...| Computer Networks | By:Yaafiz Mohamed (S12425216)Zimna Ahmed (S12465436)Shahuma Abdulla (S12465351)Najudha Adam (S12465351)Sama Ali (S12465333) | | | | | Table of Contents Introduction 3 Computer and Networking. 3 Characteristics of Computer Networks. 3 Types of Computer Networks. 4 PAN (Personal Area Network) 4 LAN (Local Area Network) 5 MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) 5 WAN (Wide Area Network) 5 CAN (Campus Area Network) 5 SAN (Storage Area Network) 5 Why do we network our computers? 6 Peer-to-peer networking. 6 Computer Network Technologies 7 Conclusion: 8 Reference: 9 Introduction The purpose of the report is to survey and monitor the current state of computer network and the types of computer networks. This report is written by examining a range of recent published articles, magazine articles, and internet sites on the topic of computer networks used which are used commonly. The report is mainly about the types of computer network and their functions. Computer and Networking. A computer is a programmable machine, which is designed to sequentially and arithmetically carry out a sequence of logical operations. The particular sequence of operation allowing to solve more than one kind of problem. It responds to a specific set of instructions in a well defined manner. It can execute a pre-recorded list of instructions. Main components of computers are input, output and process. (Thakur) According to (Mitchell, What is (Wireless...
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...computer networks Table of Contents DECLARATION 2 INTRODUCTION 5 PURPOSE 5 NETWORK CRITERIA 6 Performance 6 Reliability 6 Security 6 TYPES OF NETWORK CONNECTION 6 NETWORK CLASSIFICATION 7 Connection method 7 Wired technologies 7 Wireless technologies 8 Scale 9 Personal Area Network 9 Local Area Network 9 Metropolitan Area Networks 10 Wide Area Network 10 Network Architecture 10 BASIC HARDWARE COMPONENTS 14 Network interface cards 14 Repeaters 14 Hubs 14 Bridges 15 Switches 15 Routers 15 Modem 16 CABLE STANDARD 16 Connectors and other information 16 Conductors required 17 Characteristics 17 ACCESS CONTROL METHODS 19 Token Based Access 19 Token priority 19 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) 20 Collision detected procedure 20 INTRODUCTION A computer network, often simply referred to as a network, is a group of computers and devices interconnected by communications channels that facilitate communications among users and allows users to share resources. Networks may be classified according to a wide variety of characteristics. A computer network allows sharing of resources and information among interconnected devices. In the 1960s, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) started funding the design of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) for the United States Department of Defense. It was the first computer network in the World. Development of the network...
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...Computer Network A computer network is a group of computers that are interconnected by electronic circuits or wireless transmissions of various designs and technologies for the purpose of exchanging data or communicating information between them or their users. Networks may be classified according to a wide variety of characteristics. This article provides a general overview of types and categories and also presents the basic components of a network. Introduction A computer network allows sharing of resources and information among devices connected to the network. The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) funded the design of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) for the United States Department of Defense. It was the first operational computer network in the world.[1] Development of the network began in 1969, based on designs developed during the 1960s. For a history see ARPANET, the first network. Purpose Facilitating communications Using a network, people can communicate efficiently and easily via e-mail, instant messaging, chat rooms, telephony, video telephone calls, and videoconferencing. Sharing hardware In a networked environment, each computer on a network can access and use hardware on the network. Suppose several personal computers on a network each require the use of a laser printer. If the personal computers and a laser are connected to a network, the personal computers users each can access the laser printer on the network, as they need...
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...Week 2 – Case Study SEC-280 11-9-2013 The first point that I will address consist on the multiple dangers that computer networks are exposed, that are in majority done by perpetrators that get access to servers of Windows and Linux to explode their vulnerabilities.. The use of these codes or malware in the form of viruses, worms, time bombs or any peculiar name this individuals use to give to their destructive toys, are a major concern to the protection of confidential information. Data so sensitive that in their majority is composing of identity, credit, and property information so well collected and compiler that is plenty for the creation of a clone of a company or a person. These identity theft atrocities are not limit to the software and information appropriation; also the attacks diminish computer performance, affecting their velocity and cause computers to crash. The CIO should possess a compendium of way’s to defend his network, and a rapid decision capability to take decisions in a short time period. Furthermore, in general terms security; as we can define “ the act of provide a sense or protection against lost, attack or harm”, can use or integrate a complete protection plan. Depending on the resources of the company the integration of a security plan that can integrate “the five pillars of security IT security operation: policy and audit management, access management, infrastructure and hardware security and incident response.” The real world presents to us a...
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...North South University School of Business MIS 105 Introduction to the Computer Group Presentation Summer 2012 Presentation Date: 05‐Aug‐2012 Sunday Venue: Classroom Time: Normal Class time Out of: 30 Topic: Computer networks Scenario: You work in the mid‐level management position of a large multinational corporation handling millions of records per month. The corporation has about 10 different concerns with around 50 branches countrywide. The corporation has recently decided to overhaul their computer network system in order to tune up their data communication system. You, as in charge of the project, are to design a new networking plan that will improve the performance of their existing data communication system. What to do: • Prepare a Multimedia presentation (Power Point) in your group that clearly explains your plan. If you are planning to use any software/hardware you must be very specific with their names and the way they work along with their success history. You are required to perform an extensive online research for this purpose. You may assume any other parameter that has not been mentioned in the above scenario. • You must reference every page (in‐text referencing) of your presentation in Harvard style. Remember, your work do not have any value without appropriate referencing. Your presentation must include at least 6 in‐text references; at least 2 of these must be from online or printed journals. You may download Harvard ...
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...I. Computer Dynamics Computer Dynamics is a microcomputer software development company that has a 300-computer network. The company is located in three adjacent five-story buildings in an office park, with about 100 computers in each building. The current network is a poorly designed mix of Ethernet and token ring (Ethernet in two buildings and token ring in the other). The networks in all three buildings are heavily overloaded, and the company anticipates significant growth in network traffic. There is currently no network connection among the buildings, but this is one objective in building the new network. Describe the network you would recommend and how it would be configured with the goal of building a new network that will support the company’s needs for the next 3 years with few additional investments. Be sure to include the devices and type of network circuits you would use. You will need to make some assumptions, so be sure to document your assumptions and explain why you have designed the network in this way. Because we are considering the company present needs and over the next 3 years and not adding any addition investments, I would design the network using the traditional network design process. Computer Dynamics is centrally located in three adjacent five-story buildings, however there is no network connectivity amongst the buildings, which means we have to build a backbone to connect all three LANs. Before addressing the connectivity issues amongst the buildings...
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...TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction 2 Threats 2 • State-sponsored espionage and sabotage of computer networks 2 • Monster DDoS attacks 2 • The loss of visibility and control created by IT consumerization and the cloud 2 • The password debacle 3 • The insider threat 3 UAE CASE 3 Precaution 4 Conclusion 4 Bibliography 5 Introduction As the requirement of the paper I will explain the types of fraud may face by the organisation computer networks. Along with I will discuss two cases of such fraud in UAE and finally I will discuss possible precautions to mitigate the risk of such frauds. In recent year the computer network threats become technically more advanced, sophisticated, more organised and at the same time difficult to detect. It is important to mention that these attacks not only damage network security for financial frauds but this also aim to disable and reliability of the infrastructure as well, which may cause worse type of threat to the national security. (Tom Cross and Eric Savitz, Forbes Staff, 2012) Threats Most respected financial magazine FORBES has mentioned five main security threats to the computer networks which includes. • State-sponsored espionage and sabotage of computer networks o In 2012 a very famous virus called Flame was discovered which was not traced by the software in years. Similarly virus named Shamon destroyed the data of oil and energy companies and made the machines unbootable. • Monster DDoS attacks o DDos stands for the...
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...Hubballi COMPUTER NETWORKING LAB Mahantesh Patil 2BV14IS410 Mahantesh Patil 2BV14IS410 CN LAB REPORT Dept. of ISE, BVBCET LAB-01 List the hardware components 1) Difference between switch and Hub: 2) Difference between SWITCH and ROUTER 3) Differences between Router and Gateway 4) What is the Difference between Subnetting and Supernetting? HARDWARE COMPONENTS Cables: 1|Page Mahantesh Patil 2BV14IS410 CN LAB REPORT Dept. of ISE, BVBCET Cables: which are used to connect one or more devices to computer or network. Different types of network cables are available market they are Coaxial cable, Optical fiber cable, Twisted pair cable. RJ-45 The most common UTP connector is RJ45 (RJ stands for registered Jack), as shown in Figure. The RJ45 is a keyed connector, meaning the connector, meaning the connector can be inserted in only one way. 2|Page Mahantesh Patil 2BV14IS410 CN LAB REPORT Dept. of ISE, BVBCET SWITCHES: Switches contain many ports to connect different network segments. They are similar to hubs, but offer greater performance. When a network contains a large number of devices, switches are needed instead of hubs to make sure the communications between devices does not slow down. Contrary to hubs, switches send the data it receives only to specific ports. NIC(NETWORK INTERFACE CARD) A network card, network adapter, or NIC is a piece of computer hardware designed to allow computers to communicate...
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...Chapter 4 Threats and Attacks to a Computer Network Research shows that “threats to the computers and networks have been an issue since computers began to be used widely by the general public. Nowadays, any computer or network that is connected to the Internet is at risk” (http://infopeople.org/resources/security/basics/threats_vulnerabilities.html, 2008) There are unlimited different types of threats exists in computer networking field but in this report mainly six different common but important threats were discussed. 4. 1 Spoofing Spoofing is a technique used to hide identity of traffic originator or assume identity of trusted entity or fooling a computer into believing which actually you are not. The most common spoof is email where a hacker pretend to be a different internet address from the one you have just to gain his/her credit card no, passwords, personal information or to theft any identity. Spoofing normally involves sending many packets/messages pretending to be a real legitimate person and spoofed IPs are very hard to back track. There are many different types of spoofing, such as ▪ IP addresses, MAC addresses changing attacks ▪ Link alteration ▪ DNS server spoofing attack ▪ Content theft ▪ E-mail address changing attack 4.2 How Penetration Attack Works? Penetration attack is basically to an attempt to break the security features of a system in order to understand the system or system design and implementation. The main purpose of penetration...
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...CERTIFICATE/DIPLOMA IN IT COMPUTER NETWORKS R/601/7320 LEVEL 3 UNIT 7 GUIDED LEARNING HOURS: 60 UNIT CREDIT VALUE: 10 COMPUTER NETWORKS R/601/7320 LEVEL 3 UNIT 7 AIM OF THE UNIT This unit aims to give the learners an understanding of the key components, the network protocols and the services provided by network systems. Learners will develop skills required to ensure network security, gain an understanding to the functions of hardware and software components, the purpose, connections and connection devices and why network security is important. Networks are used not only in large organisations but in small businesses and homes. Learners will understand the types of network and the principles across LAN and WANs. They will understand the options for wired and wireless networks and the and appreciate the benefits and risks to businesses of a network. www.ocr.org.uk 2 Computer Networks Level 3 Unit 7 ASSESSMENT AND GRADING CRITERIA Learning Outcome (LO) Pass The assessment criteria are the pass requirements for this unit. Merit To achieve a merit the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to: Distinction To achieve a distinction the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to: The learner will: 1 Know types of network systems and protocols The learner can: P1 describe the types of networks available and how they relate to particular network standards and protocols...
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...micro-employing less than 6 people, medium-employing 6-9 people and small businesses-between 10 and 29 employees. In terms of activities they are mostly engaged in retailing, trading or manufacturing and education. In Ghana SMBs have been noted as the engine of growth by the National board for small scale industries through the provision of employment and income. They represent about 92% of Ghanaian business and contribute about 70% to Ghana’s GDP and over 80% to employment (Ghana statistical service 1998). Information is needed and distributed every day in businesses. Every business start with high hopes of success but with inaccurate data and the wrong means of transferring this information may lead to the sudden collapse of the business. Computer network is one tool owners of businesses can utilize to gain access to accurate information and transfer those information generated at rapid speed. Data generation, dissemination and storage are at the...
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...EENG30002/EENGM0007 Networks and Protocols - 2015 Graduates have told me that the material we're going to cover is very useful in their careers Textbook-based teaching at the request of previous students - book is available free electronically Wetherill also posts video lectures online Important to keep up with reading (200 pages) - nightmare if left until two weeks before the exam Do answer the in-class questions Visit pollev.com/mike99 and log in with your UoB username - initial password is: Networking28976 but please change it as soon as possible by visiting polleverywhere.com Lectures (screen activity & audio) will be recorded and uploaded to Blackboard soon afterwards. Support is provided via piazza.com Assessment: EENG30002: 2-hour exam in January; EENGM0007: Lab-based coursework (10%) plus 2-hour exam in January (90%) NPP Lectures 2015 Page 2 NPP Lectures 2015 Page 3 NPP Lectures 2015 Page 4 NPP Lectures 2015 Page 5 NPP Lectures 2015 Page 6 NPP Lectures 2015 Page 7 NPP Lectures 2015 Page 8 NPP Lectures 2015 Page 9 NPP Lectures 2015 Page 10 1 Networks, Protocols and the Internet Read 1.1 (esp. 1.1.3) and 1.2 Classify applications as wireless or mobile or both. Describe the attributes of Personal Area Networks, Local Area Networks, Metropolitan Area Networks, Wide Area Networks, and the Internet. https://pollev.com/mike99 Bookmark this. (a) Q1 The book says that the iPhone is an example of… Q2 A network covering the...
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...TRADEMARK LAW AND CYBERSPACE Paras Nath Singh M.Tech. Cyber Security Centre for Computer Science & Technology Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (Punjab). Abstract—Trademark law aids consumers who use trademarks in the marketplace to identify swiftly and without problems a product they liked or disliked in the past, distinguishing among the different competing manufacturers of a product. No one is entitled to sell or deliver commodities under the appearance that the commodities derive from someone else. The importance of consumer protection cannot be overemphasized and the average consumer standard should remain the central point of the inquiry, even under domain name litigation. Replacing the initial interest confusion doctrine is one decisive step, along with the introduction of a doctrine representing the fact that there should be no confusion at the point the sale, and this doctrine would intervene to allow for the capacity of the consumer to choose freely the products they want. Keywords: - trademarks; cyberspace; generic; domain names I. INTRODUCTION Trademarks have been used to designate the source or origin of products for years and a trademark is “any word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination thereof”1 used by a company to identify itself as the source of particular goods and distinguish its goods from those manufactured or sold by competitors. Section 2 of the Canadian Trademark Act2 considers “trademarks” as: * a mark that is...
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...Pengantar Teknologi Informasi Prodi Sistem Informasi UKDW Umi Proboyekti, S.Kom, MLIS JARINGAN KOMPUTER Pengantar Komunikasi awalnya bergantung pada transportasi: jalan antar kota, antar provinsi/negara bagian kemudian antar negara/benua. Kemudian komunikasi dapat terjadi jarak jauh melalui telegraf (1844), telepon (1867), gelombang radio elektromagnetik (1889), radio komersial (1906), televisi broadcast (1931), kemudian melalui televisi, dunia jadi lebih kecil karena orang dapat mengetahui dan mendapatkan informasi tentang yang terjadi di bagian lain dunia ini. Dalam telekomunikasi, informasi disampaikan melalui sinyal. Sinyal ada dua macam: 1. Digital: secara spesifik mengacu pada informasi yang diwakili oleh dua keadaan 0 atau 1. Data digital dikirimkan dengan diwakili dua kondisi saja yaitu 0 dan 1. 2. Analog: sinyal yang terus menerus dengan variasi kekuatan dan kualitas. Misalnya suara, cahaya dan suhu yang dapat berubah-ubah kekuatannya dan kualitasnya. Data analog dikirimkan dalam bentuk yang berkelanjutan, sinyal elektrik berkelanjutan dalam bentuk gelombang Televisi, telepon dan radio adalah teknologi telekomunikasi yang menggunakan sinyal analog, sedang komputer menggunakan sinyal digital untuk transfer informasi. Namun saat ini sinyal digital juga digunakan untuk suara, gambar dan gabungan keduanya. Di sisi lain, komputer yang awalnya dimanfaatkan sebagai mesin penghitung dan pengolah data, digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi sejak adanya jaringan komputer...
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...ARP: The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) plays a key role in the process of IP routing. ARP finds the hardware Media Access Control (MAC) address of a host from its known IP address. ARP maintains a cache called ARP table in which Link-layer addresses (MAC address) are mapped to network-layer addresses (IP address). How ARP works: The capture of local traffic from my home network is shown below. At my home network my Home PC (source) IP address is where as my default gateway (Home router) IP address is Findings from the Capture: Before a source sends a datagram to destination, it looks in its ARP table to check if there is a MAC address for the corresponding IP address of the destination. If there is no such entry in the ARP table, the source sends a Broadcast request to every single device on the subnet. Each device on the subnet compares the destination IP address to its own IP address. If the destination IP address match with the any of the device IP address in the subnet then only the matching IP address device gives a Unicast reply to the source with its MAC address. If the destination address is out of the subnet then the edge router (IP address of default gateway) will send a Unicast reply with its connected interface MAC address. The source then adds the destination MAC address to its ARP table encapsulates the datagram by adding header and trailer content, and proceeds to transfer the...
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