...NT1210 Unit 4 Labs Unit 4 Labs NT1210 8/4/14 Unit 4 Labs Lab Review: 4.1 – Page: 82 and 83 1. To eliminate the crossover issue, lower the amount of equipment and cost. Simplify a network. 2. To increase the maximum distance for a signal. If put after the maximum distance the signal may degrade. 3. The connection and processing speed. It also depends on the number of connections the computer or laptop will allow. Lab Review: 4.2 – Page: 85 1. A. Bend Radius: The minimum radius that a fiber optic cable can be bent without loss of light or impairment. A general rule that it be no less than 15 times the cable diameter B. To not affect a signal sent down the line. 2. The core/Glass Filament, Cladding, Buffer, Strengthener and Outer Jacket. Lab Review: 4.3 – Page: 90 1. Ease of installation, lack of certified fiber optic specialists and changes to the physical design of the network later on. 2. By limiting the devices needed depending on the distance and need of each network. Verify the number of access points needed before the start. Lab Review: 4.4 – Page: 95 1. By selecting a specific layer and testing the health you can definitively say the problem lies either below or above that layer. Example: test the Transport layers health if it is ok you know the problem is in the Application layer. 2 A. B. If the cable is damaged in any way it should be checked. -----------------------...
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...NT1210 Lab 3 3.1.1 If wireless devices where not governed by the Wi-Fi alliance it would make it hard to communicate hardware and software between different machines. That would mean cable providers, cellphone providers, and internet providers would all have to use their own Wi-Fi frequencies. Without the WI-FI alliance it would be to hard to manage day to day life with all devices not being able to share hardware and software. Also there would be no real security so it would be easy for someone to hack all of your information. 3.1.2 A model that is used to visualize something that I would use is power points. It is easier to explain something to someone when you break down the information into slides and show key points. Power points make information easier to understand. 3.1.3 Data Link Physical Application Network Transport 3.1.4 If the model is to general then you wouldn’t understand it. If the model is to granular then the data would begin to overlap itself. Review.3.1 1. The data wouldn’t be filtered correctly so there would be connection errors. 2. (OSI) started in the 1970s, with a lot of progress on individual standards in the 1980s, and with vendor products appearing by the early 1990s. It was created to compete with TCP/IP. It broke everything into layers and each layer provided facilities to the layer above it and below it. 3. (TCP)/IP resulted from research and development...
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...NT1210 INTRO TO NETWORKING UNIT3 LAB3.3 The TCP/IP Model Mr. Randy Vogl Gus Perez 19593003 The TCP/IP network model Exercise 3.3.1 What are the distinct differences between OSI and TCP/IP models? TCP refers to Transmission Control Protocol. OSI refers to Open Systems Interconnection. Model TCP/IP is developed on points toward a model the internet. TCP/IP has 4 layers. OSI has 7 layers. TCP/IP more reliable than OSI OSI has strict boundaries; TCP/IP does not have very strict boundaries. TCP/IP follow a horizontal approach. OSI follows a vertical approach. In the application layer, TCP/IP uses both session and presentation layer. OSI uses different session and presentation layers. TCP/IP developed protocols then model. OSI developed model then protocol. TCP/IP offers support for connectionless communication within the network layer. In the network layer, OSI supports both connectionless and connection-oriented communication. TCP/IP is protocol dependent. OSI is protocol independent. http://www.differencebetween.net/technology/internet/difference-between-osi-and-tcp-ip-model/ Read more: Difference between OSI and TCP IP Model | Difference Between | Difference between OSI vs TCP IP Model http://www.differencebetween.net/technology/internet/difference-between-osi-and-tcp-ip-model/#ixzz3f4nyPzTU TCP/IP model protocols and functions. Exercise 3.3.2 Identify the layer in which each protocol resides according to the TCP/IP model. Using figure 3.4 from the Lab...
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...ip address classes and special-use ip address space IP Addresses Classes and Special-Use IP Address Space Samuel Abraham ITT Technical Institute NT2460 Mr. Taylor 6/25/2013 Class A Addresses Class A addresses are used for very large networks with millions of hosts, such as the Internet. A Class A network number uses the first 8 bits of the IP address as its network ID. The remaining 24 bits make up the host part of the IP address. The value assigned to the first byte of a Class A network number falls within the range 0 to 127. For example, consider the IP address The value 75 in the first byte indicates that the host is on a Class A network. The remaining bytes, 4.10.4, establish the host address. An RIR assigns only the first byte of a Class A number. Use of the remaining 3 bytes is left to the discretion of the owner of the network number. Only 126 Class A networks can exist because 0 is reserved for the network, and 127 is reserved for the loopback device, leaving 1 to 126 as usable addresses. Each Class A network can accommodate up to 16,777,214 hosts. The 10.x.x.x network is reserved for use by private networks for hosts that are not connected to the Internet. If you want to assign a Class A network and you are not visible on the Internet, you can use one of these network addresses. Class B Addresses Class B addresses are used for medium-size networks, such as universities and large businesses with...
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...c/ Exercise 6.2.2 ITT ITT Technical Institute The information that given on the command line is it shows all your information on the router you have and it shows you in details. Its allows you to see in-depth allowing your to see information on your router. Lab 6.2 Review Its bad to have lots of wireless network around you cause it could cause lag around you it depend on the people. The standard allows having speed and it allows you to have a better connection. Lab 6.3:WLAN Router Configuration Exercise 6.3.1 It uses IP addresses because it allows to config your setting easier and it would allow you to customize your setting. Exercise 6.3.2 The router auto assigns the IP addresses when you first start using the router. It shows you how the setting gets lock but you could unlock them to change those settings. Exercise 6.3.3 The IP config show you everything you need to know from your IP address and your gateway and basically it shows you your networking. Lab 6.4 : WLAN Placement Exercise 6.4.1 The placement in the homes is important and directional is it has to be right so it can work properly so it can have the right connection so it can work right. Exercise 6.4.2 The type of antennas its using is that has to be in the right direction so it can spread the wireless connection in an area. Lab 6.4...
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...1. B. 2. C, D. 3. A, C 4. B, D 5. B, C. 6. A, B. 7. D. 8. B. 9. C. 10. B. 11. C. 12. A. 13. C. 14. B, D. 15. A. 16. A, D. 17. B, C. 18. B, C. 19. B. 20. A, B and C. Key Terms for Chapter 3 TCP/IP network: NetWare operating system software that includes a set of drivers having an interface with MLID/ODI drivers at the bottom layer, and an interface with the Berkeley-socket application program interface at the top layer. Networking standard: Network Standards refer to a series of definitions for data & voice networks and are published by IEEE and ISO. Network standards define how networks are supposed to run in relations to architecture, electrical, interface and overall process standards. TCP/IP Model: Is maintained by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Provides end-to-end connectivity specifying how data should be formatted, addressed, transmitted, routed and received at the destination. Development of the networking model was funded by DARPA, an agency of the United States Department of Defense. Open networking model: Like TCP/IP purposefully shares the details that any vendor can make products using those standards. Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model: Uses 7 layers, with layers 1 through 4 matching layers 1 through 4 on TCP/IP’s model. Encoding: A set of rules used to represent characters or values in an alternative format. Header: Information at the beginning of a data packet. Header typically includes addressing...
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...Unit 10 Multiple choice 1. C 2. A, B, E 3. A 4. D 5. B, C 6. A, B, C 7. C, D 8. A, C 9. D 10. A 11. A 12. B 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. B, C 17. C, D 18. A .19. C 20.B, D Define key terms Transmission control protocol- a set of rules (protocol) used along with the Internet Protocol to send data in the form of message units between computers over the Internet. User datagram protocol- a communications protocol that offers a limited amount of service when messages are exchanged between computers in a network that uses the Internet Protocol. Flow- a directed graph where each edge has a capacity and each edge receives a flow. TCP segment- The unit of transfer between the TCP software on to machines UDP datagram- part of the Internet Protocol suite used by programs running on different computers on a network. Source port- the port from which a packet is sent. Destination port- Identifies the port number of a destination application program. Well-known port number- the port numbers that are reserved for assignment by the Internet Corporation for assigned names and numbers for use by the application end points that communicate using the Internet's transmission control protocol or the user datagram protocol. Dynamic port- is a private port. TCP segmentation- TCP receives data from an application and segments the data into pieces. This segmentation is necessary so that the information can be placed inside the TCP data field. Guaranteed...
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...An operating system is the framework that allows you to communicate with computer hardware in an interactive way (Answers Corporation, 2013). Without this, you would not be able to tell the computer to do anything and it would not have any instructions to follow (Answers Corporation, 2013). This is why it is important for a computer to have an operating system (Answers Corporation, 2013). There are three main operating systems Windows, Mac, and Linux. When it comes to popularity and market share the most popular operating systems are Windows and Mac. Linux is an operating system that is popular with desktop users (HubPages, 2013), According to HubPages, “Windows is the Operating System with the largest market share. However, this doesn’t make it the best when it comes to quality and consistency as it is constantly marred with problems of viruses and malware (HubPages, 2013).” It usually had an affordable price tag at first, but the consumer is charges extra items like soft wear and anti-virus expenses that add up (HubPages, 2013). Linux is usually thought as a less effective than Mac and Windows, however it does offer many software programs that are similar to the Windows and Mac programs for free (HubPages, 2013). All three computer operating systems have Intel processors that make them unique. According to Pearson Certification Team, “Macintosh computers have Intel processors, they are not PCs. Likewise, the Mac OS is not compatible with PC hardware, and PC- based operating...
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...NT1210 FINAL EXAM EBOOK INSTITUTE DECEMBER 11, 2014 Nt1210 Final Exam eBook Institute NT1210 FINAL EXAM DOWNLOAD: NT1210 FINAL EXAM Getting Nt1210 Final Exam is easy and simple. Mostly you need to spend much time to search on search engine and doesnt get Nt1210 Final Exam documents that you need. We are here to serve you, so you can easily access, read and download its. No need to wasting time to lookup on another place to get Nt1210 Final Exam. We provide you Nt1210 Final Exam in PDF format so you can read and download its to your computer which this file are safe and virus free. You can read this document with Adobe Acrobat or other PDF Reader. We have massive collection of documents, books, eBook and pdf files including that you are looking Nt1210 Final Exam. To access this you just need to signed up and complete its through website to open your limited access for documents that you needs. So what do you waiting for? DOWNLOAD: NT1210 FINAL EXAM Nt1210 Final Exam 2 Nt1210 Final Exam eBook Institute Final Exam Nt1210 http://ebookinstitute.net/..../final-exam-nt1210.pdf Read or Download final exam nt1210 Online. Also you can search on our online library for related final exam nt1210 that you needed. You can download PDF Document such final exam nt1210 for free ... Download Filetype: PDF | Last Update: 2014-12-11 Final Exam Nt1210 Itt Tech http://ebookinstitute.net/..../final-exam-nt1210-itt-tech.pdf Read or Download final exam nt1210 itt tech Online. Also you can...
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...Exploring Why and When to Use Shell Scripts Lab 4.4 Lab 5.1 The condition | True or False | attAverage >= verizonAverage | True | tmobileAverage == 868 | True | verizonAverage < sprintAverage | False | sprintAverage != attAverage | True | attAverage = 1410 • sprintAverage = 795 • tmobileAverage = 868 • verizonAverage = 877 Lab 5.2 The condition | Expected Output | If tmobileAverage > 800 AND verizonAverage > 800 Then Display “Both have average download rates over 800” Else Display “One or both of the averages are less” End If | Both have average downloads rates over 800 | If sprintAverage == 800 Then Display “Sprints download rate is 800” End If | No Output | If attAverage >= 1300 OR tmobileAverage >=900 Display “Select either carrier” End If | Select either carrier | Lab 5.3 Main Module( ) Declare Integer testScore = 0 Declare String category = “ “ Declare String interview = “ “ getScore(testScore) employCat(testScore, category) interviewPoss(testScore, interview) displayInfo(testScore, category, interview) End Main Module getScore(Integer Ref testScore) Display “Enter the test score: ” Input testScore End Module Module employCat(Integer testScore, String Ref category) If testScore >= 85 then category = “Definite” Else if testScore >= 70 and testScore < 85 then category = “Likely” Else if testScore >=60 and...
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...Unit 10 Assignment 1: 1. Which of the following lists a need of transport layer protocols that can be met by the TCP/IP network layer protocol? C 2. Which of the following answers list a need of application layer protocols that can be met by the TCP/IP transport layer protocol?(choose three answers.) A,B,E 3. Which of the following answers lists a service provided by an application layer protocol to the application? A 4. A user opens email client software on her tablet computer after connecting to the Internet. The user successfully downloads her latest email. Another student happens by and starts spouting off about how the first student has been using. Email,POP3,IP,TCP,HTTP,802.11 and other acronyms all just to check email. The first student just stares at this second student, but it does cause the first student to wonder. Which of the following answers accurately describes where some of these features are implemented on the tablet? D 5. A user of a tablet computer goes to a coffee chop and connects to the internet through a wireless LAN. The user then connects to the web server somewhere far away in the internet. Which of the following statements are true about the messages that flow from the tablet’s web browser towards the web server? (Choose two answers.)B,C 6. Which of the following answers accurately describe the size of the TCP,UDP, and IP headers, assuming that the headers include no additional optional field?(Choose three answers.)A,B,C 7. When thinking about...
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...Izaak Cook NT 1210 Intro to Networking Unit 1. Lab 1.2: Binary Math and Logic Exercise 1.2.1 1 0 0 1 + 1 1 0 Binary 1111 = 15 Decimal 2. Exercise 1.2.2 1 1 0 1 0 1 Binary 1011 = 11 Decimal 3. Exercise 1.2.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Binary 1110 = 14 Decimal 4. Exercise 1.2.4 100 2 OR 011 2 = 111 = 7 5. Exercise 1.2.5 111 2 AND 100 2 = 100 = 4 6. Exercise 1.2.6 NOT 1001 2 = 0110 2 = 6 Exercise 1.2.7 1010 2 + 10 2 = 1100 2 + 10 2 (= 2) = 1110 2 Exercise 1.2.8 If one of the values being added is 11112, then the result will be the same as the other value being added. Exercise 1.2.9: 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Using the OR operator, what is the result of 11002 OR 11112? What can you conclude about using OR on any value with a string of 1s? What value can you use with an OR operator to preserve the other input number in the logical equation? When using a string of 11112 the result will be the same using 111121.2 review 1. Determine the result of 100100002 + 11011102. Show the mapping that you created to solve this addiTon problem. 100100002 11011102 111111104 = 254 decimal 2. Determine the result of 110011002 AND 111111002. Show the mapping or truth table that you created to solve this addiTon problem. 110011002 111111002 1.3 Exercise...
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...Chapter outline: * Sending bits with electricity and copper wires * (AC) (AC) Sending bits with light and fiber-optic cables * Frequency Amplitude Phase Frequency Amplitude Phase Sending bits with radio waves and no cable Electrical Current – the amount of electricity that flows past a single point Electrical Current – the amount of electricity that flows past a single point Sending voiceand data from mobile phones through wireless wan Data: amplitude and phase shift Sending voiceand data from mobile phones through wireless wan Data: amplitude and phase shift Direct Current (DC) – flows in one direction. Alternating Current (AC) – changes direction over time. Direct Current (DC) – flows in one direction. Alternating Current (AC) – changes direction over time. Creating Circuits using Network Cable Creating Circuits using Network Cable Sending Bits with Radio Waves and No Cables (Wireless) Sending Bits with Radio Waves and No Cables (Wireless) Sending Data over Electrical Circuits Sending Data over Electrical Circuits Flexible cord with an outer plastic cover ( jacket) that holds wires (conductor). Flexible cord with an outer plastic cover ( jacket) that holds wires (conductor). -Bit rate over 1 circuit -Encoding bit over 1 circuit -Sending bits over multiple circuits -Bit rate over 1 circuit -Encoding bit over 1 circuit -Sending bits over multiple circuits SENDING BITS (DATA) USING ELECTICITY, CABLES, RADIO WAVES...
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...Standard Wiring Pinouts From: http://www.alatec.com/info/other.html | Standard wiring for an RJ11 or RJ12 connector, pairs are made from inside out. Pair 1 is the Blue pair, Pair 2 is the Orange pair, Pair 3 is the Green pair. | | 568A is used for a lot of Ethernet cables. It is one of the two most widely used standards. If you wire both ends of your cable using 568A, you’ll have a straight-through cable usable for most Ethernet applications. Wiring a cable with 568A on one end and 568B on the other will result in a crossover cable for connecting two hubs together, or two computers together. | | 568B is the most widely used standard for Ethernet cables. If you wire both ends of your cable using 568B, you’ll have a straight-through cable usable for most Ethernet applications. Wiring a cable with 568A on one end and 568B on the other will result in a crossover cable for connecting two hubs together, or two computers together. | | USOC RJ45 standard is not as widely used but is an acceptable standard for wiring Ethernet. It uses the two center pins for pair one, with subsequent pairs placed to the outside of each previous pair. Usually used for straight-through cables. | | Copyright © 2008 CP3, Inc. | CAT5e Straight-Through Cable Creation Guide Before you begin creating your CAT 5e straight-through (patch) cable, it’s important to point out that the method outlined here is only one method. It is by no means the only or best method. Also, make sure you have all the necessary...
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...NT1110 Computer Structure and Logic Unit 8 Assignment Windows 10 has many new things added to its program that make it way easier and faster to navigate and look for stuff such as files, apps, games, or even look at your emails. Windows 10 is a single platform and what that means is that with Windows 10 you have the same layouts as you do on smartphones, tablets, and PCs. Windows 10 has a start menu like all the older model computers, Windows 8 did not have a start menu so it made it harder for people that were not technologically inclined to search for files, pics, apps or other stuff. The return of the start menu for Windows 10 makes it easier for people to navigate around the computer and find what they are looking for with ease. With Windows 10 you can create multiple desktops which means that at start up you can have a file for work and keep all your work assignments saved on that file and a file for just playing and keep all your apps, games, pictures and music on that one. Windows 10 now comes equipped with Cortana; Cortana is an app on your desktop that you can click on and you can speak to it she’s kind of like an assistant, Cortana can help you find anything or help you with anything. Some Improvements that they made to Windows 10 that are better than those one Windows 8 are the improved command prompt which helps you to tell the computer what to do, you just type it into the computer and it will do it. The app store on Windows 10 is more unified than it is on Windows...
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