Disk Quotas using : Ubuntu
The first step would be to open the Terminal application.
To install the quota tools, you need to use the apt-get install commands.
[sudo apt-get install quota quotatool]
Next you need to edit and add the usrqouta and/or grpquota options to the mount point which has the home directories. To do this, we need to add them via Gedit, or Nano text editors. Ion my example, I am using gedit.
[sudogedit /etc/fstab]
Once Gedit is open, you must add the usrquota and grpquota privileges to the drive. You locate the drive in gedit and after –ro, you would add
[,usrquota,grpquota] and then save the file in Gedit.
I want to now go back to the root folder.
[cd /]
I now need to make a couple empty files to house the quota information.
[sudo touch .quota.user /quota.group]
Next I would change the permission to allow the root have read and write capabilities, and limited permissions to the users and the group.
[sudochmod 600 /quota*]
I will now dismount and remount the file system so the new settings could take effect.
[sudo mount –o remount /]
Note that it is now mounted with usrquota and grpquota.
To prepare the filesystem to implement user specific quotas, I need to run the quota check command.
[a= all files systems in /etc/mtab |v= verbose, display extra information |u= only user quotas listed in /etc/mtab | g= only group quotas listed in /etc/mtab |m=don’t try to remount the file system]
Finally to turn quotas on.
[a= all files systems in /etc/fstab |v= verbose, display extra information |u= only user quotas listed in /etc/fstab | g= only group quotas listed in /etc/fstab]
Disk quotas have now been set to on for all users and groups.