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Submitted By pastorboy
Words 770
Pages 4
James E Thomas CJUS 200
Reflection Paper
Liberty University

Law Enforcement

The reflection that I have of law enforcement in recent days has been somewhat flawed by the way law enforcement has been portrayed in the media, and in news articles. The understanding of the police system in today’s society should have improved from what it was century ago, the agenda should be enforcing the law and keeping the peace amongst the people that they serve. I’ve never had an encounter with any police, but I’ve had opportunity to know how they treat others and how they target and even profile certain ethnicities. Many times I've seen law enforcement turn the their head when crime is being committed depending on ethnicity. Today we have to many police officers utilize force to get a handle on situations and in past days they have taken their forcefulness too far. In maintaining peace the police have rules that they must follow that will not go against citizen’s rights. The system has now more opportunity, and programs. The system is now structure in a way they can best help those that are found to be in their grip. In ( Hendrix, N., & Inciardi, J. (2013). chapter 11 and 12 we see how law enforcement has evolve from the way they viewed crimes and criminals were being house and discipline.
The Courts
The courts system that hear the majority of criminal and civil cases, is structure much like that of the federal court system. State trial courts hear matter of criminal concern, many of the civil cases that do not deal with constitution issues are reviewed by the states courts. Whereas any decisions that are made by the lower court can be reviewed by courts of appeals, and like so, a case may "be reviewed by the state court of last resort", ( Hendrix, N., & Inciardi, J. (2013). which is also called the supreme court of that state.

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