...shows the server split when the number of users exceeds the value of Umax. The servers are identified by their local hosts. The following table is generated by having Umax = 20 for each server. Hence, when the 21st user enters the group in a server, the user is automatically allocated to the next server. (i.e.) The users from 1 to 20 are present in the server 1 with the local host 8180 and the next incoming users are directed to the next server identified with the local host 8280. Similarly, when the users leave from the group dynamically the servers balances their load dynamically by merging with the other servers having less number of users. The Fig.3 shows the variation in time for communicating the information to various numbers of users in a secured manner. From the Table 3, it is clear that the time varies proportionally to the increase in the number of users. In this paper a Master key management algorithm is proposed and a key tree is generated by the users at the leaf nodes. The loads of the key server are balanced with split and merge server approach such that performance...
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...AD FSMO Role Management: Alternate Methods Dear Junior Admin. Well it seems you have a complicated decision on your mind “what tool for the job?” I have decided its best for you to decide on your own which tools you prefer to work with, although I can ease the pain of the decision by providing insight on each of the tools you have at your fingertips. DCDIAG – is a command line tool that analyzes the state of domain controllers in a forest and shows any problems to help with trouble shooting. There are many useful commands with this tool, much too many to include in this simple letter, but there are plenty of locations on line that provide the commands with descriptions for use. NTDSUTIL – is another command line tool that manages facilities for Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and the lightweight version (AD LDS). This tool can be used for database maintenance of AD DS, control and manage single master operations, and remove metadata left by domain controllers that had been improperly uninstalled. This tool has many commands that would cause this letter to become undesirably long so Google is your best bet to find them with descriptions. MMC Snap-ins – is a graphical interface that hosts administrative tools for managing your networks, special tools can be created here for administrative tasks. It basically allows you to build your own tools with the standard user interface. This tool will probably be your best bet to begin with, but don’t shy...
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...have one domain controller (not recommended), there is nothing to do since all roles must be on this server, but if you have multiple servers you should move some of theese roles on to more servers. It is also important to be aware of what servers are Global Catalog servers, especially if you have more than one domain and even if only one domain, they will be prefered by applications like Exchange server. It is recommended to place the forest roles on one Domain Controller (DC) and the domain roles on another server. If not all Domain Controllers are Global Catalog servers, it is also important to place the infrastructure master on a server that is NOT a Global Catalog server. Recommended Best Practice setup of FSMO roles. Domain Controller #1 Place the two forest roles on this server. * Schema Master * Domain Master Domain Controller #2 Place the domain roles on this server. * RID Master * Infrastructure Master * PDC Emulator If more domains exist in the forest, place the domain roles on a server in theese domains like Domain Controller #2 Global Catalog configuration. In Windows 2008 Active Directory all Domain Controllers are by default Global Catalog servers, personally...
Words: 10360 - Pages: 42
...NT1330 Unit 7. Exercise 1. AD OU Planning Scenario Review the following scenario: As an IT Administrator, you have been tasked with designing an Active Directory Domain Organizational Unit Structure for a new AD implementation at an existing organization. You are scheduled to meet with the management team and need to formulate a list of questions you will need answered in order to recommend an OU Structure appropriate to the organization. Develop a list of 5-10 questions to guide your design plan. 1.) How is the existing structure of the organization? 2.) How many departments will there be? 3.) How many sub-departments will be needed? These questions will help in documenting the existing structure of the organization so as to divide the administrative tasks into categories and document the administrators who are responsible for each category. Also, these will define the hierarchy of authority in the directory as well as what departments the company will have. 4.) What are the company’s physical/geographical sites? This will address the issue of different geographical divisions which will probably have different computer management needs. The design will be based on management of resources, users and geographical boundaries. This will make the administration easier. 5.) How many OUs will be needed within each Parent OU? 6.) Will departments need to share resources? 7.) What resources are required by each department? 8.) What group policies to be implemented and who’s...
Words: 331 - Pages: 2
...aspects of typical network server functions. Client-Server Networking I Syllabus Where Does This Course Belong? 1st QTR GS1140 NT1110 GS1145 Problem Solving Theory Computer Structure and Logic Strategies for the Technical Professional 2nd QTR NT1210 Introduction to Networking NT1230 Client-Server Networking I MA1210 College Mathematics I 3rd QTR NT1310 NT1330 MA1310 4th QTR PT1420 NT1430 EN1320 5th QTR PT2520 NT2580 EN1420 6th QTR NT2640 NT2670 CO2520 7th QTR NT2799 SP2750 Physical Networking Client-Server Networking II College Mathematics II Introduction to Programming Linux Networking Composition I Database Concepts Introduction to Information Security Composition II IP Networking Email and Web Services Communications Network Systems Administration Capstone Project Group Theory The follow diagram indicates how this course relates to other courses in the NSA program: 1 Date: 8/31/2012 Client-Server Networking I Syllabus NT2799 NSA Capstone Project NT2580 Introduction to Information Security NT2670 Email and Web Services NT2640 IP Networking PT2520 Database Concepts NT1330 Client-Server Networking II NT1230 Client-Server Networking I NT1430 Linux Networking PT1420...
Words: 1834 - Pages: 8
...Belong? This course is required in the associate degree program in Network Systems Administration and associate degree in Mobile Communications Technology. The following diagrams indicate how this course relates to other courses in respective programs: Network Systems Administration NT2799 NSA Capstone Project NT2580 Introduction to Information Security NT2670 Email and Web Services NT2640 IP Networking PT2520 Database Concepts NT1330 Client-Server Networking II NT1230 Client-Server Networking I NT1430 Linux Networking PT1420 Introduction to Programming NT1110 Computer Structure and Logic NT1201 Introduction to Networking NT1310 Physical Networking CO2520 Communications SP2750 Group Theories EN1420 Composition II EN1320 Composition I GS1140 Problem Solving Theory GS1145 Strategies for the Technical Professional MA1210 College Mathematics I MA1310 College Mathematics II Networking Technology Courses Programming Technology Courses General Education/ General Studies 1 Date: 7/18/2011 IP Networking Syllabus Mobile Communications Technology MC2799 MCT Capstone Project NT2640 IP Networking MC2560 Mobile Wireless Communication I MC2660 Mobile Wireless Communication II MC2665 Mobile...
Words: 2573 - Pages: 11
...if lost. Table of Contents Syllabus 2 Student Professional Experience 19 Graded Assignments and Exercises 23 Labs 47 Documenting your Student Professional Experience 57 ITT Technical Institute NT1310 Physical Networking Onsite Course SYLLABUS Credit hours: 4.5 Contact/Instructional hours: 56 (34 Theory Hours, 22 Lab Hours) Prerequisite(s) and/or Corequisite(s): Prerequisites: NT1210 Introduction to Networking or equivalent Course Description: This course examines industry standards and practices involving the physical components of networking technologies (such as wiring standards and practices, various media and interconnection components), networking devices and their specifications and functions. Students will practice designing physical network solutions based on appropriate capacity planning and implementing various installation, testing and troubleshooting techniques for a computer network. Where Does This Course Belong? | | | NT2799 | | | | | | | | NSA Capstone | | | | | | | Project | | | | | NT2580 | | | NT2670 | NT2640 | | PT2520 | | Introduction to | | | | | | | | | | | Email and Web | | | | | Information | | | | IP Networking | | Database Concepts | | | | | Services | | | | | Security | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NT1330 | | | NT1230 | NT1430 | | PT1420 | | Client-Server | | | Client-Server | | | Introduction to |...
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...ITT TECHNICAL INSTITUTE NT1310 Physical Networking GRADED ASSIGNMENTS ------------------------------------------------- Student Professional Experience Project NSA SPE Project 1 (to be completed by the end of NT1310): Install, Configure, Test, Maintain and/or Document the Worksite Local Area Network and Its Components Purpose The purpose of the Student Professional Experience (SPE) project is to provide you an opportunity for work experience in your field or in a related field to add to your résumé. You may have an opportunity to serve your community or work for a local employer for a project that will take between 20 and 30 hours. Project Logistics Career Services will identify an employer with needs in the following areas: Network related tasks (mostly confined to the LAN and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 environments) Students are expected to practice various skills discussed in all the technical courses in Quarters 1 through 3 of the NSA program at an employer’s site on network related tasks (more confined to the LAN and Microsoft Windows Networking with Server 2008 environments) that would involve installation, configuration, testing, maintenance and documentation of the worksite network and its components, and to properly document the technical information in all involved activities. Such documentation will be used as the source material for Items 2 and 3 defined in the Deliverables section of this document. Possible example projects could...
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