There were many people that I could have chosen to interview but I decided to do a newlywed couple there names are Nicole and Josue Zamora.They have learn many things through starting their marriage. They had many things that they need to talk through to get to know one another. The first question I ask was there biggest challenge in marriage and she said it was time management. They need to learn how to make time for God, family, friends, and a job. They have many dreams that God has given them to accomplish in their life. Overtime they have been learning to wait during the process of growth, The second was they are most encourage by the word of God which helps directs their life and how to handle situations that come up in their lives. She finds strength in her spouse and the friends that speak to her in the midst of trials…show more content… She feels that they are called to do life taught and love each other in the process. She believes that she is to encourage and uplift one another during all seasons. She feels she can learn from other healthy families look like in the lives of others. She feels that as a believer they are to imitate God as they imitated Jesus. She says that when she sees a family that is filled with joy, peace, and love that it will motivate them and challenge them to do the same. She feels that her main source is reading the word of God, listening to sermons and worship. Jesus taught us how to walk like him and how love as He loves. She believes that following Jesus with her whole heart will guide her in all her relationships. She believes the Church can help by having accountability mentors and life groups that are greatly needed in churches today. She believes that all generations need people speaking and pouring into them through every area of their life. They need a place to go and to feel safe and heard knowing that they are not alone and that there is someone that can walk with