Free Essay



Submitted By sunmonutoyosi1
Words 747
Pages 3
DLD 211
24TH OCTOBER, 2014
“Leadership is the ability to influence a group people in a way that is desirable to a certain goal that is needed to be achieved” I resumed work on Monday the 20th of October in Dorcas hall, I was posted to the reception to work with the Hall officials, and my first day was really glorious. When I got there, I was asked to sign in and write the time I wanted to spend for that day, after that, the hall officials did a brief introduction to us the students that were present at that time. The hall officials were able to receive us warmly and they ensured that we were comfortable. We were been briefed about what we were meant to do. The first work I did was familiarization, it had to do with been able to ensure that student were alright and had no challenge with their rooms, roommates and also their health. On that day, I was assigned to go to c400 floor for familiarization, I was able to ask question about the students’ health, if they were okay, if they had electrical challenges and also room challenges, some rooms were locked due to the fact that some students had gone for classes. After the familiarization, I went back to the reception were I was expected to give the Hall Officials feedback about the familiarization. I was able to announce people’s names when they had visitors and also make necessary announcements that needed to be passed across to the students. I was able to work for four hours on Monday. On the second day which was on the 21st of October, I resumed by 1.30pm to my duty post. By this time I was already familiar with some things. We had a discussion forum with the hall officials and they told about the processes that are involved in exeat. If a student wants to take bank exeat, he or she will have to sign out from the hall after the hall official has stamped the exeat slip which will be given to the student to fill before leaving the hall, after the exeat slip hall has been filled; the student is allowed to go. Collecting of bank exeat starts in the morning by 9.00am and ends by 12.00pm, for the afternoon session, the bank exeat starts by 1.00pm and ends by 2.00pm, anything after this time, the exeat will not be given. For Day exeat, a letter has to be written before the student will be allowed to go; the letter has to be written a day before the student wants to go out of school; the reason for going out of school has to be stated in the letter. After the letter has been approved, the student will be given exeat to go and will be asked to sign out in a book and when the student comes back, she will have sign in and day exeat closes by 12.00pm. For home exeat, students are expected to write a letter and submit; the exeat starts from Monday and closes on Wednesday by 12.00pm. Students are expected to write their purpose for going home and also their parent’s number for the purpose of security. After this has been done, the exeat are then been taken to the exeat office by the hall officials for approval. After approval, students come to the reception to check for their exeat if it has been approved and I was able to do this. In the reception, I observed that there is a book called the hand-over book where the hall officials were expected to sign out when their shift was done for the day and allow the next officials to take over for the rest of the day. We were also expected to check he dress codes of students to ensure adequate compliance in their dressings.
Working in Dorcas hall was a wonderful experience and I can also say that it was worth the effort. I used to think being a hall official was just a very easy but after my experience, it was clear to me that it was not as rosy as I had thought. I totally believe that Leaders are made not born, you can always train yourself to be the future you want to see, Thank you.

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