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New Worry for Home Buyers: a Party House Next Door


Submitted By abdullah1409
Words 270
Pages 2
AUSTIN, TEX. — The houses are often among the nicest on the block, or at least the biggest. They may be new construction where a smaller structure once stood, or an extensively renovated home with cheery paint in shades of yellow or blue.
But then the telltale signs appear, including an electronic touch pad on the door that makes it easy for people to get in without a key. The ads on HomeAway or Airbnb eventually confirm it: A party house has come to the neighborhood.
Some neighbors have warmed in recent years to travelers dragging suitcases through their residential neighborhoods, and they are happy that the visitors spread their money around. But when profit-seeking entrepreneurs furnish homes they do not live in to make them attractive to big groups and then rent out those houses as much as possible, parties and noise are nearly inevitable.

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A column by Ron Lieber on anything and everything that hits you in the wallet. * A Tax to Curb Excessive Trading Could Be a Boon to Returns 

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 * Steady Financial Advice, With Friendship as a Bonus 
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And so it goes here in Austin, where a group of enraged and occasionally sleepless residents have taken their complaints to the city. Austin made rules in 2012 that were meant to keep short-term rentals under control, but the neighbors argue that many of the rules are

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