|Define: |Identify how nurses demonstrate this value. |Discuss how you demonstrate this |
| | |value. |
|Altruism: according to psychologyandsociety .com. |The AACN (2007), states that examples of|I demonstrate altruism by giving full|
|Altruism is helping behavior that is motivated by a |altruism are: the nurse displays |attention to the client when giving |
|selfless concern for the welfare of another person. |comprehension of ethnicity, philosophy, |care. I assist other personnel in |
|Only selfless helping is considered altruism. |and viewpoints of other people; defends |providing care when they are unable |
| |patients, especially the most at risk; |to do so. I also try to think from |
| |will advocate on the part of patients |the patient’s and patient’s families |
| |and co-workers; and teaches many other |point of view when I am giving care |
| |individuals in their field without |or educating them on an issue. |
| |complaint. | |
|Autonomy: According to |Nurses demonstrate autonomy by |I demonstrate the principle of |
|http://www.enotes.com/code-ethics-nurses-reference/c|respecting the clients’ right to decide |autonomy by respecting the client’s |
|ode-ethics-nurses |and protect those clients who are unable|individual liberty. An example is |