...Unit 2 Lab Procedure ***IMPORTANT: Read the lab procedure completely before beginning. Reading for Next Week Chapter 11 and 12 in Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux Exercise 1: Virtual Library research Search and explore the ITT Tech Virtual Library for resources on bash. Use the following keywords and phrases to help you locate appropriate resources: * bash scripts * bash history * the bourne shell * bourne again shell * commands in Linux Required Resources Access to the Internet Access to ITT Tech Virtual Library Submission Requirements * Students bring to class the following: * one printed copy of one pertinent resource found through the ITT Tech Virtual Library * one printed copy of one pertinent resource found through the Internet * Students should be prepared to share and discuss one or two critical points from each resource with classmates. * After small group discussion, students will hand in the printed copies of resources for a pass/fail grade. (print an extra copy for yourself to take notes on and keep.) The resources must pertain to the given topic to receive a passing grade. * Note: If the resource shared is a full website or tutorial, you can just print the lead page that gives key information about the content of the resource. (cont’d) Exercise 2: Accessing the man Pages 1. Start the primary system and log in as the regular none-privilege user 2. Read...
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...ITT Technical Institute IS3340 Windows Security Onsite Course SYLLABUS Credit hours: 4.5 Contact/Instructional hours: 60 (30 Theory Hours, 30 Lab Hours) Prerequisite(s) and/or Corequisite(s): Prerequisite: NT2580 Introduction to Information Security or equivalent Course Description: This course examines security implementations for a variety of Windows platforms and applications. Areas of study include analysis of the security architecture of Windows systems. Students will identify and examine security risks and apply tools and methods to address security issues in the Windows environment. Windows Security Syllabus Where Does This Course Belong? This course is required for the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Security program. This program covers the following core areas: Foundational Courses Technical Courses BSISS Project The following diagram demonstrates how this course fits in the program: IS4799 NT2799 IS4670 ISC Capstone Project Capstone ProjectCybercrime Forensics NSA NT2580 NT2670 Introduction to Information Security IS4680 IS4560 NT2580 NT2670 Email and Web Services Hacking and Introduction to Security Auditing for Compliance Countermeasures Information Security Email and Web Services NT1230 NT1330 Client-Server Client-Server Networking I Networking II IS3230 IS3350 NT1230 NT1330 Issues Client-Server Client-Server SecurityContext in Legal Access Security Networking I Networking II NT1110...
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...ITT Technical Institute NT1230 Client-Server Networking I Onsite Course SYLLABUS Credit hours: 4.5 Contact/Instructional hours: 56 (34 Theory Hours, 22 Lab Hours) Prerequisite(s) and/or Corequisite(s): Prerequisite or Corerequisite: NT1210 Introduction to Networking or equivalent Course Description: This course introduces operating principles for the client-server based networking systems. Students will examine processes and procedures involving the installation, configuration, maintanence, troublshooting and routine adminstrative tasks of popular desktop operating system(s) for standalone and network client computers, and related aspects of typical network server functions. Client-Server Networking I Syllabus Where Does This Course Belong? 1st QTR GS1140 NT1110 GS1145 Problem Solving Theory Computer Structure and Logic Strategies for the Technical Professional 2nd QTR NT1210 Introduction to Networking NT1230 Client-Server Networking I MA1210 College Mathematics I 3rd QTR NT1310 NT1330 MA1310 4th QTR PT1420 NT1430 EN1320 5th QTR PT2520 NT2580 EN1420 6th QTR NT2640 NT2670 CO2520 7th QTR NT2799 SP2750 Physical Networking Client-Server Networking II College Mathematics II Introduction to Programming Linux Networking Composition I Database Concepts Introduction to Information Security Composition II IP Networking Email and Web Services Communications Network Systems Administration Capstone Project Group Theory The follow diagram indicates how this course...
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...| Unit 2: Lab 1: Managing Files | | Week 2 Assignments | | Unit 2: Lab 1: Managing Files | | Week 2 Assignments | NT1430 / Bowser Linux networking September 25, 2013 By: Cuneo, Thomas NT1430 / Bowser Linux networking September 25, 2013 By: Cuneo, Thomas Unit 2: Lab 1: Managing Files CH 6, Lab 1: Managing Files 1. [Denise@localhost ~]$ mkdir Unit2 2. [Denise@localhost ~]$ cd Unit2 [Denise@localhost Unit2]$ mkdir memos reports 3. [Denise@localhost Unit2]$ cd [Denise@localhost ~]$ touch memo.one [Denise@localhost ~]$ touch memo.two [Denise@localhost ~]$ touch memo.three [Denise@localhost ~]$ touch report.jan report.feb report.mar 4. [Denise@localhost ~]$ cp memo.one Unit2/memos 5. [Denise@localhost ~]$ cp memo.two Unit2/memos/memo.2 6. [Denise@localhost ~]$ mv memo.three Unit2/memos ((I removed the forward slash & it worked. Not sure if it is correct or not, but I am going to continue anyway…..)) [Denise@localhost ~]$ mv memo.three/Unit2/memos mv: missing destination file operand after `memo.three/Unit2/memos' Try `mv --help' for more information. [Denise@localhost ~]$ mv memo.three /Unit2/memos mv: cannot move `memo.three' to `/Unit2/memos': No such file or directory [Denise@localhost ~]$ mv memo.three/Unit2/memos mv: missing destination file operand after `memo.three/Unit2/memos' Try `mv --help' for more information. [Denise@localhost ~]$ mv memo.three/Unit2/memos.3 mv: missing destination file operand after `memo.three/Unit2/memos...
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...ITT Technical Institute NT2640 IP Networking Onsite Course SYLLABUS Credit hours: 4.5 Contact/Instructional hours: 56 (34 Theory Hours, 22 Lab Hours) Prerequisite(s) and/or Corequisite(s): Prerequisites: NT1210 Introduction to Networking or equivalent Course Description: This course explores network design and implementation by applying the TCP/IP protocols to provide connectivity and associated services. Planning and deployment of network addressing structures, as well as router and switch configurations, are also examined. IP Networking Syllabus Where Does This Course Belong? This course is required in the associate degree program in Network Systems Administration and associate degree in Mobile Communications Technology. The following diagrams indicate how this course relates to other courses in respective programs: Network Systems Administration NT2799 NSA Capstone Project NT2580 Introduction to Information Security NT2670 Email and Web Services NT2640 IP Networking PT2520 Database Concepts NT1330 Client-Server Networking II NT1230 Client-Server Networking I NT1430 Linux Networking PT1420 Introduction to Programming NT1110 Computer Structure and Logic NT1201 Introduction to Networking NT1310 Physical Networking CO2520 Communications SP2750 Group Theories EN1420 Composition II EN1320 Composition I GS1140 Problem Solving Theory GS1145 Strategies for the Technical Professional MA1210 College Mathematics...
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...Networking Onsite Course SYLLABUS Credit hours: 4.5 Contact/Instructional hours: 56 (34 Theory Hours, 22 Lab Hours) Prerequisite(s) and/or Corequisite(s): Prerequisites: NT1110 Computer Structure and Logic or equivalent Course Description: This course serves as a foundation for the study of computer networking technologies. Concepts in data communications, such as signaling, coding and decoding, multiplexing, circuit switching and packet switching, OSI and TCP/IP models, LAN/WAN protocols, network devices and their functions, topologies and capabilities are discussed. Industry standards and the development of networking technologies are surveyed in conjunction with a basic awareness of software and hardware components used in typical networking and internetworking environments Introduction to Networking Syllabus Where Does This Course Belong? This course is required for the associate program in Network System Administration and the associate program in Electrical Engineering Technology. The following diagrams demonstrate how this course fits in each program. Associate Program in Network Systems Administration NT2799 NSA Capstone Project NT2580 Introduction to Information Security NT2670 Email and Web Services NT2640 IP Networking PT2520 Database Concepts NT1330 Client-Server Networking II NT1230 Client-Server Networking I NT1430 Linux Networking PT1420 Introduction to Programming NT1110 Computer Structure and Logic NT1210 Introduction...
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...Networking Onsite Course SYLLABUS Credit hours: 4.5 Contact/Instructional hours: 56 (34 Theory Hours, 22 Lab Hours) Prerequisite(s) and/or Corequisite(s): Prerequisites: NT1110 Computer Structure and Logic or equivalent Course Description: This course serves as a foundation for the study of computer networking technologies. Concepts in data communications, such as signaling, coding and decoding, multiplexing, circuit switching and packet switching, OSI and TCP/IP models, LAN/WAN protocols, network devices and their functions, topologies and capabilities are discussed. Industry standards and the development of networking technologies are surveyed in conjunction with a basic awareness of software and hardware components used in typical networking and internetworking environments Introduction to Networking Syllabus Where Does This Course Belong? This course is required for the associate program in Network System Administration and the associate program in Electrical Engineering Technology. The following diagrams demonstrate how this course fits in each program. Associate Program in Network Systems Administration NT2799 NSA Capstone Project NT2580 Introduction to Information Security NT2670 Email and Web Services NT2640 IP Networking PT2520 Database Concepts NT1330 Client-Server Networking II NT1230 Client-Server Networking I NT1430 Linux Networking PT1420 Introduction to Programming NT1110 Computer Structure and Logic NT1210 Introduction...
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...ITT Technical Institute NT1310 Physical Networking Student Course Package Bring this document with you each week Students are required to complete each assignment and lab in this course package on time whether or not they are in class. Late penalties will be assessed for any assignments or labs handed in past the due date. The student is responsible for replacement of the package if lost. Table of Contents Syllabus 2 Student Professional Experience 19 Graded Assignments and Exercises 23 Labs 47 Documenting your Student Professional Experience 57 ITT Technical Institute NT1310 Physical Networking Onsite Course SYLLABUS Credit hours: 4.5 Contact/Instructional hours: 56 (34 Theory Hours, 22 Lab Hours) Prerequisite(s) and/or Corequisite(s): Prerequisites: NT1210 Introduction to Networking or equivalent Course Description: This course examines industry standards and practices involving the physical components of networking technologies (such as wiring standards and practices, various media and interconnection components), networking devices and their specifications and functions. Students will practice designing physical network solutions based on appropriate capacity planning and implementing various installation, testing and troubleshooting techniques for a computer network. Where Does This Course Belong? | | | NT2799 | | | | | | | | NSA Capstone | | | | | | | Project | | | | | NT2580...
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...A Practical Guide to Fedora™ and Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®, Sixth Edition Lab Manual Mark G. Sobell Upper Saddle River, NJ • Boston • Indianapolis • San Francisco New York • Toronto • Montreal • London • Munich • Paris • Madrid Capetown • Sydney • Tokyo • Singapore • Mexico City Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters or in all capitals. The author and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this book, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information or programs contained herein. The publisher offers excellent discounts on this book when ordered in quantity for bulk purchases or special sales, which may include electronic versions and/or custom covers and content particular to your business, training goals, marketing focus, and branding interests. For more information, please contact: U.S. Corporate and Government Sales (800) 382-3419 corpsales@pearsontechgroup.com For sales outside the United States, please contact: International Sales international@pearson.com Visit us on the Web: informit.com/ph Copyright © 2012 Mark G. Sobell All rights reserved...
Words: 38351 - Pages: 154