...Complete Name: Unit 3 Student Name: Emerson, D'Shelia J ********************************************************************************************************** 1. Recruitment, Examination, and Selection ********************************************************************************************************** 2. What are the various forms of examinations used in screening employees for public employment? Student Answer: Before one is adequately considered qualified for a job in public service the following examinations are carried out as assessments of minimum qualifications requirements;Evaluations of training aspects, education, qualifications, and experience. This is a test of how learned one is, where they have worked before...
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...record for audit provides complete information about the transactions and items of data that shows who has access to the network and what they are doing at a given time, where it may be used for security to recover lost data. We have audit trail software that helps track the source Manager (Beal, n.d.) . 2. Explain local area computer network performance issues. Currently, the vast majority of the population have access to the systems in homes and at their workplaces. Due to the increase in use, this is the reason why the network speed is slow also raising questions of hackers. 2.1 Describe how response times are affected for the following a) Speed of devices: The speed of the computer network depends on the number of devices connected to the network and their download and upload speed will be also very depending on how close you access point. It might also depend on the production on what components were used to build the hardware. And use and works faster than others and some slow. If the device is a high speed, then the response time will be high, and vice versa (Mitchell, n.d.). b) Bandwidth of transmission line: The response time depends on the distance between the client and the server, so the further away from each other, the longer it will take for the data transfer. ISPS can also be the difference if we add any meetings between ISP devices reduces the response time (Aidan Finn, n.d.). c) Queuing at nodes: the queuing process represent the term first come...
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...to not show up, in which case you can change the default ordering to allow alert rules to be applied before Pass rules. 2. If we only went to a few web sites, why are there so many alerts? Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) monitors and gathers information through log files by sniffing packets. This information is analyzed for possible intrusion attempts. NIDS uses NIC’s running in promiscuous mode to capture and analyzed raw packet in real time (Pollock, 2014). Snort is a rule base system design to monitor different traffic patterns with a sophisticated detection engine that can analyzed and pinpoint attacks at real-time. Depending on the type of site, a security specialist analyzes can present a lot of traffic or very little traffic. 3. What are the advantages of logging more information to the alerts file? The advantage of logging more information from alert files gives security and network admin more information about possible attacks and weak points on a network. Snort can use third party Log Parser to manage Intrusion detection logs. Two convert snort log files into a text format. Admin can use the following command: output alert csv: alert.csv default (Managing Snort Alerts,). The logs can be customized by the admin. 4. What are the disadvantages of logging more information to the alerts file? More information is great but, if that information is compromised this would leave a network vulnerable to any insider or hacker to sell or used this information for their...
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...collection? 1. CPU 2. Optical storage 3. Optical scanner 4. Light pen 5. None Ans: 3 2. Which among the following is an electro mechanical handheld device? 1. Mouse 2. Monitor 3. ALU 4. CPU 5. None Ans: 1 3. Which among the following utilizes light sensitive detector to select objects on display screen? 1. Mouse 2. Barcode reader 3. Monitor 4. Light pen 5. None Ans: 4 4. Which among the following devices takes voice as input? 1. Speakers 2. Microphone 3. Light pen 4. Control unit 5. None Ans: 2 5. Which among the following is the most important output device as people interact with it directly? 1. Monitor 2. Mouse 3. Keyboard 4. Track ball 5. None Ans: 1 6. Which among the...
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...1 UNIT III. SUPPORT, LOCOMOTION, DIGESTION AND EXCRETION Part 1. Biochemistry of the Bone Chemical and Cellular Composition of the Bone 1. Bone is a mineralized connective tissue, consisting of the following components: Organic (______________) Inorganic (________________) • Mostly Type I _____________ • Its noncollagen components are: o _____________________ o _____________________ o Bone _____________ o _____________________ • _____________________ [Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2] • • _____________ and _____________ 2. Osteoclasts are responsible for __________________ bone. a. They _______________ the matrix to release _____________ (_____________,_____________) into the blood. b. Its apical ruffled membrane border contains: H+-translocating ATPase • Expels...
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...A&P Regrades 4. a)This is correct because the basement membrane is where a cell attaches to a “lining”, so the basement membrane will always be outside the normal cell membrane as it is not a part of the actual enterocyte or keratinocyte cell. 7. b)This is correct because the working muscle gets hot and the blood that is being pumped into the muscles are cooler than the muscles themselves, so blood flow into the working skeletal muscle will cool the muscle back down. 8. b)This is incorrect because the rate of transport will only increase if there is a concentration gradient. If there is not gradient, there will not be an increase of transport, so more Glut-4 doesn’t always increase uptake. 11. a) This is incorrect because if there is more glucose ingested, the Glut-2 would allow glucose to be absorbed into the bloodstream, signalling insulin to be secreted. b)This is correct because the concentrated glucose can be taken in by Glut-2, causing a rise in blood glucose. Although, there would be more glucose uptake if there was dietary sodium because more sodium would mean more activity with SGLT-1, causing more glucose to be absorbed into the blood than just GLUT-2 uptake. d)This is incorrect because more glucose ingested would mean more glucose can be absorbed and moved into the bloodstream, causing more glucose to be in the blood rather than less. 12. c)This is correct because insulin resistant cows will have more blood glucose because the glucose will not uptake. If there...
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...Analyze three (3) specific potential malicious attacks and / or threats that could be carried out against the network and organization. Browser attacks Browser based attacks are the most common network attack. They try to trick internet surfers into downloading malware that is disguised as a software application or an update. Cyber criminals also target popular operating systems and applications by employing an exploit. This can be a piece of data or a series of commands that takes advantage of vulnerability in the system. An attack as such can put the network at risk. Browser attacks can download many different types of viruses which can cause system crashes and data loss. This can be avoided by regular updates to both the browser and related...
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...I used the causes of the problem (the thorns of the root cause diagram) to complete the RPN format and identify the 5 causes that have the greatest impact on the overstock problem. 1. What is the difference between a. and a. Wrong inventory count. 2. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Lack of space in the WH for new material. 3. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Production interruptions. 4. What is the difference between a.. Material trespassing supply routes (aisles). 5. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Shortage of staff. Based on the top 5 causes, some countermeasures were suggested. For the wrong inventory count, the Logistical Coordinators could propose to make a material inventory at the beginning and end of each working shift; check the workers backpacks and uniforms to ensure that any material is being stolen; perform an audit on the packaging instructions of the materials to make sure there haven’t been made any changes that could affect the number of materials on the pallets that arrive to the plant and finally, perform an audit to the label of the new providers of material to prevent having to make a claim to the supplier and cause the shipment to be lost....
Words: 473 - Pages: 2
...1) A set S is a/an__________ collection of distinct homogenous elements. a) Common b) Well defined c) Unordered d) Ordered Answer: c Hint: 2) Bag is a unordered collection of homogenous elements, but the elements are not__________. • Common • Well defined • distinct • Ordered Hint: Bag is a unordered collection of homogenous elements, but the elements are not distinct. 3) In set implementation: Possible data structure include...
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...The gown should not be worn more than once and once the gown is removed, perform hand hygiene before leaving the environment. iii. Facemask – if there is a possibility of contact with respiratory secretions, sprays of blood or body fluids, a facemask should be worn. Goggles, shoe covers, and barrier gowns may be worn when wearing a facemask if there is a potential for a spray of blood, respiratory secretions or other body fluids. 3. III.C.7. Identify Center for Disease Control (CDC) regulations that impact healthcare practices. a. The CDC has created a checklist that will assess an employee’s commitment to infection prevention and to make sure that the facility has policies and procedures in place. This checklist also checks to make sure that there are adequate supplies available to prevent infections at the site. There are also specific hand hygiene guidelines and guidelines for disinfection of endoscopes (Kinn’s p 394, 401). i. This checklist includes: 1. Administrative Policies and Facility Practices 2. Surveillance and Disease Reporting 3. Hand Hygiene 4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 5. Environmental Cleaning b. In order for Rosa to prevent cross contamination of infectious materials among patients, herself and staff members, she must follow what the CDC recommends regarding adequate hand hygiene. Rosa should wash her hands with antimicrobial soap and warm running water for a minimum of 15 seconds before donning her gloves. Alcohol hand rubs must be used before...
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...between a'smart' and a'smart'? What is the expected amount of money that can be used to carry out the project? 3. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? How will the success of the method for keeping track of inventory be measured? 4. What is the difference between a.. Does the ABC School District have the right IT technology in place to support a complex system for keeping track of inventory? 5. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? What kind of information needs to be kept track of in the inventory system (e.g., tech equipment, records of upkeep, delivery...
Words: 442 - Pages: 2
...plane handles the packets transiting the router among the networks it serves. • The data plane handles the actual network traffic. 3. List two ways you can provide physical security for a router. Answer: There are different ways to provide physical security for a router are shown below. The room that contains the router should be free of electrostatic or magnetic interference. It should have controls for temperature and humidity. If continuous operation of the router is critical, an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) should be installed and spare components kept on hand. 4. List three services you should block at a border router. Answer: The below table shows the services that should be completely blocked by a typical border router. Services to Block Completely at a Border Router Port (Transport) Servie 1 (TCP & UDP) tcpmux 7 (TCP & UDP) echo 9 (TCP & UDP) discard 11 (TCP) systat 13 (TCP & UDP) daytime 5. List two strategies that could be applied to mitigate Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on a router? Answer: There are three primary strategies for combatting DoS attacks, Mention below. 1. Prevent malicious traffic from entering the common network from the enterprise network. 2. Configure and deploy local protective measures, at both border and interior routers. 3. Coordinate protective measures against distributed DoS attacks with network access providers and/or backbone administrators. 6....
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...The simulation was performed to study the performance of both IPTV and VOIP over the LTE networks. We used the OPNET simulator 17.5 Modeler to examine the behavior of IPTV and VOIP over LTE networks in the real time domain with reasonably accurate emulation of multiple network topologies. Different thirty of scenarios have been designed in our simulation as shown in Tables 1 up to 4 and their simulated results were accumulated to analyze the effect on overall performance and all of results are monotonically and stable without any resonance. 7.2 Network Topology The network topology consists of application configuration that we accessed our application of video and voice transmission through it, profile configuration that we defined our simulated application to each LTE mobile node, LTE configuration that we accessed all required network parameters through it (i.e. In our simulation it will use physical layer mode as an efficiency mode) and seven cells in each cell LTE mobile SS nodes are located at a certain distance from LTE BS as shown in Fig.6. This network will receive a video and voice streaming signal over IP networks such that LTE BS can access it at a certain transmission power and distance between it and the other base stations and SS in the network in the same coverage area through the accessed network. 7.3 Different schemes Based on LTE Networks 7.2.1 Distance Variation The strength of the transmission signals is a critical issue that affects directly on the quality...
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...CORNERSTONE OVERVIEW PRIOR KNOWLEDGE (Before the Unit) Students will need content knowledge about how to classify and describe rocks, how rocks are used by people, and the rock cycle and how rocks are formed. They will need to research this information for their chosen rock of study and apply it to their short poem and timeline included in their pamphlet. If students are choosing to create a pamphlet about marble, for instance, they will need to understand that this rock is classified as a metamorphic rock and is often used for sculptures and countertops. Students will also need to describe the rock cycle in order to successfully create a timeline that demonstrates how marble is formed. Students will also need to practice fluency and creative expression skills. Specifically, students need to be able to read accurately, at an appropriate pace, and with meaningful expression. Teachers will want to use the exemplars provided in this cornerstone to support students in applying previous knowledge and skills to this project. PLACEMENT WITHIN THE UNIT Before:...
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...system database. On the other hand, if we decrease security level, this will cause that there will be false acceptance in some verification processes and at the same time there will be no matching between user data and any data stored in database and not belong to him/ her. Also there will be privacy problem because of the development of technologies, people can't trust that there biological identities is secured all the time. Biological identities can be used in police crime unit to identify criminals and threats by verifying the attributes. (Robert Gellman, 2013), (L. JEAN CAMP, 2004) Digital identity of a person is all the digital data which belong to that person. Digital identity can be used to identify any individual by creating it on any system. Digital identity is processing faster than biological identity. Digital identity can be created not only for humans but also for business, organizations, devices, software and any object. Digital identity can be traced among some techniques. In police crime unit they trace digital identities of cybercrimes and also they use it to ensure the accessibility to their systems only for the authorized users. (OECD, 2011) ...
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