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Non Consequentialist Torture

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Should Torture of Terrorist be Allowed? :
Philosophical dilemma.
In this discussion I will present the issue of why one should accept torture of terrorist as a morally permissible act. However, In order to understand much of the debate of this topic, it is important to understand the two common philosophical ways of thinking in this great discussion. On One hand there is the consequentialist view which states that moral acts are right and wrong in light to the circumstances and consequences of promoting a greater good; which in this case would involve torturing terrorist as a means to a greater good; thus, the phrase means-to-an-end (Encyclopedia of Philosophy). On the opposite side there is the non-consequentialist approach which involves one to act out pure duty; for instance, slavery would have still been wrong even if the …show more content…
Such approaches would involve the understanding that torture can have different moderations and not necessarily involving deep severe pain. Or as the study of Mirko Bagaric and Julie Clarke states that torture can have different "intensities" and is subject to what bagaric and Clarke call the "five variables" which state: 1) how many lives are at risk? 2) The immediacy or time lapse that the harm will occur. 3) The availability of other means to acquire information 4) the level of wrongdoing of the agent 5) the probability the terrorist does have relevant information (Sartris 295). Moreover, other approaches may involve the use of modern technology such as polygraph test to exam the probability that the suspected subject does possess the information needed. As a final point, torture can certainly not be considered evil or barbaric when used under ethical and appropriate

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