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Nb2E New Balance


Submitted By dennnis30
Words 356
Pages 2
How important is the NB2E for New Balance

To understand the importance of the implementation of the initiative to NB, one has to understand the concept of continuous improvement. Continuous improvement in this case is process-oriented, i.e. that the lean manufacturing process is an improvement of the processes linked to the manufacturing and distribution, which is necessary to achieve improvement of operative activities. Lean aims at reducing non-value creating activities, and to establish a system where every process adds value to the product.
Why is continuous improvement so important for businesses?
Only 6-10% of all innovations are radical, the rest are seen as incremental improvements. That means that the majority of innovations are continuous improvements to processes or products. For a company to stay competitive, this means that there has to be a focus to continuously improving their current operations. Just focusing on radical innovation will not be enough to change at the same pace as the environment. Further, cumulative gains of efficiency are often greater over time than occasional radical changes. This underlines the importance of incremental innovation and continuous improvement.
How does this apply to NB?
As stated above NB is seeking for process-oriented improvement. More precisely, they want to improve the lead-time between a retailer’s order and its delivery. Since NB is an operations-oriented company, continuous improvement of processes are the most reasonable choice to improve the results of the company. The company aims to cut the lead-time from several weeks down to 24 hours. This improvement in process requires huge effort in changing production processes and getting the employees to embrace the change. There will also be challenges to produce the required amount of shoes effectively during the period of change.
The reduction in

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