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Submitted By deliabpashley
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What do you look forward to, as you begin this educational experience and your personal search for purpose? What is your greatest fear? How can you overcome it? Write about one specific educational experience from your past where you addressed a fear and overcame it and how you succeeded in this process.
I certainly look forward to completing the RN to BSN program on schedule. As an experienced and competent RN of 12 years, my management has given me an opportunity to serve as an intermittent Charge Nurse and a Preceptor on a 24-bed surgical unit. I serve as a Charge RN to my colleagues as well as a preceptor to new hires with BSN degree. I have a good rapport and a good working relationships with my colleagues. Assuming roles a leader with ADN, gave the drive and the motivation to advance my education by obtaining my BSN degree. My employment has offered a scholarship program to any diploma and ADN who have ambitions to advance their education through the NNEI (National Nursing Education Initiatives). I took the opportunity and applied for the program which is now being processed.
My biggest fear would be a failure to complete the BSN program on schedule. I want to be a good role model and an inspiration to my 12-year old who is a 7th grader. I want to prove and set examples not just to my daughter, but to my employment, colleague and friends that failure is never an option. I’m also under a contract agreement from the NNEI who will be funding my education. Failing the program would bring defeat and embarrassment.
How do I overcome the fear? I have to start with good positive attitude by convincing myself that I’m a student now and I can do this. I set educational goal and priorities that are realistic, measurable and achievable to accomplish my 22- month program. Also communicating with GCU advisor helps alleviate the fears about online orientation. I pan to delegate time to school work every day as time allows. I will study around my work schedule without sacrificing my rest. My husband has agreed to free up some of my study time by helping with parental duties regarding our 12-year old. We have agreed to set aside family time at least
Write about one specific educational experience from your past where you addressed a fear and overcame it and how you succeeded in this process.
My educational fear in the past was during my first week off ICU orientation, I was assigned an admission from the ER of a post cardiac arrest middle aged patient who was placed on a therapeutic hypothermia. I verbalized to the Charge Nurse of being hesitant to accept the admission since I’m fresh off orientation. She told me “this would be a good experience for you”. I want to keep good positive impression to my colleague being a new nurse of my new unit and took on the mission to accept the assignment. After receiving a report, the unconscious patient arrived on our unit on a ventilator with hypothermic jacket and with multiple drips. My heart started to pound and said to myself “what am I getting into, transferring here in ICU is a mistake, and I just want to cry”. While being shaky, I took good long deep breaths. After the patient was situated the on the bed, I carried on the task according to the doctors’ orders and the protocols. I stayed in communication with my charge nurse for assistance, questions and moral support. I succeeded the patient care uneventfully on a 12 gruesome hours by working and collaborating with the charge nurse, the senior RNs as a team.

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