...Kaitlin Margaret Norris Kessler April 16, 2012 Is There Really No Child Left Behind? The No Child Left Behind Act, also known as NCLB was put into affect in 2002 by President George W. Bush. This law affects how students learn, the tests they take, and the way teachers are trained. It’s stated goal is to close the achievement gap between minority and non-minority students, between the disadvantaged and the advantaged, and between those living in poverty and those that are wealthy. After given a standardized test every year, the school is required to take different actions if their school does not improve each year such as directing a chunk of it’s funding to teacher development, giving students the option to transfer, changing it’s curriculum, or having the school shut down altogether. My claim is that we should adjust or amend the No Child Left Behind Act. No Child Left Behind’s attempt to narrow achievement gaps by ensuring that all children receive a quality education is admirable, but it is hardly realistic. Teachers would have to devote their entire time to teaching specifically just math and English. By doing that they block out any other subjects such as science, history, art, or any other important elective or subject. We should adjust the law by having less harsh punishments that way the students and teachers are not constantly stressing, and most importantly because we want to keep the students from doubting themselves academically. Some people may argue...
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...The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 is a United States Act of Congress that was originally proposed by the administration of President George W. Bush immediately after taking office. The bill, shepherded through the Senate by Senator Ted Kennedy, one of the bill's sponsors, received overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress. The House of Representatives passed the bill on May 23, 2001 and United States Senate passed it on June 14, 2001. President Bush signed it into law on January 8, 2002. The purpose and mission of the No Child Left Behind Act is to eliminate the achievement gap that exists between groups of students within our nation's schools. A glaring disparity exists in the achievement of Black, Hispanic, and students living in poverty when compared to white and more affluent students in the subjects of reading and mathematics. In 2003, 39 percent of white fourth graders scored at the proficient level in reading, while only 12 percent of Black students and 14 percent of Hispanic students scored at the proficient level in reading on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, also known as the "Nation's Report Card." No Child Left Behind stated President Bush's unequivocal commitment to ensuring that every child can read by the end of third grade. To accomplish this goal, the new Reading First initiative would significantly increase the Federal investment in scientifically based reading instruction programs in the early grades. One major benefit of this approach...
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...No Child Left Behind Charles Barr EDU 623-Introduction to Teaching and Learning Instructor: Julie-Ann Adkins No Child Left Behind The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, also known as NCLB is a US federal law that was originally proposed by President George W. Bush in 2001. The legislation funds a number of federal programs aiming at improving the performance of U.S. schools by increasing the standards of accountability for states, school districts, and schools, as well as providing parents more flexibility in choosing which schools their children will attend. Additionally, it promotes an increased focus on reading and math .The intent of NCLB is that all children will meet state academic achievement standards to reach their full potential through improved programs .People who say No Child Left Behind has made schools better often cite the premise of the law because struggling students would be brought up to the level of their peers, students would get more individual attention and other supporters point to improvements in school performance, including test scores as the reason they think the act has helped schools (Armstrong, Henson, &Savage, 2009, p.72-73) . In addition, supporters say the law makes schools more accountable because NCLB has improved teachers’ performance by giving them guidelines for performance or by establishing new requirements for teachers. There is even greater agreement about the negative effects of No Child Left Behind. Those who believe the law has...
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...No Child Left Behind: Reformed Education By: Alicia Faulk University of Phoenix June 22, 2015 Rebecca Hewett President George W. Bush signed a new education bill that may change the way you learn at school (“No Child,” 2002, p. 4). Advocates saw it as a way to hold schools accountable and provide workable standards of proficiency in education (“No Child,” 2015). Even though the No Child Left Behind Act was passed in 2001 it wasn't signed into law on January 8, 2002 (“No Child,” 2004, p. 1). The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is to ensure that all kids receive a first class education, making sure teachers are highly qualified, and the schools accountability to ensure that the children are learning by test results. The NCLB Act is aimed at improving the performance of every public school (“No Child,” 2002 p. 4). According to (Sunderman, 2009, p. 547), education is typically viewed as a state and local responsibility related to core educational functions, but the NCLB move this relationship in the direction of expanding the federal role over states, while strengthening the roles of states over local districts. While the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) is the most significant and controversial change, the government assumed a major role in education in the 1960s (Sunderman 2009, p. 546 ). The new bill also requires all states to "set high standards of achievement" for students, and forces them to come up with ways to measure student performance...
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...Policy Analysis No Child Left Behind to The Blueprint for Reform/Rise to The Top Program Frances Kaye Williams PAD 510: Into to Public Policy Analysis Strayer University Scholl of Professional Studies Thomas Walkington PAD 510 Intro Public Policy Analysis Strayer University January 27, 2014 Abstract The purpose of this research is to identify the reformation from the No Child Left behind Act that was reform from President Bush to the President Obama Blue Print for Reform Act and the Raising to the Top for Education. The research proves that the reformation of the Blue Print has greatly increased in the education of all children to indulge in a higher education. This reformation has not only help with the children but the welfare of the economy and the communities as well. The report identifies key elements of the policy and makes recommendations for future policy development identifying official and unofficial actors, interest groups, the influence of two of those actors, their influence in further development of the policy Executive Summary A substantial body of evidence has shown that past reforms have largely failed to improve schools, but The Blue Print for Reform along with the Rise to The Top Program (RTTT) has made a significant change in education. The Blueprint for Reform builds on the significant reforms already made in response to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 around four areas: (1) Improving teacher and principal effectiveness...
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...No Child Left Behind No Child Left Behind Yellow polka dotted blankets of green grass, birds chirping and green leafs on the trees, these are the ways most identify with the return of spring. However, many third through eighth grade students become aware of spring with extra math and reading classes. These students take practice tests, learn about the proper amount of sleep, and breakfast one needs prior to taking the annual standardized achievement test. Once again it is time to test what children have learned this school year, so that state and federal government can decide if children, teachers, and schools measure up to government standards. While achievement and standardized test are meant to improve the quality of education by measuring the performance of students, teachers, and schools; they hinder our children’s education. “The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, signed into law by (former) President Bush on January 8, 2002, is a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the central federal law in pre-collegiate education” (Education week, 2004, Para. 1). The NCLB was put into place to enhance the public education system in America. NCLB stipulates criteria to improve the performance of students, schools, and teachers by evaluation through annual achievement tests. Determined by the results of the standardized achievement tests, schools are rewarded money from the federal government to implement and improve their curriculum...
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...Tawanna Lovey Business Environment and Public Policy No Child Left Behind Abstract This paper will take a look at the No Child Left Behind Act. It will explore its history, its goals, intentions, methods, and measures. This paper will also look at the effect that NCLB has on the ethical behaviors and decisions, and the various effects on curriculum, students, teachers, schools, and its effect on sub-groups of students involved. Introduction In 2001 Congress passed the landmark federal law, No Child Left Behind, (NCLB). President Bush signed the law on January 8, 2002. NCLB has been the foundation of the Bush Administration’s educational agenda. The four major components of the law are stronger accountability, more freedom for states and communities, proven educational methods, and more choice for parents. One of the purposes of the law was to require schools to pay more attention to a segment of the school population specifically, minorities and poor who were being left behind. The law requires that no later then 12 years after the 2001-2002 school year every student who attends public schools shall achieve academic proficiency as determined by state tests. Literature Review NCLB measures rely primarily on indicators of performance such as large-scale assessments and other objective measures of school success. NCLB requires all states to have core academic standards, and furthermore dictates that states will need to bring all students to proficient levels...
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...------------------------------------------------- ASSIGNMENT 4: PERSUASIVE PAPER PART 2: SOLUTION AND ADVANTAGES November 23, 2014 English 215 Professor Weslea Bell Erica L. Smith November 23, 2014 English 215 Professor Weslea Bell Erica L. Smith In 2001 President Bush presented the “No Child Left Behind Act of 2001”. He wanted to emphasize equal access to education and establish high standards and accountability. While in office, President Bush intentions were good however the Act itself has raised many issues and concerns with parents. Even though we all share the common goal, which is to better educate our youth, we must look more into depth regarding the pros and cons of the “No Child Left Behind Act”. The Act hinders our children, effects the ethics and morals of the school system, and our economy (Eugene Hickok, 2002). The thesis statement is the argument of demands of the reform “No Child Left Behind” have resulted in insufficient provision and implementation of services for special needs students in “failing” schools. The “No Child Left Behind Act” affects many, but perhaps the most affected are the children. The law was enacted to improve our children’s academic achievement, yet it has hindered them. Our children go to school 180 days out of the year and in those days they are expected to learn the necessary tools to help them be successful in the next grade level and in life. The Act raises concerns because...
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...No Child Left behind Act– Final ENG 122 English Composition II August 19, 2014 The No Child Left behind Act has weakened the sense of community in the educational system, often causing a sense of hopelessness to be more obvious among disadvantaged students or neglected educational systems. Throughout the ages one theme among a populace of peoples of common mind, language and religion along with survival that has maintained its importance is education or knowledge of its peoples. People throughout the ages attained different degrees of education but its importance was vital to the survival and advancement of what once were nomadic tribes to the nation states we now know of today. Many famous philosophers liked to give their opinion on the merit of a good education, their disgust with ignorance or how education or the lack of knowledge was a powerful political tool. While ignoring the fact that an education wasn’t available to all people’s and in many parts of the world this is still the case even in the twenty-first century. Take a look at a world map, how many continents can you name? How many countries can you identify? How many of those countries speak a common language and share common ideals and values, forms of governance and religion. That wouldn’t be possible without an education or a system that at least at some basic level provided for an increase in the general of its people. The mighty and the great, the warriors and the kings, along with the humble peasant...
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...No Child Left Behind Luisa Villalba EDU623 Professor Smith November 5, 2012 The No Child Left Behind act was put in place to help better educate America’s youth. The NCLB act shines light on our education system, and how our focus needs to be on educating our children. Explore what the NCLB act was intended to do its pros and cons, and President Obama’s fight to reform NCLB. In 2001 President George W. Bush proposed a federal law known as The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). The law supports several federal programs intended to improve U.S. schools by raising the standards of responsibility for school districts, schools, and states. The law also allows room for parents to choose the schools they would like their children to attend. The NCLB act concentrates on increasing reading, and math sores nationwide. The objective of the NCLB act is that all students meet state guidelines set in hopes of students reaching their full academic potential. Funding for the NCLB act is divided into quite a few sections, or titles. For example * Title I, Part A focuses on obtaining resources for disadvantaged students. This is done by providing funding to bring qualified educators into the classroom. * Title 1, Part D ensures that children who are found to delinquent, or neglected receive quality education while in detention centers, or institutions. * Title II, Part A concentrates on bettering the quality of teachers, and principals. This title...
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...The response to intervention (RTI) process is a 5 week process to evaluate students. If a student is underperforming in the classroom, that student may need additional support, including a student with a learning disability. The RTI evaluation process is objective and therefore beneficial to identify the academic, social, and behavioral challenges of underperforming students. First of all, the students that benefit are the ones that do not have a disability but may need additional support to perform to standards in the general education classroom. Secondly, the approach is different than the original IQ-achievement, because it identifies students with learning disabilities who may be able to perform to standards with proper support. The RTI process has been successful and, because of its success, its use has been expanding since 2004. The RTI process is so successful because of the simplicity, its inherent coordinated organizational structure and the common sense that it allows in addressing underperformance. There are 5 elements of an RTI framework. First there is the prevention and intervention tier. Every student is different and therefore there are three tiers available for those with and without disabilities. The first tier is a high-quality, universal general education program that uses good teachers to teach in general classrooms. Interventions take place when students do not meet the requirements and/or expected growth. These underperforming students receive supplemental...
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...Has President Bush’s “No Child Left Behind Act of 2001” policy achieved the desired socioeconomic leverage for the people of color in America? Introduction The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was enacted by President George W. Bush to give socioeconomic leverage to the people of color in America. The Act which was successfully passed by the U.S. Congress in 2001, sought to make quality elementary and secondary education accessible to disadvantaged students, particularly, the children of color people. The Act is an upgrade of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) passed during President Lyndon Johnson’s time in office in 1965 to help states create a leveled field for children living in poverty. The primary goal of the Act was to...
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...The No Child Left behind act was signed into law by President George W. Bush on January 8th, 2002. It was designed to improve student achievements and to help schools and parents work together to create educational solutions for struggling students. The act focuses mainly on standards, accountability, parental options, and to close the achievement gap between low-income and minority students and their peers. The act was designed to provide all children in the public school system with an equal opportunity to obtain a better education. Bush said, "The fundamental principle of this bill is that every child can learn, we expect every child to learn, and you must show us whether or not every child is learning." The No Child Left Behind act set...
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...|No Child Left behind Act: | | | |The impact on school personnel | | | |11/20/2012 | | | Table of Contents ________________________________________________________________________ Executive Summary 2 What is the No Child Left Behind Act? 3 What are the repercussions of not following this Act? 3 How the Act affects Teachers? 4 How the Act affects higher personnel? 5 The positive of the Act 8 Executive summary During Bush’s first term, he passed an education law to implement new, tougher testing standards as well as requirements for accountability on the states. Basically each year students have to improve better than last year’s students ultimately making the goal of 100% passing of the standardize tests a reality. This law is called the No child Left Behind Act. Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) is how the U.S. Department of Education determines the performance of every public school and school district in the country academically...
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...No Child Left Behind Stephanie Smith EDU623: Introduction to Teaching and Learning Instructor: Benjamin Kirgan February 4, 2013 In 2001, the United States government enacted what we now know as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. This education act was designed to ensure that no child regardless of economic status, or race would all receive the same high quality education that they deserve. The No Child Left Behind Act main focus was accountability for schools. Each state had to follow strict standards and if they did not meet those standards each year they would be required to correct the areas where they failed and in a timely manner or lose funding from the government. The No Child Left Behind Act also requires that teachers must be “highly-qualified”, this means that teachers are required to pass state exams and have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree to be a teacher, they must also demonstrate their abilities to teach in the subject they are hired for. There are many views on this subject but I feel that the No Child Left Behind Act is an important part of our children’s educational process but needs some improvement. I firmly believe that all children deserve a quality education and that schools get treated differently based on the neighborhood that they are in. All schools should be treated equally and each school should have the same books and equipment as to make them equals in the educational process. Many people feel that...
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