NUPE13 One-Stop Coffee Shop
The following paper will focus on the start up of a coffee shop named Nupe13 One-Stop Coffee Shop. This paper will provide the project scope and management aspects of starting the coffee shop. The paper will successively present the steps required for starting the coffee shop, starting with an analysis of the target segment of customers and the coffee shop’s specific features, continuing with the project’s objectives and other specific issues, like project scope management, methods for ensuring the project’s success, the project’s scheduling and communication management, as well as several recommendations aiming at presenting some ideas that will lead to the coffee shop’s success on a short and long term basis. The reason I chose to write on the Project management of opening a coffee shop is because I have a knack for running my own business and a coffee shop would be a prevalent business to become successful in. Opening a coffee shop will give me multiple opportunities to market the business on a regional platform, with plenty of reference materials, and information to create a successful marketing objective. The basic services of the new coffee shop will include offering all kinds of coffee, satisfying any customer, from simple customers to very sophisticated ones. Additional services refer to chocolate, which is considered by some to be going hand in hand with coffee. Therefore, the new coffee shop will also sell chocolate, combining these two items that are quite vital for some.
The location of the coffee shop should be the following: the first location should be in a very crowded area, for example: next to certain colleges, office spaces, and particularly in the downtown area. If the first location of the coffee shop proves to be successful, it is recommended that