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Nt1330 Unit 5 Assignment

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We now need to demonstrate how this statement is used by use of a program. Just open your text editor and then create a new file. Save the file with a name having a “.scala” extension. Add the following code to the file: object TestProgram { def main(args: Array[String]) { var a = 50; if( a == 20 ){ println("The value of A is 20");
}else if( a == 30 ){ println("The value of A is 30");
}else if( a == 50 ){ println("The value of A is 50");
println("None of the conditions was met");
After adding the code, just save the file and then run it. Observe the output that you get and then observe the output that you get. It should be as follows: The program worked effectively as we have initialized our variable “a” to 50. If you modify …show more content…
It should be as follows: Again, the loop has been executed until it has found to be violating the test condition. Suppose the test condition was found to be false. Let us modify the above program to the following: object TestProgram { def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Declaring our local variable: var x = 50;

// executing the do loop do{ println( "The value of x is: " + x ); x = x + 1;
}while( x < 5 )
The value of variable “x” should be less than 5 but we have initialized it to 50. Just run the program and observe the output. It will be as follows: The reason for the above output is that the loop was executed once before the test condition was evaluated.
The “for” Loops
This type of loop lets the programmer to execute a certain part of code a certain number of times. The number of times the loop is to be executed is always specified inside the loop. This loop takes various forms which we will discuss in this chapter.
“for” Loop with Ranges
It is the simplest “for “ loop which is supported in Scala and it takes the following syntax: for( var a <- Range ){

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