press charges and they did. Itachi and Deidara were promptly arrested. Itachi was found guilty of child abuse, hate crime, assault and battery and numerous other charges from unrelated incidents, pretty much anyone who asked for a statement gave one enthusiastically. Deidara was found guilty of an accessory to all of them. Deidara got 10 years and Itachi got 20 after a surprisingly short time in court.
Naturally, everyone was thrilled that it was over, but for Sasuke there was a lot of work to be done.
Naruto was laying on his side with a black eye, curled up in a ball with blood gushing down his nose. He reminded Sasuke, horribly, of himself. The last thing Sasuke ever wanted to see. When Itachi saw Sasuke standing there he did stopped only long enough to mock Sasuke.“Well little brother you see what happens when I’m not obeyed? People get hurt, like your friend here.” Itachi said with sadistic glee as he gave Naruto a hard kick to the ribs. Sasuke saw Kakashi struggling to get to Naruto. He heard Naruto whimper in pain with each well placed kick. Sasuke couldn't move from that spot no matter how he struggled. It was like…show more content… he looked all around himself, trying to get a sense of where he was. Images flashed through his head all at once. How will i be able to sleep after that? Will i ever be able to sleep? Sasuke thought as he lowered his body back into a laying position and stared at the ceiling. It had been weeks since what happened to Naruto and the nightmares showed no signs of stopping; in fact they were getting worse and more frequent. Sasuke hadn't slept well at all since that day and because of that he was always exhausted.
Sasuke checked the clock it was four o clock in the morning Sasuke tried to get back to sleep and he eventually succeeded however it was anything but restful and Sasuke woke up more exhausted then when he went to