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Nazi Medical Experiments

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This project aims to examine impacts of the Nazi medical experiments on scientific knowledge and practices. The Holocaust was a genocide perpetuated in Nazi Germany wherein Adolf Hitler and his collaborators were responsible for the deaths more than 15 million people, 6 million of whom were Jews [1]. The scientific experiments performed on prisoners in German concentration camps were ruthless crimes committed under the name of medical research. In this project, my main objective is to study the various types of experiments carried out, the intent behind them, their validity and usage in the current research scenario and the ethical controversies scientists dealing with those data struggle with. I plan to obtain the abovementioned …show more content…
Modern Science has with ease, condemned those involved as evil and the results of the set-up unworthy. …show more content…
Projects were directly conceived as practical contributions to the German war effort” [3]. In his point of view, it is undeniable that though the experiments inflicted atrocities, it is very likely that most of their methodologies, rationale and rigor in practices would not be so farfetched from those of today. The problem arises as these studies were conducted at that point of time without any shred of ethics or humaneness. The prisoners were considered as equivalent to experimental animals. This dehumanization would have probably been supported by the brutality of the Holocaust and war at large. Examining this from a purely scientific viewpoint, if appropriate controls were used and experimental protocols followed consistently, even studies like this should be considered as Science. This brings me to my question: How have Nazi human experiments impacted the scientific knowledge and practices of today? Facts usually tend to be forgotten in an argument which has emotions running high and opinions plenty. Though confronted with ethics and morals, many people have over time sought to use the Nazi research, attempting to learn what they can, use it to

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