Free Essay



Submitted By senselessstudent
Words 5277
Pages 22
(一) 陆雨平: | 力波,你好。 | 力波: | 你好,陆雨平。 |
力波: | 林娜,你好吗? | 林娜: | 我很好,你呢? | 力波: | 也很好。 |
林娜: | 陆雨平,你好吗? | 陆雨平: | 我很好。你爸爸、妈妈好吗? | 林娜: | 他们都很好。你忙吗? | 陆雨平: | 我不忙。你男朋友呢? | 林娜: | 他很忙。 |
丁力波: | 哥哥,你要咖啡吗? | 哥哥: | 我要咖啡。 | 弟弟: | 我也要咖啡。 | 丁力波: | 好,我们都喝咖啡。 |
哥哥: | 力波,那是谁? | 丁力波: | 那是我们老师。 | 哥哥: | 她是哪国人? | 丁力波: | 她是中国人。我们老师都是中国人。 |
丁力波: | 陈老师,您好!这是我哥哥,他是外语老师。 | 陈老师: | 你好。 | 丁力波: | 这是我朋友。 | 陈老师: | 你好!你也是老师吗? | 朋友: | 您好!我不是老师,我是医生。 | 陈老师: | 力波, 这是你奶奶吗? | 丁力波: | 不是,她是我外婆。 | 陈老师: | 外婆,您好! |
老师: | 可以进来吗? | 林娜: | 请进!杨老师,您好。这是我朋友,他是记者。 | 老师: | 请问,您贵姓? | 陆雨平: | 我姓陆,叫陆雨平。 | 老师: | 你好,陆先生,认识你很高兴。 | 陆雨平: | 杨老师,认识您,我也很高兴。 |
林娜: | 我是语言学院的学生。我姓林,叫林娜。我是英国人。你姓什么? | 马大为: | 我姓马,叫马大为。 | 林娜: | 你是加拿大人吗? | 马大为: | 我不是加拿大人,我是美国人,也是语言学院的学生。我学习汉语。 |
马大为: | 请问,这是王小云的宿舍吗? | 女学生: | 是,请进,请坐。 | 马大为: | 谢谢。王小云在吗? | 女学生: | 她不在。 | 马大为: | 她在哪儿? | 女学生: | 对不起,我不知道。 | 马大为: | 没关系。好,再见。 | 女学生: | 再见。 |
马大为: | 小姐,请问餐厅在哪儿? | 小姐: | 在二层二〇四号。 | 马大为: | 谢谢。 | 小姐: | 不用谢。 | 宋华: | 大为,我们在这儿。 | 马大为: | 对不起,我来晚了。 | 王小云: | 没关系。 |
王小云: | 林娜,昨天的京剧怎么样? | 林娜: | 很有意思。今天的天气很好,我们去游泳,好吗? | 王小云: | 太好了!什么时候去? | 林娜: | 现在去,可以吗? | 王小云: | 可以。 |
丁力波: | 杨老师,明天您有时间吗? | 杨老师: | 对不起,请再说一遍。 | 丁力波: | 明天您有时间吗?我们去打球,好吗? | 杨老师: | 很抱歉,明天我很忙,恐怕不行。谢谢你们。 |
林娜: | 力波,明天开学,我很高兴。你看,他是不是我们学院的老师吗? | 丁力波: | 我问一下。请问,您是我们学院的老师吗? | 张教援: | 是,我是语言学院的老师。 | 丁力波: | 您贵姓? | 张教援: | 我姓张,我们认识一下,这是我的名片。 | 丁力波: | 谢谢(看名片)啊,您是张教援。我叫丁力波,她叫林娜。我们都是语言学院的学生。 | 林娜: | 您是语言学院的教援,认识您,我们很高兴。 | 张教援: | 认识你们,我也很高兴。你们都好吗? | 林娜: | 谢谢,我们都很好。张教援,您忙不忙? | 张教援: | 我很忙。好,你们请坐,再见! | 丁力波: | 再见! | 林娜: | 再见! |
丁力波: | 林娜,那是谁? | 林娜: | 那是马大为。你认识不认识他? | 丁力波: | 我不认识他。 | 林娜: | 我来介绍一下。你好,大为,这是我朋友—— | 丁力波: | 你好!我姓丁,叫丁力波。请问,你叫什么名字? | 马大为: | 我的中文名字叫马大为,你是不是中国人? | 丁力波: | 我是加拿大人。我妈妈是中国人,我爸爸是加拿大人。你也是加拿大人吗? | 马大为: | 不是,我不是加拿大人,我是美国人。我学习什么专业? | 丁力波: | 我学习美术专业。你呢? | 马大为: | 我学习文学专业。现在我学习汉语。 | 林娜: | 现在我们都学习汉语,也都是汉语系的学生。 |
林娜: | 这是不是你们家的照片? | 王小云: | 是啊。 | 林娜: | 我看一下。你们家有几口人? | 王小云: | 我们家有四口人。这是我爸爸、我妈妈,这是我哥哥和我。你们家呢? | 林娜: | 我有妈妈,有一个姐姐和两个弟弟。我们一共有六口人。 | 王小云: | 这是五口人,还有谁? | 林娜: | 还有贝贝。 | 王小云: | 贝贝是你妹妹吗? | 林娜: | 不,贝贝是我的小狗。 | 王小云: | 小狗也是一口人吗? | 林娜: | 贝贝是我们的好朋友,当然是我们家的人。我有一张贝贝的照片,你看。 | 王小云: | 真可爱。 | 林娜: | 你们家有小狗吗? | 王小云: | 我们家没有小狗。林娜,你有没有男朋友? | 林娜: | 我有男朋友。 | 王小云: | 他做什么工作? | 林娜: | 他是医生。 |
林娜: | 语言学院大不大? | 王小云: | 不太大。 | 林娜: | 语言学院有多少个系? | 王小云: | 有十二个系。 | 林娜: | 你喜欢你们外语系? | 王小云: | 我很喜欢外语系。 | 林娜: | 你们外语系有多少老师? | 王小云: | 外语系有二十八个中国老师,十一个外国老师。你们系呢? | 林娜: | 我们汉语系很大。我们系的老师也很多,有一百个。他们都是中国人。我们系没有外国老师。 |
王小云: | 林娜,你怎么样?忙不忙? | 林娜: | 我今天很忙。 | 王小云: | 明天上午你有没有课? | 林娜: | 明天是星期几? | 王小云: | 明天是星期四。 | 林娜: | 我上午、下午都有课。 | 王小云: | 你星期日有时间吗? | 林娜: | 星期日是几号? | 王小云: | 星期日是十月二十七号,是宋华的生日。 | 林娜: | 是吗?他今年多大? | 王小云: | 宋华一九八二年十月二十七日出生,属狗。他今年二十岁。 | 林娜: | 他是哪儿人? | 王小云: | 他是北京人。他爸爸、妈妈都在北京。星期日下午我们有一个聚会,祝贺他的生日。力波、大为都去,你参加不参加? | 林娜: | 太好了!我当然参加。中国人生日吃蛋糕吗? | 王小云: | 吃蛋糕。 | 林娜: | 我买一个大蛋糕,好吗? | 王小云: | 好啊。我买两瓶红葡萄酒。 |
林娜: | 宋华,这是生日蛋糕。祝你生日快乐! | 宋华: | 谢谢。蛋糕真漂亮。你们来,我很高兴。 | 马大为: | 今天我们吃北京烤鸭。我很喜欢吃烤鸭。 | 丁力波: | 我们喝什么酒? | 王小云: | 当然喝红葡萄酒,我们还吃寿面。 | 林娜: | 吃寿面?真有意思。 | 宋华: | 林娜,你的生日是哪天? | 林娜: | 十一月十二号。 | 宋华: | 好,十一月十二号我们再来吃寿面。 |
(一) 王小云: | 大为,你在这儿买什么? | 马大为: | 我买音乐光盘。 | 王小云: | 你常常来这儿吗? | 马大为: | 我不常来这儿。星期天我常常跟林娜去小商场。这个商场很大。 | 王小云: | 你喜欢什么音乐? | 马大为: | 我喜欢中国音乐。这张光盘怎么样? | 王小云: | 这张很好,是《梁祝》,很有名。 | 马大为: | 好,我买这张。这儿有没有书和报? | 王小云: | 这儿没有书,也没有报。 | 马大为: | 本子呢? | 王小云: | 有,在那儿买。跟我来,我也买本子。 |
师傅: | 先生,您要什么? | 丁力波: | 你好,师傅。请问,这是什么? | 师傅: | 您不认识吗?这是香蕉苹果。 | 丁力波: | 对不起,我是问:这个汉语怎么说? | 师傅: | 啊,您是外国人。您在哪儿工作? | 丁力波: | 我在语言学院学习。 | 师傅: | 您学习汉语,是不是?您跟我学,很容易。这叫香蕉,这叫香蕉苹果,这也是苹果,那是葡萄…… | 丁力波: | 香蕉、苹果、香蕉苹果……,一斤苹果多少钱? | 师傅: | 一斤三块二毛钱。 | 丁力波: | 您的苹果真贵。 | 师傅: | 一斤三块二不贵。您看,我的苹果大。好,做个朋友,三块钱一斤。 | 丁力波: | 一斤香蕉多少钱? | 师傅: | 两块七毛五分一斤,五块钱两斤。 | 丁力波: | 我买三斤香蕉和两斤香蕉苹果。 | 师傅: | 一共十四块钱。再送您一个苹果。您还要什么? | 丁力波: | 不要了,谢谢。给你钱。 | 师傅: | 好,您给我二十块钱,我找您六块钱。再见! | 丁力波: | 再见! |
(一) 司机: | 小姐,您去哪儿? | 林娜: | 我去语言学院。师傅,请问现在几点? | 司机: | 差一刻八点。您说汉语啊! | 林娜: | 我会说一点儿汉语。我是学生,现在回学院上课。 | 司机: | 你们几点上课? | 林娜: | 八点上课。师傅,我们八点能到吗? | 司机: | 能到。您的汉语很好。 | 林娜: | 哪里,我的汉语不太好。您会不会说英语? | 司机: | 我不会说英语。我也喜欢外语,常常在家学点儿英语。 | 林娜: | 谁教您英语? | 司机: | 我孙女儿。 | 林娜: | 真有意思。她今年多大? | 司机: | 六岁。我的岁数太大了,学英语不容易。 | 林娜: | 您今年多大岁数? | 司机: | 我今年五十二。语言学院到了。现在差五分八点,您还有五分钟。 | 林娜: | 谢谢,给您钱。 | 司机: | 您给我二十,找您五块四,OK? | 林娜: | 您会说英语! | 司机: | 我也会一点儿。拜拜! | 林娜: | 拜拜! |
丁力波: | 陈老师,马大为今天不能来上课。 | 陈老师: | 他为什么不能来上课? | 丁力波: | 昨天是星期日,他上午去商场买东西,下午去朋友家玩儿。他晚上十一点半回学院,十二点写汉字,两点钟睡觉。现在他还没有起床。 | 陈老师: | 他应该来上课。 | 丁力波: | 老师,我能不能问您一个问题? | 陈老师: | 可以。 | 丁力波: | 我们为什么八点上课? |
(一) 丁力波: | 大为,你每天都六点起床去锻炼,现在九点一刻,你怎么还不起床? | 马大为: | 我头疼。 | 丁力波: | 你嗓子怎么样? | 马大为: | 我嗓子也疼。 | 丁力波: | 我想,你应该去医院看病。 | 马大为: | 我身体没问题,不用去看病。我要睡觉,不想去医院。 | 丁力波: | 你不去看病,明天你还不能上课。 | 马大为: | 好吧。我去医院。现在去还是下午去? | 丁力波: | 当然现在去,我跟你一起去。今天天气很冷,你要多穿点儿衣服。 |
丁力波: | 你在这儿休息一下,我去给你挂号。 | 马大为: | 好。 | 医生: | 八号,八号是谁? | 丁力波: | 我是八号。 | 医生: | 你看病还是他看病? | 丁力波: | 他看病。 | 医生: | 请坐吧。你叫马大为,是不是? | 马大为: | 是,我叫马大为。 | 医生: | 你今年多大? | 马大为: | 我今年二十二岁。 | 医生: | 你哪儿不舒服? | 马大为: | 我头疼,全身都不舒服。 | 医生: | 我看一下。你嗓子有点儿发炎,还有点儿发烧,是感冒。 | 丁力波: | 他要不要住院? | 医生: | 不用。你要多喝水,还要吃点儿药。你愿意吃中药还是愿意吃西药? | 马大为: | 我愿意吃中药。 | 医生: | 好,你吃一点儿中药,下星期一再来。 |
(一) 宋华: | 大为,听说你得了感冒,现在你身体怎么样? | 马大为: | 我去了医院,吃了很多中药。现在我头还有点儿疼。 | 宋华: | 你还应该多休息。 | 马大为: | 宋华,我想告诉你一件事儿。 | 宋华: | 什么事儿? | 马大为: | 我认识了一个漂亮的姑娘,她愿意做我女朋友。我们常常一起散步,一起看电影、喝咖啡,一起听音乐。 | 宋华: | 祝贺你!这是好事啊。 | 马大为: | 谢谢。是好事,可是我的宿舍太小,她不能常来我这儿。我想找一间房子。 | 宋华: | 你想租房子? | 马大为: | 是啊,我想租一间有厨房和厕所的房子,房租不能太贵。 | 宋华: | 星期六我跟你一起去租房公司,好吗? | 马大为: | 太好了。 |
{宋华与马大为在家美租房公司} | 马大为: | 那间房子房租太贵,你说,我应该怎么办? | 宋华: | 你想租还是不想租? | 马大为: | 当然想租。 | 宋华: | 我给陆雨平打个电话,让他来帮助我们。 | 马大为: | 他很忙,会来吗? | 宋华: | 他会来。 | {宋华给陆雨平打电话} | 陆雨平: | 喂,哪一位啊? | 宋华: | 我是宋华,我和大为现在在家美租房公司。 | 陆雨平: | 你们怎么在那儿? | 宋华: | 大为要租房子。 | 陆雨平: | 你们看没看房子? | 宋华: | 我们看了一间房子。那间房子很好,可是房租有点儿贵。 | 陆雨平: | 你们找了经理没有? | 宋华: | 我们没有找经理。 | 陆雨平: | 宋华,这个公司的经理是我朋友,我跟他说一下,请他帮助你们,我想可能没有问题。 | 宋华: | 好啊。晚上我们请你和你朋友吃饭。 | 陆雨平: | 好,你们在公司等我,再见。 | 宋华: | 再见。 |
(一) 马大为: | 力波,上午十点半,你妈妈给你打了一个电话。我告诉她你不在。我让她中午再给你打。 | 丁力波: | 谢谢。我刚才去邮局给我妈妈寄了点儿东西。大为,我今天打扫了宿舍,你的脏衣服太多了。 | 马大为: | 不好意思。这两天我太忙了,我想星期六一起洗。 | {丁力波的妈妈给他打电话} | 马大为: | 喂,你好,你找谁?啊,丁力波在,请等一下。力波,你妈妈的电话。 | 丁力波: | 谢谢。妈妈,你好! | 丁云: | 力波,你好吗? | 丁力波: | 我很好。你和爸爸身体怎么样? | 丁云: | 我身体很好,你爸爸也很好。我们工作都很忙。你外婆身体好吗? | 丁力波: | 她身体很好。她让我问你们好。 | 丁云: | 我们也问她好。你哥哥、弟弟怎么样? | 丁力波: | 他们也都很好。哥哥现在在一个中学打工,弟弟在南方旅行。我们都很想你们。 | 丁云: | 我们也想你们。你现在怎么样?你住的宿舍大不大?住几个人? | 丁力波: | 我们留学生楼两个人住一间。我跟一个美国人住,他的中文名字叫马大为。 | 丁云: | 他也学习汉语? | 丁力波: | 对,他也学习汉语。我还有很多中国朋友,他们常常帮助我念生词、复习课文、练习口语。我还常常问他们语法问题,他们都是我的好朋友。 | 丁云: | 这很好。力波,今年你要在中国过圣诞节,不能回家?我和你爸爸要送你一件圣诞礼物。 | 丁力波: | 谢谢你们。我也给你们寄了圣诞礼物。 | 丁云: | 是吗?圣诞节我和你爸爸想去欧洲旅行。你呢?你去不去旅行? | 丁力波: | 我要去上海旅行。 | 丁云: | 上海很漂亮。祝你旅行快乐! | 丁力波: | 谢谢。我也祝你和爸爸圣诞快乐! |
丁力波的日记 十二月十八日 | 星期五 | 天气晴 |

First lesson
Lu Yuping: | Force wave hello. | Reeb: | Hello, Lu Yuping. |
Reeb: | Linna, how are you? | Linna: | I'm fine, you? | Reeb: | Also very good. |
You busy.
(A) Linna: | Lu Yuping, how are you? | Lu Yuping: | I'm fine. Your father, mother? | Linna: | They are very good. Are you busy? | Lu Yuping: | I'm not busy. Your boyfriend? | Linna: | He was busy. |
Ding Libo: | Brother, you want coffee? | Brother: | I want coffee. | Brother: | I would also like coffee. | Ding Libo: | Well, we drank coffee. |
She is what people
(A) Brother: | Reeb, who is that? | Ding Libo: | That is our teacher. | Brother: | She is your nationality? | Ding Libo: | She is Chinese. Our teachers are Chinese. |
Ding Libo: | Chen, Hello! This is my brother, he is a foreign language teacher. | Chen: | Hello. | Ding Libo: | This is my friend. | Chen: | Hello! You are a teacher? | Friends: | Hello! I am not a teacher, I was a doctor. | Chen: | Force wave, this is your grandmother? | Ding Libo: | No, she is my grandmother. | Chen: | Grandma, Hello! |
Nice to meet you
Lesson 4
Teacher: | Come in? | Linna: | Come in! Young teacher, hello. This is my friend, he was a reporter. | Teacher: | Ask your name? | Lu Yuping: | My name is land, called Lu Yuping. | Teacher: | Hello, Mr Luk, Nice to meet you. | Lu Yuping: | Young teachers, to know you, I am also very pleased. |
Linna: | I am a language school students. Lin, called Linna. I am British. Your last name? | Ma Dawei: | I named Ma, called Ma Dawei. | Linna: | Canadians? | Ma Dawei: | I am not a Canadian, I was the Americans, but also the students of the Language Institute. I learn Chinese. |
Where is the dining room
Lesson 5
Ma Dawei: | I ask, Wang Xiaoyun quarters? | Female students: | , Come in, sit down. | Ma Dawei: | Thank you. Wang Xiaoyun in? | Female students: | She's not in now. | Ma Dawei: | Where is she? | Female students: | I'm sorry, I do not know. | Ma Dawei: | It does not matter. OK, bye. | Female students: | Goodbye. |
Ma Dawei: | Miss, may I ask where is the restaurant? | Miss: | On the second floor 〇 IV. | Ma Dawei: | Thank you. | Miss: | You're welcome. | Song Hua: | Greatly, we are here. | Ma Dawei: | I'm sorry, I'm late. | Xiaoyun Wang: | It does not matter. |
We go swimming, please
Lesson 6
Xiaoyun Wang: | Linna Peking Opera yesterday how? | Linna: | Very interesting. Today's weather is good, we go for a swim, okay? | Xiaoyun Wang: | Great! When did you go? | Linna: | Now go, can you? | Xiaoyun Wang: | Can. |
Ding Libo: | Young teacher, tomorrow you have the time? | Yang: | I'm sorry, say again. | Ding Libo: | Tomorrow you have the time? We went to play, okay? | Yang: | Sorry, tomorrow I'm busy, I'm afraid not. Thank you. |
Do you know do not know him
Lesson 7
Linna: | Force wave, opening tomorrow, I am very pleased. You see, he is not our college teacher? | Ding Libo: | I ask. Ask our college teacher? | Zhang teaching aid: | , Is a language school teacher. | Ding Libo: | Your name? | Zhang teaching aid: | Zhang, we recognize that, This is my business card. | Ding Libo: | Thank you. (See card) ah, Zhang teaching aid. My name is Ding Libo, her name is Linna. We are students of the Language Institute. | Linna: | You are a language school teaching aid, to know you, we are pleased. | Zhang teaching aid: | Know you, I am also glad. You are? | Linna: | Thank you, we are very good. Zhang teaching aid, you are you busy? | Zhang teaching aid: | I'm busy. Well, you take a seat, goodbye! | Ding Libo: | Goodbye! | Linna: | Goodbye! |
Ding Libo: | Linna, who is that? | Linna: | Ma Dawei. Do you know do not know him? | Ding Libo: | I do not know him. | Linna: | Let me introduce you. Hello, greatly, this is my friend - | Ding Libo: | Hello! My name is D, called Dingli Bo. I ask, what is your name? | Ma Dawei: | My Chinese name is Ma Dawei, you is not Chinese? | Ding Libo: | I'm Canadian. My mother is Chinese, my father is Canadian. You are Canadians? | Ma Dawei: | No, I'm not Canadian, I'm an American. I study? | Ding Libo: | I am learning the art professional. You? | Ma Dawei: | I study Literature. Now I'm learning Chinese. | Linna: | Now we are learning Chinese, are also students of the Chinese Department. |
(Read and repeat)
They are not a student? Yes, they are all students of the Language Institute. You do not know they me introduce you. They have a Chinese surname, Chinese name. This is Linna, she is British. He is an American, named Ma, his Chinese name is very interesting, called greatly. He called the Ding Libo, my father is Canadian, the mother is Chinese, he is Canadian. Dawei Ma of the professional literature, Ding Libo professional art. Now they are learning Chinese.
Language Institute of the Chinese teachers: female teacher surnamed Chen, male teacher named Yang. They are all Chinese Department of the teacher, are all Chinese. Professor Zhang is also a language school teacher, he was busy. You see, this is the business card of Professor Zhang.
Miss Tian is not a teacher, she is a doctor of the Language Institute.
You have many people are
Lesson 8
Linna: | This is not your family photos? | Xiaoyun Wang: | Yes ah. | Linna: | I look at. Many people are there in your home? | Xiaoyun Wang: | We have four people. This is my dad, my mom, this is my brother and me. Your home? | Linna: | I have a mother, a sister and two brothers. A total of six people. | Xiaoyun Wang: | This is five people, who else? | Linna: | There Babe. | Xiaoyun Wang: | Beibei is your sister? | Linna: | No, Babe is my dog. | Xiaoyun Wang: | The dog is also a? | Linna: | Babe is our good friend, of course, is our family. I have pictures of a babe, you see. | Xiaoyun Wang: | So cute. | Linna: | Your family dog? | Xiaoyun Wang: | We do not have puppies. Linna, you have a boyfriend? | Linna: | I have a boyfriend. | Xiaoyun Wang: | What does he do? | Linna: | He is a doctor. |
Linna: | Language Institute so big? | Xiaoyun Wang: | Not too great. | Linna: | How many departments of the Language Institute? | Xiaoyun Wang: | There are 12 departments. | Linna: | Do you like your Department of Foreign Languages? | Xiaoyun Wang: | I really like the Department of Foreign Languages. | Linna: | Your Department of Foreign Languages how many teachers? | Xiaoyun Wang: | Department of Foreign Languages 20 eight teachers and 10 foreign teachers. Your Department? | Linna: | We Chinese Department great. The teachers of our department, one hundred. They are all Chinese. Our department of foreign teachers. |
(Read and repeat)
Ding Libo is a Canadian student . His family has five people: father, mother, brother, brother and him. His mother surnamed Ding, Ding Yun, the Chinese people. His father called the Gubo Canadians. Twenty years ago Gubo understanding Ding Yun in Canada, when Ding Yun learning English, Gubo learning Chinese.
Ding Yun and Gubo Chinese professor. They have three boys, not girls. Ding Libo and his brother, his brother in Beijing. Ding Libo language school students who learned Chinese. He likes the Language Institute. The Language Institute is not too large, there are 12 departments. Chinese Department of the one hundred teachers. Ding Libo Chinese friends are students of the Department of Foreign Languages. Ding Libo's brother to learn the history of professional, his brother's specialty is economic.
Their grandmother in Beijing. They often went to his grandmother, and they love Grandma.
His two-year-old
Ninth class
Xiaoyun Wang: | Linna, how are you? Busy? | Linna: | I am very busy today. | Xiaoyun Wang: | Tomorrow morning you have no class? | Linna: | What day is tomorrow? | Xiaoyun Wang: | Tomorrow is Thursday. | Linna: | I was a morning, afternoon, has a lesson. | Xiaoyun Wang: | Are you on Sunday? | Linna: | Sunday is the number? | Xiaoyun Wang: | Sunday, October 27, Song's birthday. | Linna: | Is not it? He be? | Xiaoyun Wang: | Song Hua, born October 27, 1982, is a dog. He is two years old. | Linna: | Where are you from? | Xiaoyun Wang: | He Beijing. His father, my mother in Beijing. Sunday afternoon we had a party to congratulate him on his birthday. Reeb, substantially all go, you take part do not participate? | Linna: | Great! Of course I attend. Chinese birthday cake? | Xiaoyun Wang: | Cake. | Linna: | I bought a big cake? | Xiaoyun Wang: | Good. I bought two bottles of red wine. |
Linna: | Song China, which is the birthday cake. Happy birthday to you! | Song Hua: | Thank you. The cake is really beautiful. You, I am very pleased. | Ma Dawei: | Today we eat Beijing duck. I like to eat roast duck. | Ding Libo: | What shall we drink wine? | Xiaoyun Wang: | Of course, drink red wine, we eat birthday noodles. | Linna: | Eat birthday noodles? Very interesting. | Song Hua: | Linna, your birthday is the day? | Linna: | November 12. | Song Hua: | Well, November 12, let us eat the birthday noodles. |
(Read and repeat)
Song Chinese students of the Department of Economics, Beijing, was born in 1982. October 27 this year is his birthday. Sunday afternoon, his friends had a party, Xiaoyun Wang, Linna Ding Libo, and Dawei Ma came to congratulate him on his birthday. They eat roast duck restaurant in Beijing the roast Ming and the birthday noodles, drinking red wine. Friends wished Happy Song Huasheng Day Song China is very pleased.
Linna's birthday is November 12. Song Hua said that the day they come to eat birthday noodles and roast duck.
I'm here to buy the CD-ROM
Lesson 10
Xiaoyun Wang: | Greatly, there you buy? | Ma Dawei: | I bought a music CD. | Xiaoyun Wang: | Do you often come here? | Ma Dawei: | I do not often come here. Sunday, I often go with Linna small shopping malls. The mall. | Xiaoyun Wang: | What music do you like? | Ma Dawei: | I like music. This CD is how? | Xiaoyun Wang: | This very good, "Butterfly Lovers", is famous. | Ma Dawei: | Well, I bought this. Here there are no books and newspapers? | Xiaoyun Wang: | There is no book, no newspaper. | Ma Dawei: | Book it? | Xiaoyun Wang: | Where to buy. Come with me, I bought the book. |
Master: | President, do you want? | Ding Libo: | Hello, master. I ask, What is it? | Master: | Do not you know? This is a banana apple. | Ding Libo: | I'm sorry, my question is: how to say this in Chinese? | Master: | Ah, you are a foreigner. Where do you work? | Ding Libo: | I learn the language school. | Master: | You learn Chinese, is not it? You follow me, very easy. Called banana, called Banana Apple, Apple, it is the grape ... | Ding Libo: | Bananas, apples, bananas, apples, ..., a pound of apples how much money? | Master: | Pound of three two cents. | Ding Libo: | Apple is really expensive. | Master: | Pound of three two not that expensive. You see, Apple. Good friend and three dollars a pound. | Ding Libo: | How much a pound of bananas? | Master: | Two seven five cents a pound, five dollars a couple of pounds. | Ding Libo: | I bought pounds for banana and couple of pounds of bananas, apples. | Master: | A total of fourteen dollars. Sending you an apple. Would you like it? | Ding Libo: | No, thank you. Give you money. | Master: | Well, you give me twenty dollars, I find your six dollars. Goodbye! | Ding Libo: | Goodbye! |
(Read and repeat)
Often with Linna Ma Dawei Sunday to go to the mall. That the mall is great, a lot of things. They go there to buy a music CD, Xiaoyun Wang also. Ma Dawei like Chinese music. He asked Wang Xiaoyun, what music CD? Xiaoyun Wang said that the "Butterfly Lovers" famous foreign friends also like. Ma Dawei very pleased, said: "Well, I bought this CD." Ma Dawei also buy books and newspapers, this mall does not sell books, not selling newspapers. He told Wang Xiaoyun buy a pad and pen.
Ma Dawei often go to the bookstore. The bookstore is also a lot of books. Also reading his books in the bookstore. Chinese books are not expensive. The next month, 20 is the birthday of his brother. His brother, like the Chinese kung fu, Ma Dawei to send his brother a "Chinese martial arts.
I would say a little Chinese
Lesson 11
Driver: | Miss, are you going? | Linna: | I went to language school. Master, may I ask now? | Driver: | The seven forty-five. Do you speak Chinese! | Linna: | I would say a little Chinese. I am a student, now back to the College classes. | Driver: | What time do classes? | Linna: | Eight classes. Master, we have eight to go to? | Driver: | Be able to. Your Chinese is very good. | Linna: | Where, my Chinese is not very good. You will not speak English? | Driver: | I do not speak English. I also like foreign languages, often at home to learn a little English. | Linna: | Who taught you English? | Driver: | My granddaughter. | Linna: | Very interesting. Her how much this year? | Driver: | Six years old. I'm too old to learn English is not easy. | Linna: | You how old this year? | Driver: | I am 50 this year two. Language Institute. Five minutes at eight, you have five minutes. | Linna: | Thank you, your money. | Driver: | You give me twenty, looking for five four, the OK? | Linna: | Do you speak English! | Driver: | I will be a little bit. Bye bye! | Linna: | Bye bye! |
Ding Libo: | Chen, Ma Dawei can not come to class. | Chen: | Why can not he come to class? | Ding Libo: | Yesterday was Sunday, his morning go to the mall to buy things in the afternoon to a friend's house play. His 11 o'clock semi-back to the College at night, twelve to write Chinese characters, two o'clock to sleep. He also did not get up. | Chen: | He should come to class. | Ding Libo: | Teacher, I can ask you a question? | Chen: | Can. | Ding Libo: | Why are we at eight to class? |
(Read and repeat)
Sunday Linna to play an English friend's house. Monday, eight in her class, the seven forty-five her fight back to College class. The driver was 52, he has a granddaughter; this year was six years old. Said Linna the Chinese is very good. He also likes the foreign language, learn English now with his granddaughter. 8:00 them five minutes to College.
Ma Dawei busy Sunday. His morning to go to the mall to buy things, the afternoon to a friend's house play, late in the evening back to the College. Twelve to write Chinese characters, two o'clock to sleep. Monday, eight classes, eight did not get up.Chen was very unhappy, she asked Ding Libo: Ma Dawei Where? Ding Libo said Ma Dawei still did not get up, he could not class.
My body is not comfortable
Lesson 12
Ding Libo: | Dawei, every day you get up at six to exercise, now quarter past nine, how can you not get up? | Ma Dawei: | I have a headache. | Ding Libo: | Your throat and how? | Ma Dawei: | My throat pain. | Ding Libo: | I think you should go to the hospital. | Ma Dawei: | My body is no problem, do not go see a doctor. I want to sleep, do not want to go to the hospital. | Ding Libo: | You do not see a doctor, you have class tomorrow. | Ma Dawei: | Right. I go to the hospital. Now go or afternoon? | Ding Libo: | Of course, now I go with you. Today the weather is cold, you want to put on more children clothes. |
Ding Libo: | You rest here, I'll get you registered. | Ma Dawei: | Better. | Doctor: | No. 8, No. 8 who? | Ding Libo: | I was on the 8th. | Doctor: | You see the doctor or his doctor? | Ding Libo: | He doctor. | Doctor: | Sit down. You call Ma Dawei, is not it? | Ma Dawei: | Yes, my name is Ma Dawei. | Doctor: | How old are you? | Ma Dawei: | I am twenty-two. | Doctor: | Where uncomfortable? | Ma Dawei: | I have a headache, body is not comfortable. | Doctor: | I look at. Your voice a little inflammation, slight fever, a cold. | Ding Libo: | Him to hospital? | Doctor: | Not. You should drink plenty of water, but also eat some medicine. Would you like to eat Chinese or are willing to eat western medicine? | Ma Dawei: | I am willing to eat a traditional Chinese medicine. | Doctor: | Well, you eat a little bit of traditional Chinese medicine, Monday again. |
(Read and repeat)
Greatly, how can you not get up? What? Are you a headache? Your body is not comfortable? You have to go to bed, do not want to get up? You should go see a doctor. You want to sleep, do not want to go to the hospital? Greatly, you can not sleep, you should go to the hospital, you have to go see a doctor. I go to the hospital with you. Now go or afternoon? Of course, now go. We should go now.
The doctors, on the 8th, his Chinese name is Ma Dawei, a 25-year-old. Headache, body is not comfortable. You give him a look. You said he had a fever, sore throat has a little inflammation. Is cold! Him to hospital? Needless to hospital to take medicine.Greatly, would you like to eat Chinese or are willing to eat western medicine? You can eat western medicine. What? You do not want to eat Western medicine? Would you like to eat Chinese medicine? All right, doctor, you give him a little bit of Chinese medicine.
I met a beautiful girl
Lesson Thirteen
Song Hua: | Greatly, I heard you had a cold, your body how? | Ma Dawei: | I went to the hospital, eating a lot of traditional Chinese medicine. My head hurt a bit. | Song Hua: | You should also get more rest. | Ma Dawei: | Song China, I want to tell you one thing. | Song Hua: | What happened? | Ma Dawei: | I met a beautiful girl, she is willing to be my girlfriend. We often walk together, watching movies, drinking coffee, listening to music together. | Song Hua: | Congratulations! This is a good thing. | Ma Dawei: | Thank you. Is a good thing, but my dorm is too small, she could not often come to me. I'm looking for a house. | Song Hua: | You want to rent an apartment? | Ma Dawei: | Yes ah, I would like to rent a house with kitchen and toilet, the rent is not too expensive. | Song Hua: | Saturday I'll go with the rental company? | Ma Dawei: | Great. |
{Hua Song and Ma Dawei home US rental companies} | Ma Dawei: | The house rent is too high, you say, how should I do? | Song Hua: | Do you want to rent or do not want to rent? | Ma Dawei: | Certainly want to rent. | Song Hua: | I make a phone call to Lu Yuping, let him help us. | Ma Dawei: | He was too busy coming? | Song Hua: | He will come. | {Song Hua Lu Yuping call} | Lu Yuping: | Hey, which one? | Song Hua: | Song China, U.S. rental companies at home and I greatly now. | Lu Yuping: | How are you there? | Song Hua: | Greatly want to rent an apartment. | Lu Yuping: | Do you see did not see the house? | Song Hua: | We looked at the house. That house very well, but the rent is a bit expensive. | Lu Yuping: | You find a manager yet? | Song Hua: | We did not find the manager. | Lu Yuping: | Song China, the manager of this company is my friend, I said to him, asking him to help you, I think it might be no problem. | Song Hua: | Good. We invite you and your friends eat. | Lu Yuping: | Good are you waiting for me, goodbye. | Song Hua: | Goodbye. |
(Read and repeat)
Ma Dawei to write a letter to girlfriend swallow.
Dear little Swallow:
How are you? I miss you.
Wednesday I had a cold, headache, sore throat a little inflammation, but also a little fever. But now I'm good.
I want to tell you one thing. Swallow, I am like you. I want you often look at me, with me listening to music, drink coffee. But I live in the dormitory is too small, not easy. I would like to rent a house, a kitchen, a toilet, the rent is not too expensive. Song China, to help me find a house.
Saturday Song China and I went to America rental company, we looked at a house, a good house, a large kitchen, toilet, but the rent is too high. Song China to Lu Yuping hit a telephone and asked him how we should do. What a coincidence, the home of the U.S. rental company manager is a friend of Lu Yuping Lu Yuping He may help us. The manager is very enthusiastic, he showed us a lot of houses. I rented a suitable house. The rent is not too expensive. Evening Lu Yuping and managers eat the Beijing Roast Duck. I'm so glad.
Swallow, I would like to ask you to look at my new house. You said, when appropriate?
I'll wait for your reply.
December 10
Merry Christmas to you
Lesson 14
Ma Dawei: | Reeb, half past ten, your mother gave you a call. I told her you were not. I let her give you to play at noon. | Ding Libo: | Thank you. I just go to the post office sent a little something for my mother. Dawei, clean quarters, your dirty clothes too much. | Ma Dawei: | Sorry. These two days I'm too busy, I think Saturday and wash. | {Ding Libo's mother gave him a call} | Ma Dawei: | Hello, Hello, are you looking for? Ah, Ding Libo, please wait. Reeb, your mother's phone. | Ding Libo: | Thank you. Mother, Hello! | Ding Yun: | Reeb, are you? | Ding Libo: | I'm fine. How kind of you and Dad body? | Ding Yun: | I am in good health, your father is also very good. We are busy. Your grandmother body? | Ding Libo: | Her body good. She let me ask you. | Ding Yun: | We also ask her. Your brother, brother, how? | Ding Libo: | They are also very good. Brother now working in a secondary school, my brother is traveling in the south. We all miss you. | Ding Yun: | We would also like you. You now how? Your living quarters are not so big? Live in a few people? | Ding Libo: | The floor, two of our students live in a. I live with an American, his Chinese name is Ma Dawei. | Ding Yun: | He is also learning Chinese? | Ding Libo: | Yes, he is also learning Chinese. I have many Chinese friends, they often help me read the words, review the text and to practice speaking. I often ask them to grammar, they are my good friend. | Ding Yun: | This is very good. Reeb in China for Christmas, can not go home? Your father and I want to give you a Christmas gift. | Ding Libo: | Thank you. I also send you a Christmas gift. | Ding Yun: | Is not it? Christmas and your dad want to travel to Europe. You? Are you going to travel? | Ding Libo: | I'm going to travel. | Ding Yun: | Shanghai is very beautiful. I wish you a Travel Happy! | Ding Libo: | Thank you. I also wish you and Daddy Merry Christmas! |
(Read and repeat)
Ding Libo's Diary December 18 | Friday | Weather clear |
Next Friday is Christmas. This is my first Christmas in China. I want to Xiaoyun with Shanghai travel. Chinese young people also like for Christmas. Many shopping malls have Santa Claus. Mall a lot, a lot of people buy things.
Ten o'clock, I went to the post office to send a parcel to the father and mother is ten opera CD. Dad liked the opera, also like her mother, I want to give them a surprise. I miss home, and would also like Canada.
Half past ten, my mother gave me a phone call. I am not greatly so that the mother give me to play at noon.
At noon I received a phone of the mother. I'm so glad. Mom and Dad the body are good, they busy at work. My mother asked me to ask Grandma is good. I told the brother of her brother are very good, brother working in secondary schools, to teach English; brother traveling in the south. I also introduced my good friend Ma Dawei. Mom and Dad Christmas is going to travel to Europe and I wish them to travel happy.
Mom and Dad to send me a Christmas present, I do not know what a gift.

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