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Submitted By rspe0004
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Pages 2
Wesfarmers is one of Australia's largest employers and has a shareholder base of approximately 500,000.
Over 200,000 employees Revenue | 62,348 | 59,832 | 58,080 | 54,875 | 51,827 | Total liabilities | 13,740 | 17,133 | 16,685 | 15,485 | 14,542 | Operating cash flows | 3,226 | 3,931 | 3,641 | 2,917 | 3,327 |
Underlying sales revenue was up 4 per cent to $32 billion.
The Coles supermarket chain saw earnings (before interest and tax) increase 7.1 per cent to $895 million
Bunnings earnings increased 10 per cent to $618 million, while Officeworks earnings were also up 10 per cent to $50 million.
Why did you choose this company? What do you know about the company and its business? (Include results of your research)
Wesfarmers limited is one of Australia’s largest organisations, this is respectively due to its 200,000 employees, international operations and shareholder base of approximately 500,000. Wesfarmers Ltd has ownership of several of Australia’s and New Zealand’s largest organisations, these include but are not limited to Coles, Officeworks, Bunnings, Target, Kmart, NZ Safety and Safety Source.
During the last reporting period the Coles supermarket chain saw earnings (before interest and tax) increase 7.1% to $895 million. Similar to the increase in earnings of Coles are home improvement giants Bunnings who have reported an earnings increase of 10% to $618 million. An increase of 10% was also seen with office suppliers Officeworks who also reported a 10% increase in earnings to $50 million.
As a result of these figures and the projected finances of Wesfarmers Ltd it is a obvious decision to invest in this ever growing organisations.

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...ESSAY This is an essay. I don't know why I need to post an essay which I haven’t got. Anyway, my essays point is that you should take down this thing where you have to donate your essay in order to sign up so that u can try it only once just to see if this website is helpful enough. And because I have only written 67 words so far and your weird system needs 250 words, I will just copy and paste the same paragraph over and over again. Bye x This is an essay. I don't know why I need to post an essay which I haven’t got. Anyway, my essays point is that you should take down this thing where you have to donate your essay in order to sign up so that u can try it only once just to see if this website is helpful enough. And because I have only written 67 words so far and your weird system needs 250 words, I will just copy and paste the same paragraph over and over again. Bye x This is an essay. I don't know why I need to post an essay which I haven’t got. Anyway, my essays point is that you should take down this thing where you have to donate your essay in order to sign up so that u can try it only once just to see if this website is helpful enough. And because I have only written 67 words so far and your weird system needs 250 words, I will just copy and paste the same paragraph over and over again. Bye x This is an essay. I don't know why I need to post an essay which I haven’t got. Anyway, my essays point is that you should take down this thing where you have to donate...

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Essay MSc, MA & MBA Distance Learning In Business, Management & Finance! College Essay Essay Editor College Application Form KLE Medical College Essay Writing Ads Uk colleges Apply Online Today. 100s of courses in UK for International Students. Tips for the Personal Essay Options on the Common Application Avoid Pitfalls and Make the Most of Your Personal Essay By Allen Grove Important Note: The Common Application is changing on August 1st, 2013! The tips and sample essays below will still provide useful guidance for the new Common Application, but be sure also to check out these Tips for the 5 New Common Application Essay Prompts. The first step to writing a stellar personal essay on your college application is to understand your options. Below is a discussion of the six essay options from the Common Application. Also be sure to check out these 5 Application Essay Tips. Option #1. Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you. Note the key word here: evaluate. You aren't just describing something; the best essays will explore the complexity of the issue. When you examine the "impact on you," you need to show the depth of your critical thinking abilities. Introspection, self-awareness and self-analysis are all important here. And be careful with essays about the winning touchdown or tie-breaking goal. These sometimes have an off-putting...

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