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Nessecary Acts of 2003


Submitted By mkshires
Words 573
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| Necessary ACTS of 2003 |

There is no doubt that in recent years the Information Technology (IT) has catapulted us into a new era. Not only we have seen progress in the internet as the means to disseminate this information but the equipment associated with it. The equipment is more compact and movable like the small smart telephones that have tremendous memory and processing speed. The information is now almost instant and global in nature; it could be the written word of a broadcast video playing in real time; the technology itself tracks and monitors through the called “cookies” a complete library of users that could be accessed through electronic mail even when they have not solicited the information. The challenge is to prevent unwanted information from reaching an audience and also to monitor exchanged information that would reveal any plot against the government or the nation; all done within the confinement of the law that safeguards our freedom of speech and right to privacy, thus the creation of new laws such as the CAN-SPAM ACT of 2003 and the Do-Not-Call Implementation ACT of 2003.
The development of Controlling the Assault of Non-solicited Pornography and Marketing also known as the CAN-SPAM ACT of 2003 was placed to prohibit unsolicited transmission of commercial electronic mail via the internet. FTC Facts for Business stated that the law “sets rules for commercial email, establishes requirements for commercial messages, gives recipients the right to have you stop emailing them, and spells out tough penalties and violations.” However, the CAN-SPAM act does not apply when receiving bulk email. This act has requirements and guidelines that are to be followed. A business must not use false or misleading header information or the use of deceptive subject lines. The message is to be identified as an advertisement and give the exact address of where the business is located. The message must include ways for recipients to opt-out or receiving any future emails and honor opt-out requests promptly as well as monitor what others are doing on the business’s behalf. No one enjoys being bombarded with advertisements and unwanted emails.
The same issue of being overloaded with junk mail has over taken the phone lines. Many people receive massive amounts of phone calls from solicitors selling useless items. Normally a person receiving these calls would ask to be placed on the Do-Not-Call Registry. This “authorizes the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to promulgate regulations establishing fee’s sufficient to implement and enforce provisions relating to the ‘Do-Not-Call’ registry of the telemarketing sales rule” The telemarketing sales rule prohibits a telemarketer from calling any person on the registry.
The new advances that resulted in the necessity for these acts to be created are simple. The new technology in our day and age has given businesses an easier way of selling products and advertising. Basically given a new way to overrun email inboxes and tie up phone lines. The burdensome advertising companies needed to be limited and held responsible for the ongoing irritation of simple product selling.

H.R. 395 - - 108th Congress: Do-Not-Call Implementation Act. (2003). In Retrieved February 18, 2013, from
H.R. Congress: Controlling the Assault on Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act. (2003). In Retrieved February 18, 2013 from

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