...北京新东方 GRE/GMAT 一对一课程,提分显著!咨询:010-62605555 美加研究生留学直通车 TOEFL/GRE/GMAT 冲分课程:http://bj.xdf.cn/publish/portal24/tab19365/ 请加“高智威”老师新浪微博 发邮件给高智威老师:zhiw.gao@gmail.com 咨询 GMAT/GRE 学习以及出国留学申请事宜 高智威 GRE 填空机经高频词汇 更新至 2013 年 2 月 序号 1 2 单词 preference progress 词 性 n. n. 所考含义 偏好 发展 释义 the act of preferring : the state of being preferred a forward or onward movement (as to an objective or to a goal) : ADVANCE of any of several light or medium grayish colors ranging in hue from yellow to orange simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action JOYFUL: experiencing, causing, or showing joy : HAPPY showing or characterized by condescension : PATRONIZING to look on with scorn avoiding obvious emphasis or embellishment the period of one's greatest strength,vigor or prosperity in or into conflict with PLAY DOWN, DE-EMPHASIZE to refuse to take notice of to pay no attention to : treat as unworthy of regard or notice appropriate to one's mood, inclinations, or disposition a number greater than half of a total POPULAR:of or relating to the general public ABSOLUTE:of, relating to, or being an autocracy to undermine or destroy the force, value, or effectiveness of (inflation undercuts consumer buying power) removal or lightening of something oppressive, painful, or distressing being adverse often by reason of hostility or malevolence to make evident : EMPHASIZE, STRESS 3 lurid adj. 斑斓的 4 5 6 7 8 9 10...
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...1. dialogue Definition of dialogue in English: noun conversations in a book, play, or film/movie ‘The novel has long descriptions and not much dialogue.’ --This novel has long descriptions and not much dialogue. --The novel has short descriptions and not much dialogue. 2.Plastic Definition of plastic in English: Noun A synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers such as polyethylene, PVC, nylon, etc., that can be moulded into shape while soft, and then set into a rigid or slightly elastic form: ‘A holiday rep with huge white teeth and a plastic smile’ - A holiday likes a huge white teeth and a plastic smile. - An Unforgettable travel rep with a huge white teeth and a plastic smile. 3.Fundamentally Definition of fundamentally in English: Adverb In central or primary respects: ‘Two fundamentally different concepts of democracy.’ - Two fundamentally different concepts of hobbit. - Two fundamentally same concepts of democracy. 4.oral Definition of fundamentally in English: [usually before noun] spoken rather than written a test of both oral and written French ‘He was interested in oral history ’ --He was interested in oral cultures. --She was interested in oral history. 5.flies Definition of fundamentally in English: die/fall/drop like flies (informal) to die or fall down in very large numbers ‘People were dropping like flies in the intense heat.’ --You were dropping like flies in the intense heat. --She was dropping like...
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...CHAPTER 1 HISTORY OF LANGUAGE Language is a set of symbols of communication and the elements used to manipulate them. It is one of the most important innovations of men. Language can be used in different ways for different purposes. But mostly, its primary use is for communication. Language was considered to have a “life cycle” and to develop according to evolutionary laws. In addition, it was believed that language, like the human animal, has a “genealogical tree” –that is, that each language can be traced back to a common ancestor.” Ethnologue organization, the most extensive catalog of the world’s languages, presented a detailed classified list which currently includes 6,809 distinct languages. Although there are many languages, these are not uniformly distributed around the world. Some places are more diverse in terms of distribution of languages. According to Stephen Anderson (YEAR) of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), out of Ethnologue’s 6,809, for instance, only 230 are spoken in Europe, while 2,197 are spoken in Asia. Among these 2,197 languages in Asia, 171 are spoken in the Philippines. Associated with language are the different systems of writing in the past. Hieroglyphics and cuneiform are some of them. But here in our country, alibata is the primitive form of writing. It is also known as baybayin which literally means “to spell.” It is used even before the Spaniards conquered our country. There are many languages which influenced our official...
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...On English Fast Reading of Senior Middle School Li Shengwen Thesis: This research paper is mainly about how to teach fast reading of senior middle school and some suggestions on teaching fast reading. Outline: Ⅰ.Introduction: the importance of fast reading and the concept of fast reading. Ⅱ.How to teach fast reading A. Help the students take a correct attitude toward fast reading . B. Change the student’s bad reading habits. C. Introduce some basic reading skills used to train the students’ reading speed. a. Topic and specific sentence method. b. Main idea. c. Understanding synonym and antonym of context clues. d. Drawing conclusion e. Skimming f. Scanning D. Guarantee the students’ reading quantity. Ⅲ. Some suggestions on teaching fast reading. A. Select proper reading material. B. Help the students to overcome difficulties. C. Limit the reading time. D. Help the students keep a record of reading. Ⅳ.Conclusion: Improvement on fast reading with good habits, skills and teaching methods. On English Fast Reading of Senior Middle School Li Shengwen Fast reading is a kind of basic and important skill in learning English. It is the most efficient way of improving the readers’ comprehension ability and enlarging the vocabulary. It is also a way of obtaining different kinds of information and knowledge, such as history, geography, literature...
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...covered in this section: Key Definition(s): Write the term or terms you feel are most important from this section of the book and provide their definition(s). Key Word(s): Write the key word or words from this section that you feel are most significant. My Take-Away: Write a brief statement of the new or interesting things you learned from this section. Section 2 – <Insert the topic headings from the chapter you feel Section 2 should consist of> Write a summary of the content from the book covered in this section: Key Definition(s): Write the term or terms you feel are most important from this section of the book and provide their definition(s). Key Word(s): Write the key word or words from this section that you feel are most significant. My Take-Away: Write a brief statement of the new or interesting things you learned from this section Section 3 – <Insert the topic headings from the chapter you feel Section 3 should consist of> Write a summary of the content from the book covered in this section: Key Definition(s): Write the term or terms you feel are most important from this section of the book and provide their definition(s). Key Word(s): Write the key word or words from this section that you feel are most significant. My Take-Away: Write a brief statement of the new or interesting things you learned from this section. Chapter 4 – Social...
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...“Paraphrase” is a verb which means to re-write a phrase or sentence with the same meaning but using different words. Paraphrasing is a very important skill for most English tests, including TOEFL iBT, IELTS and TOEIC Speaking and Writing. In TOEFL iBT, for instance, paraphrasing is an important skill in the reading section, in the listening section and, above all, in the speaking and writing sections of the test. Here is a quick example of paraphrasing using a phrase from the paragraph above: 1. "Paraphrasing is a very important skill for most English tests." 2. "For many tests of English, being skilful at paraphrasing is extremely important." Notice how the paraphrased version (sentence 2) changes some vocabulary (e.g., “extremely” for “very”), changes the word order (e.g., “tests of English” for “English tests”) and changes the grammar (e.g., “being skilful at paraphrasing…” for “Paraphrasing is a very important skill…”) These are the three main ways to paraphrase and by combining all of these methods, you can achieve clear and accurate paraphrased sentences. The next sections will look at these methods in more detail. Paraphrasing Method 1: Use Different Vocabulary with the Same Meaning Most students try to use this method, but actually it can be difficult to use. The reason is that although English has many synonyms such as ‘large’ or ‘big’, it is unusual for these words to have exactly the same meaning. So, if you try to use a lot of synonyms when you paraphrase, you might...
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...Complete each word to rhyme with Hint: Use the picture clues to help. ran , then say the word. 2. 1. ran 3. 4. an an Comments welcome at www.starfall.com/feedback an 1 Name Write the missing short vowel in each word, then say the word. short a cat 1. v n m p c t Comments welcome at www.starfall.com/feedback 2. 4. 6. b g h t r t 3. 5. Circle the words that rhyme. 2 Name Write these words in the correct shapes, then say the words. to 1. the 2. a and 3. is look a 4. 5. 6. Comments welcome at www.starfall.com/feedback Teacher Note: Practice with high-frequency words. 3 Word Bank man 1. hand bat ants 2. 4. 6. pants ham Read the words in the Word Bank. Write the missing letter in each word, then say the word. ham and at Comments welcome at www.starfall.com/feedback an nts ants 3. 5. 4 Name Circle the word that best completes the sentence, then write the word in the blank. 1. The rat is 2. Zac sat on a 3. The 4. The . . naps had sat sad mat pat fat can cat hat . . ran to the jam ants an pants 5 Comments welcome at www.starfall.com/feedback Name short a Circle the things that have the short a sound, then write about the picture. Use the Word Bank to help you. cat Word Bank bat jam rat hat bag ants 6 Teacher Note: Ask emergent writers to simply write their favorite short-a words from the...
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...Strategy | Description | Informal Assessment | Differentiation/ Extension | Provide examples and non-examples | Use the word in an example relevant to students. Providing non-examples requires students to evaluate a word's attributes. | Students provide their own examples and explain why something is not an example. | This can be done orally or in writing, so to differentiate, some students may do the opposite of what the task requires if it helps them. | Writing in context | 1. Students construct sentences of their own making, confirming their understanding of a new word. | Students write their own sentences on the board in a relay fashion after consulting in small groups. | Students may use more than one new word in each sentence to show connections between words. | Word Sorting | Students use a list of words from in class reading and sort them into categories such as parts of speech, titles, or animals. | The teacher can ask students to orally list all the words within one or more of the categories. | Students draw a picture to represent each category of words. | List- Group- Label | Students list all the words related to a specific concept. Then the words are grouped by commonalities. Then each group is labeled. | Students share their lists with the class and add unfamiliar words from other groups. | Create a visual Semantic Map of the words on butcher paper and post on the wall for reference. | Analogies | Students identify similarities and differences between...
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...| TEFL 4- Active with words | Home assignments | | | | Nelsi van Cleef | 2012/2013 | | Home assignment I: ICT Using ICT to teach/practice/test vocabulary http://mike.digischool.nl/ This website offers a broad range of subjects for pupils, from History, Turkish and Math, to English. The pupils can click on “Engels” and then on “oefenen”, where they can practice everything that has to do with the English language, for example reading,listening and speaking. Since this is about vocabulary they can click on “woordenschat”. In the vocabulary section they get 4 choices : woordengroepen, spreekwoorden en gezegden, schoolboeken and WRTS-lijsten. In each of these sections they can practice their vocabulary. The “spreekwoorden en gezegden” section especially appealed to me. This section gives a lot of English proverbs with the Dutch translation, by alphabet. Since there are a lot of sayings in Dutch, and the pupils probably know them, they can also learn them in English. As a teacher the teacher can write down a new proverb every day on the board and start the lesson with elaborating on this, for example: “A man’s home is is castle”. The way the teacher can elaborate on this is by putting this proverb in context, asking the pupils what this proverb may be in Dutch (Eigen haard is goud waard), and asking pupils to give an example by using it. www.freerice.com This website is a non-profit website that supports the United Nations World Food Programme...
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...Statements 1. Always start with an action word. * Good: "Responsible for leading team for classroom assignments." * Stronger: "Directed team of 3 classmates to complete assignment on time." 2. Use colorful and unique action words. * Good: "Started a new program." * Stronger: "Created and implemented a new mentoring program with 80% participation of residents." 3. Avoid wordiness and unnecessary adjectives. * "Coordinated 150 housing volunteers for the "Day In Our Shoes" program, which brings admitted students to campus for the day to learn about Scripps." * "Provided training and mentoring to first year students through superior planning." * "Organized "Teapot Exhibit" for 30 artists presenting interesting work." 4. Quantify every accomplishment – Numbers Get Noticed. * "Handled $1,000 in transactions on a weekly basis." * "Routed over 100 calls daily to an Annual Giving staff of 10." * "Planned 3 campus-wide teas per semester." 5. When various actions you took are significant to an accomplishment, put them all in one statement. * "Developed relationship with a local merchant, which increased food offerings at the student-run Motley Coffeehouse and doubled profits." * "Established recycling program in the residence halls which increased environmental awareness and decreased amount of trash by 10%." * "Researched new investment opportunities that increased the...
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...Language Education Through Multimedia Programming Learning a new language is not an overnight process; it requires time and effort on both the learner’s end as well as the educator’s end. Language acquisition is far more common than the typical American might believe. There are estimations stating as high as sixty percent of the world’s population is multilingual, meaning language education is far from a new topic (Richards 3). Although the multilingualism rates are not as high in the United States, globally multilingualism is the norm rather than the exception, both historically and presently. There are four different modes in which language is learned: listening, reading, writing, and speaking; all of which have been used since language education came to be in the early twentieth century (Richards 10). As language education has evolved alongside technology, the two have combined and resulted in a recent teaching method using multimedia programming. Many studies have been performed examining the effectiveness of language education through multimedia programs, looking specifically at the methods used amongst the variety of multimedia programs available. The ultimate goal of language education is oral proficiency, followed by reading and writing proficiency. Research on language acquisition has revealed this can most successfully be accomplished by associating unknown words with actual objects or imagery techniques; resulting in the creation of multimedia language educating...
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...Encyclopedia entries are longer and more detailed than those in most dictionaries. Generally speaking, unlike dictionary entries, which focus on linguistic information about words, encyclopedia articles focus on factual information to cover the thing or concept for which the article name stands. (Wikipedia, 2014) The word encyclopedia comes from the Koine Greek transliterated enkyklios paideia, meaning "general education": enkyklios, meaning "circular, recurrent, required regularly, general" + paideia, meaning "education, rearing of a child"; it was reduced to a single word due to an error by copyists of Latin manuscripts. Together, the phrase literally translates as "complete instruction" or "complete knowledge.".Ibid. The word encyclopedia, which to us usually means a large set of books, descends from a phrase that involved coming to grips with the contents of such books. The Greek phrase is enkuklios paideia, made up of enkuklios, "cyclical, periodic, ordinary," and paideia, "education," and meaning "general education." Copyists of Latin manuscripts took this phrase to be a single Greek word, enkuklopaedia, with the same meaning, and this spurious Greek word became the New Latin word encyclopaedia, coming into English with the sense "general course of instruction," first recorded in 1531. In New Latin the word was chosen as the title of a reference work covering all knowledge. The first such use in English is recorded in 1644. (answers.com,...
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...this poem as a reference to what he is sure will be his own death. However, as I think of this person being a professor would it be an irony that instead of being death it may talk about life as a teacher? For whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee, not to remind us of death but to remind us of our service to Mankinde. Does that bell toll for our students to get to class or does that bell toll to remind us of the commitment we made when we decided to be teachers of those students. Now that I have your attention the following information has been asked of me to be considered as I explain my plan for vocabulary instruction. Considering the fact that Karen Bromley tells us in her article Nine Things a Teacher should Know about Word that the larger the students vocabulary , the better they will read and understand the text they are reading . She starts out by telling us that the English...
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...Elementary, who came up with the word “Frindle” to use instead of the word pen with his friends. He gets the entire school to use the word and it becomes a huge epidemic across the globe. * Mrs. Granger: an older lady, whom is Nick’s fifth grade language arts teacher. She has been a teacher for over 35 years and is very stern in her teaching ways. She loves the dictionary and has it on a podium in front of the classroom. When Nick comes up with the word “Frindle” she refuses to use it. We see later though, that she is secretly doing this because she knows that Nick’s word will become very successful. * Bud Lawrence: the towns’ entrepreneur and millionaire. He owns the Dairy Queen and the McDonalds in the town. When he hears of Nick’s word, he wants to make his small idea something larger. Nick agrees to the idea, and Bud makes “Frindle” happen and it explodes across the country. Setting * In the 1980’s era in a town called Westfield in New Hampshire. There are some occasional instances in the book where Nick and the others are at Lincoln Elementary School as well as later while Nick is in college. Plot (Brief Synopsis) * A young fifth grade boy named Nick Allen, comes up with a clever idea to create a new word. His fifth grade language arts teacher has told him that words come about through history when someone uses them enough and they catch on. Nick decides he will come up with the word “Frindle” to use instead of the word pen. Nick gets every student in...
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...for essential stage to acquire new vocabulary • Encouraging interaction in the newly provided scientific terms and learning how to read them. • Divide Words in prefixes and suffixes and use word walls or t charts for that. • Reading some of the chapter paragraphs to implement the use of new words in written sentences. • Provide active participation through shifting, so all students in turn participate and learn the linguistics of words. 2. Teacher uses the important content from each lesson and incorporates it in a number of spoken and written activities, like: • Listening to how the students speak while answering activity questions and re-adjust their pronunciation. • Role model presentations to show how students can present scientific topics to each other. • Use Narrated video for scientific experiments or topics that contains a lot of terminologies with highlighting the keywords. • Use word games at end of the chapters which readily encourages spelling check and oral interaction of words. • Using summary and article writing after partnering and reflection which in turns promote sentences structures development and oral interaction. • Paraphrase any nonadjustable oral communication and show facial expressions for any misunderstood parts. Teacher assessment to oral proficiency level: Teacher can assess the student progress in oral language to decide the student’s proficiency by letting the student go through words reading loudly in reading exercises...
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